Raft Temperance Ice Island: All Activities You Can Do

A comprehensive guide on Temperance Ice Island in the Final Chapter of the famous survival game known as Raft.

Every island in Raft is jam-packed with content, and Temperance Island is no exception. However, at sea, you’ll have to face a Man-Eating Shark. Make sure to stay away from it, or you probably won’t ever reach a safe island. That Shark is strong enough to end your playthrough in Raft, so beware!

Additionally, Raft combines crafting and building mechanics into its gameplay. However, you’ll need to use your hook to catch materials for crafting. Not only can you build in Raft, but you can also dive into the sea that you’re navigating. To top it all off, Raft also allows you to cook and farm in the game.

Key Takeaways
  • The final chapter of the game introduces three new locations: Varuna Point, Temperance Ice Island, and Utopia.
  • Complete Varuna Point to gain access to Temperance Ice Island.
  • The coordinates for Temperance Ice Island are 0457. Ensure you have enough food and water for the journey.
  • Locations to explore on Temperance Ice Island include the First Radio Tower, Igloo Village, Observatory, and Radiation Station.

How To Reach Temperance Ice Island

To reach Temperance Ice Island:

  1. Explore Varuna Point to unlock the island completely.
  2. Find the Crane Key upon entering Varuna Point.
  3. Use the key to access the next building.
  4. Utilize a zipline to reach the Lowest Office.
  5. Retrieve a note containing the island’s coordinates (0457).
  6. Return to your raft and select the path to Temperance Island.
  7. Prepare surplus food and water for the long journey.
  8. Navigate through snowy weather and ice manually near the island.

Things To Do in Temperance Island

We will now discuss different locations and what you need to do on these locations in Temperance Island. Everything will be explained in detail, from arriving on the island to reaching the reactor.

First Radio Tower

raft radio tower
Radio Tower on Temperance Ice Island in Raft

As soon as you arrive on Temperance Island, a Radio Tower is the first thing that will greet you. Radio towers are the source of Electrical Cables in this location. These cables are very important to collect on Temperance Island, as you’ll need them to unlock one of the major locations.

You’ll have to explore the whole map and look for electrical cables in different towers scattered around the map. Once you obtain your first electrical cable, you’ll also receive a Snowmobile which will help your traversal in Temperance Island.

snowmobile raft
Snowmobile on Temperance Ice Island in Raft

Locating the Igloo Village

temperance igloo image
Igloo Village on Temperance Ice Island in Raft

To locate the Igloo Village, search for a cluster of houses and domes. These structures will be locked and without power initially.

To unlock the village, connect all structures with electrical cables to restore power. Focus on powering up the central area of the village first. Once completed, all buildings will unlock.

After unlocking the village, scavenge for resources and important items. Look for a Blueprint detailing how to construct an Advanced Biofuel Refinery, requiring Titanium. Additionally, find a Blowtorch on the second floor of one of the buildings.

Locating the Observatory

Getting to the observatory should be next on your to-do list after you’re done with the village. You’ll have to use your snowmobile to travel to that area in Temperance Island of Raft. From the village, just head in the west direction or simply make your way towards the left-most area of the map.

The observatory looks like a massive sphere, and you should easily spot it from afar. However, the main door of the observatory will be held shut, and you’re gonna have to find another way inside. Near the observatory, you’ll see a huge hole in the ground covered in Ice. That hole will be your ticket to the inside.

observatory temperance
Hidden Path Leading To the Inside of Observatory on Temperance Ice Island in Raft

Additionally, the hole is filled with water, and you will have to swim through it. Keep swimming your way through until you see a ladder. Grab the ladder and start climbing, which will take you to the entrance of the observatory.

