Stardew Valley: All Bachelors And Bachelorettes [Ranked]

I have spent over 100+ hours in Stardew Valley, and here are my rankings for the top Bachelors and Bachelorettes in-game.

Like any other farming or Harvest Moon game in Stardew Valley, you can get married and have kids. Stardew Valley offers a plethora of choices for Marriageable Bachelors and Bachelorettes. Each of the characters is quirky and adorable in their own way. You interact with them and learn about their personalities through Heart Events in-game.

Key Takeaways
  • Bachelors/Bachelorettes are romanceable NPCs in Stardew Valley.
  • There are about 12 Bachelors and Bachelorettes in the game with each being 6.
  • You can play the whole game without pursuing a Bachelor or Bachelorette, but you will miss out on a Stardrop upon doing so.

All Bachelors and Bachelorettes Ranked

Following is a list of Stardew Valley’s Bachelors and Bachelorettes ranked.


12. Shane

Stardew Valley Shane's Dialogue and Personality
Shane’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Shane is one of the bachelors in Stardew Valley who, upon meeting the player for the first time, is rude and hostile, wanting nothing to do with them. It doesn’t help that he is an alcoholic, with his heart events being centered around him coming to terms with his alcoholic problems and trying to get his life together, which does make a good picture for him.

However, despite his heart events, marrying Shane doesn’t change anything; instead, it seems like he goes back to his old ways with his room, painting a picture of someone who is messy and loves alcohol. Despite everything, Shane’s heart events are some of the most depressing ones and aren’t for the faint of heart.

11. Haley

Stardew Valley Haley's Dialogue and Personality
Haley’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Due to her upbringing, Haley is rather self-centered and proud. She has a tendency to judge people for superficial reasons. Despite all of this, Haley’s heart events involve her coming to terms with her own personality and shortcomings as she strives to become a better person.

Personally, I really love Haley’s character progression because as you progress through her heart events, you begin to learn more about her. Haley loves taking photos, which is evident by the fact that she has a darkroom for developing photographs. Haley falls short because it will take time for her to develop as a person.

10. Alex

Stardew Valley Alex''s Dialogue and Personality
Alex’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Alex is the resident muscle-head and jock. He loves weight-lifting and exercising, not to mention having a one-sided brain, where he boasts about becoming a professional athlete. Alex also owns a pet dog named Dusty. While Alex might seem like a loveable and straightforward person at first, he carries a deep baggage with him, which involves his alcoholic father and deceased mother.

Alex’s heart events involve him getting to terms with his own insecurities and the passing of his mother. Alex is a loveable idiot either way, but his character progression is bland.

9. Penny

Stardew Valley Penny's Dialogue and Personality
Penny’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Penny is a dedicated residential school teacher in Stardew Valley. She is deeply committed to her students and abstains from alcohol due to concerns about being a positive role model, possibly influenced by her mother Pam’s struggles with alcohol.

She’s one of the most thoughtful love interests, mirroring her care for her students in her relationships. However, her reserved nature and self-imposed limitations can pose a challenge for players seeking romance. Despite this, marrying Penny in a replay of Stardew Valley could offer a rewarding experience.

8. Elliot

Stardew Valley Elliot's Dialogue and Personality
Elliot’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Elliott, one of Stardew Valley’s more enigmatic husbands, remains consistent throughout the game, reflecting his initial impression of a relationship. Elliot spends his time living by the beach in his cabin, dreaming about writing a great novel one day.

While this doesn’t make him a poor choice, his character development doesn’t have that much depth. However, Elliott can still be a rewarding partner, though his static nature leaves much to be desired.

7. Leah

Stardew Valley Leah's Dialogue and Personality
Leah’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Leah’s appeal in Stardew Valley can be a hit or miss based on various factors. She happens to be a skilled artist and sculptor; players can assist her in organizing an engaging art show in Pelican Town during one of her heart events.

Her heart events involve dealing with her jealous ex and her having the courage to face her past. Moreover, Leah’s preference for a healthy, vegetarian diet aligns well with her character, making her an ideal match for players with similar tastes.

6. Harvey

Stardew Valley Harvey's Dialogue and Personality
Harvey’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Harvey is the residential doctor of Pelican Town and is on the older side compared to the other bachelors in Pelican Town. Harvey is a caring, friendly, and supportive bachelor. You can’t go wrong with picking him, as his heart events are rather sweet and innocent.