Puzzle Inside the Observatory

To solve the puzzle inside the Observatory on Temperance Island, follow these steps:

  1. Collect the four notes scattered around the room, each featuring a different picture.
  2. Match each picture with its corresponding constellation on the constellation table in the observatory.
  3. Count the total number of stars on each image and note down the number.
  4. Arrange the numbers of stars in the order of the pictures to form the code for the safe.
  5. Input the code into the safe. If you’re stuck, here are the codes for each image:
    • Crane: 5
    • Puffer Fish: 9
    • Hook: 6
    • Raft with sail: 4
  6. Once the safe is unlocked, retrieve the blueprint for the Advanced Stationary Anchor and the Selene Key.
puzzle constellation
Constellation Table Puzzle inside the Observatory of Temperance Ice Island in Raft

Entering the Radiation Station

Reactor station
Radiation Station on Temperance Ice Island in Raft

To enter the Radiation Station on Temperance Ice Island, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have the Selene Key and a Blowtorch, which you should have obtained from the Igloo Village.
  2. Ride your snowmobile and head towards the Radiation Station. Look for two bright rays of light emanating from the station to easily spot its location.
  3. Upon reaching the station, use the Blowtorch to melt the ice covering the sealed entrance.
  4. Use the Selene Key to unlock the entrance and gain access to the station.
  5. Inside, you’ll find a control panel with three cylinders connected to it. Your task is to transport three control rods to these cylinders.
  6. Additionally, locate and equip the Hazmat Suit found within the station to protect yourself from radiation.
  7. Prepare to solve a puzzle in Laboratory 2, which is located inside the station.

Obtaining the Control Rods

We will discuss how to obtain the control rods below. You are required to obtain three of these rides in Temperance Ice Island.

  1. Puzzle in Laboratory 2:
    • Equip the Hazmat suit and enter Laboratory 2.
    • Interact with the 3 computers displaying different letters.
    • Input the atomic numbers of the elements represented by the letters: Cl (17), Pm (61), Rb (37).
    • Solve the puzzle to obtain the first control rod.
      puzzle in laboratory
      The puzzle inside Laboratory 2 of Radiation Station on Temperance Ice Island in Raft
  2. Switching the Valve:
    • Equip the second Hazmat suit found in the laboratory.
    • Descend to the lower level and proceed to the radioactive area.
    • Locate and turn the valve on the pipes to unlock the next area and obtain the second control rod.
    • Beware of mutated spiders in the area.
      reactor valve
      Valve present on the Lowest Floor of Radiation Station on Temperance Ice Island in Raft
  3. Solving the Laser Puzzle:
    • Continue along the path unlocked by turning the valve.
    • Confront a laser puzzle in a room with mirrors.
    • Strategically adjust the mirrors to reflect the laser onto the locked door.
    • Solve the puzzle to unlock the door and obtain the third and final control rod.
Laser puzzle
Laser Puzzle inside the Radiation Station of Temperance Ice Island in Raft

Entering the Reactor Room

Once you’ve obtained all of the control rods, make your way back to the control room. Insert all the rods in their respective places, and you’ll receive the Reactor Key as a reward. Equip a newer Hazmat suit and enter the reactor room. There you will have to turn all the valves and stop the reactor by removing the radioactive gas.

It should be noted that the reactor room is swarming with mutated spiders, and you should go in prepared to fend them off. Once you get rid of all the spiders and stop the reactor, another door will open, which leads to a tunnel. Follow this stunned, and don’t forget to collect all the blueprints and items available here.

At the end of the tunnel will be the final room of the radiation station. There you will meet Shogo, a character who will give you complete detail about the reactor. Shogo will also become a playable character in Raft now once you’re done with Temperance Island. 

shogo raft
Shogo Present Inside the Final Room of Radiation Station on Temperance Ice Island in Raft

You will also receive the coordinates for the third and final island Utopia, once you’re done with the reactor.

This concludes our guide on Temperance Ice Island in Raft. We explained everything that you need to do to complete the island and unlock the next one. Hopefully, our guide helped your exploration of Temperance Island, and you could properly complete the questline here. Let us know what you think about Raft in the comments below.

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Rachel Cooper is a Guides Writer at eXputer who’s obsessed with the RPG genre. She’s an English literature major who loves to read fantasy novels. Rachel started writing on eXputer with great prior experience and expertise in the field. Her work is also featured in Texas Architecture and University of Georgia Magazines. Her favorite games include Persona 5, Symphonia, and Darkest Dungeon in which she has invested 300+ hours. You can follow Rachel's gaming journey on her Steam profile. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Majored in English Literature || Worked for Texas Architecture Magazine and UAG Magazine || Published 100+ Articles || Mainly Covers Guides On eXputer

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