You learn a lot about Harvey through his heart events, such as his love for aerobics or his dream of becoming a pilot. All in all, Harvey is a wonderful choice for a spouse in Stardew Valley.

5. Maru

Stardew Valley Maru's Dialogue and Personality
Maru’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Maru, inheriting her father’s intellect, shines brightly in Stardew Valley. Despite her overprotective father, Demetrius, she proves to be an excellent companion, albeit with occasional mishaps from her daring experiments.

Moreover, Maru’s heart events unveil her remarkable feat of constructing a sentient robot assistant, a rare accomplishment in the game. However, the robot’s desire for freedom to explore the galaxy cuts short its role as Maru’s assistant, adding a touch of unexpected depth to her storyline.

4. Sam

Stardew Valley Same's Dialogue and Personality
Sam’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Sam is one of the sweetest characters in Stardew Valley, consistently exuding enthusiasm and making interactions enjoyable for players. However, Sam isn’t without flaws. His obliviousness, like overlooking Sebastian’s crush on their friend Abigail, may frustrate some players. Yet, his inherently kind and warm-hearted demeanor outweighs any shortcomings.

For those seeking effortless companionship, marrying Sam in Stardew Valley proves to be a rewarding choice. His easygoing nature extends to romance; he is an avid enjoyer of Joja Cola, which others disdain, making it all the easier for him to romance.

3. Emily

Stardew Valley Emily's Dialogue and Personality
Emily’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Despite being Haley’s sister, Emily is the polar opposite of her sister. She has a compassionate nature, which extends to her not only helping people and creatures in need but is also complemented by her penchant for crafting her own clothing. Emily is also a deeply spiritual individual with eclectic beliefs.

Emily’s heart events are truly a delight; not only do they offer captivating glimpses into abstract, colorful, and surreal experiences. In one particular heart event, you can even play a role in one of her dreams. But that’s not all. In one of her heart events, you rescue a parrot, and that parrot moves into your house once you marry her.

2. Sebastian

Stardew Valley Sebastian's Dialogue and Personality
Sebastian’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Sebastian is one of the hardest bachelors to romance in Stardew Valley. He spends his time absorbed in his work, playing computer games, reading comics or novels, and his other hobbies, making many gamers relate to him. Sebastian lives in the basement of his parent’s house with his mother, step-father, and half-sister Maru. He is a rather reserved individual who likes to keep it to himself.

Despite all of this, Sebastian is one of the game’s finest spouses to romance due to his character development. If you take the time to understand him, players can help him overcome personal obstacles.

1. Abigail

Stardew Valley Abigail's Dialogue and Personality
Abigail’s Dialogue and Personality [image by eXputer]
Abigail is Pierre’s daughter, and she stands out from all of her spouses mainly because she is adventurous, quirky, and free-spirited. She loves playing video games, venturing into the mines, and engaging in the occult. Despite all of this, Abigail’s goth-like ecstatic also makes her quite appealing.

Abigail’s heart events are unique in such a sense that she’s the only character whose heart events allow you to play video games with or involve a cutscene for the mines. All in all, Abigail is a fun bachelorette to pursue, and you have a blast getting to know her.

My Thoughts

My in-game time Stardew Valley
My in-game time [image by eXputer]
After spending more than 100+ hours in-game, I can say that Stardew Valley has quite a colorful cast of characters, with each having her/her own flare. These are not only fun to interact with but also depend on who you pursue a romance with. You will have a different experience in-game. However, you do get Stardrop after marrying any of the Bachelors or Bachelorettes.

This will conclude my ranking of All the Bachelors and Bachelorettes in Stardew. Do note that this list is entirely based on my experience with the game, and your experience may vary from mine.

Lastly, if you’re curious about Stardew Valley, I recommend checking out our Stardrew Valley review by our expert Moiz. Finally, if you’re curious about how to raise the friendships of different bachelors or bachelorettes in Stardew Valley, check out this video.


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Rabiya is a versatile writer at eXputer who can cover everything from guides to tier lists and the hottest news in the gaming industry. Rabiya earned her Bachelor's in English Literature, further enhancing her writing skills. With hundreds of hours on Persona 5 and Genshin Impact, Rabiya has proudly played video games for eight years. Follow Rabiya's gaming activities on her Steam and Xbox Profiles!

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Tier Lists & Guides || Education: Bs English Literature, Ms. Applied Linguistics, Writing & Editing Course, English for Journalism.

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