Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Weapons Tier List [Best & Worst]

Here is a list of the top weapons available in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.

The greatest weapons available in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak (MHR) may be found using our Sunbreak Weapon Tier List. We now view the weapons differently thanks to improved gameplay, agile fighting mechanism improvements, and intriguing new enemies. If you’ve been away from the game for a while, there are certain weapon modifications you might not have noticed. Here is our newly updated tier list with the DLC in mind to see which weapons are the best.

Key Highlights
  • 14 weapons available in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.
  • Weapon rankings are based on recent modifications and new opponents.
  • Highlight weapons: Heavy Bowgun, Light Bowgun, Great Sword, Switch Axe, and Bow.
  • These weapons complement the improved gameplay and agile fighting mechanism.
  • Avoid equipping Lance and Hammer due to low damage output and high investment.
  • Weapon capability significantly impacts your chances of success in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.

Here’s a complete summary of Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Weapons Tier List:

MHR Sunbreak Weapons Tier List Ranking Table 

Tiers Weapons 
S-Tier  Heavy Bowgun, Light Bowgun, Great Sword, Switch Axe, and Bow
A-Tier  Dual Blades, Sword and Shield, Charge Blade, and Long Sword
B-Tier  Hunting Horn, and Insect Glaive
C-Tier  Gunlance, Lance, and Hammer

All Sunbreak Weapons Comparison

With that out of the way, here’s a quick look at the comparison between each of the MHR Sunbreak Weapons:

Weapon TierWeapon TypeDamage TypeSilkbind Attacks
BowSRangedShot (Ammo) Damage- Butcher's Bind
- Herculean Draw
- Focus Shot
- Aerial Aim
Light BowgunSRangedShot (Ammo) Damage- Wyvern Counter
- Silkbind Glide
- Fanning Vault
- Fanning Maneuver
Heavy BowgunSRangedShot (Ammo) Damage- Setting Sun
- Free Silkbind Glide
- Counter Shot
- Counter Charge
Great SwordSMeleeCut And Blunt- Strongarm Stance
- Power Sheathe
- Hunting Edge
- Adamant Charged Slash
Switch AxeSMeleeCut Damage- Elemental Burst Counter
- Switch Charger
- Invincible Gambit
- Soaring Wyvern Blade
Dual BladesAMeleeCut Damage- Spiral Slash
- Shrouded Vault
- Piercing Bind
- Tower Vault
Sword and ShieldAMeleeCut And Blunt- Destroyer Oil
- Falling Shadow
- Windmill
- Metsu Shoryugeki
Charge BladeAMeleeCut Damage- Ready Stance
- Morphing Advance
- Counter Peak Performance
- Axe Hopper
Long SwordAMeleeCut Damage- Harvest Moon
- Serene Pose
- Soaring Kick
- Silkbind Sakura Slash
Hunting HornBMeleeBlunt Damage- Silkbind Shockwave
- Slide Beat
- Earthshaker
- Bead of Resonance
Insect GlaiveBMeleeSlashing Damage- Awakened Kinsect Attack
- Silkbind Vault
- Recall Kinsect
- Diving Wyvern
GunlanceCMelee- Cut Damage
- Special
- Bullet Barrage
- Guard Edge
- Hail Cutter
- Ground Splitter
LanceCMeleeCut Damage- Skyward Thrust
- Twin Vine
- Anchor Rage
- Spiral Thrust
HammerCMeleeBlunt Damage- Impact Burst
- Impact Crater
- Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon
- Dash Breaker


Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak S-Tier

You won’t be disappointed by these MHR weapons’ damage output and attacks, and they are the greatest in the game.

Bow Excels in mobility and attack, allowing hunters to dodge and deal damage simultaneously. Key skills include Stake Thrust, which embeds an explosive stake that amplifies damage, and Butcher’s Bind, a Silkbind attack that deals heavy damage if consecutive shots hit the same target.
Light Bowgun Offers great agility and defensive capabilities, ideal for ranged combat. Features Switch Skills that enhance damage and modify recoil, and Wyvern Counter, a Silkbind skill that allows for a retreat shot that can deflect attacks and provide offensive and defensive benefits.
Heavy Bowgun Known for its high damage output and improved mobility in MHR. The Crouching Shot and Wirebug Movements enhance both agility and damage, making it highly effective against enemies.
Switch Axe A balanced weapon with excellent offensive and defensive capabilities. Notable for its Elemental Burst Counter, one of the most effective attack and defense skills in the game, and simplified transformation combos that enhance fluidity and damage potential.
Great Sword Known for powerful, decisive strikes that allow prolonged engagement in battles. The Great Sword enables hunters to out-damage most other weapons with heavy slashes and is surprisingly versatile, contrary to the common belief of it requiring precise timing and passive play.


Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak A-Tier

The Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak A-Tier List contains stronger weapons and is an excellent choice for facing different monsters.

Long Sword Previously S-tier, the Long Sword remains highly popular but has been downgraded due to reduced mobility from its new skills, like Sakura Slash which locks you into attacks. Although the Spirit Gauge is easy to build, there’s a risk of missing the opportunity to utilize it effectively due to the longer commitment required in its attacks.
Charge Blade Complex yet powerful, the Charge Blade has seen some simplification in its combos but doesn’t match the damage and versatility of the Switch Axe or Greatsword, keeping it from the highest tier. Despite its high potential, its intricate playstyle and slightly lower damage output compared to top-tier weapons place it in the A-tier.
Sword and Shield A staple mid-tier weapon, the Sword and Shield remains largely unchanged in Sunbreak, making it ideal for beginners or those entering new battles. It offers decent potential but lacks the more dynamic playstyles or higher combat security offered by other weapons, suggesting other choices for more seasoned players or those seeking a richer combat experience.
Dual Blades Known for excellent invincibility frames and continuous damage, Dual Blades fall short in raw damage output compared to heavier weapons. Even with new skills and superior Wire Bug abilities, they produce many lower double-digit damage numbers, which can be frustrating compared to the high single-hit damage numbers from weapons like the Charge Blade or Switch Axe.


Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak B-Tier

With a few restrictions, the B-Tier MHR Sunbreak weapons list has some of the excellent weapons in MHR’s DLC. Some of them perform well as support equipment when playing with others.

Insect Glaive The Insect Glaive offers unmatched freedom and adaptability, with enhanced aerial capabilities thanks to the Wire Bugs. Despite these advantages, the overall increase in maneuverability across all weapons in Sunbreak somewhat diminishes its unique edge, placing it in the B-tier due to its relative performance to other weapons.
Hunting Horn Known for its uniqueness and entertainment value, the Hunting Horn can sometimes lock players into unwanted actions to complete combos, leading to inconsistent damage outputs. However, its utility in multiplayer scenarios, providing significant support, makes it a valuable addition to any team, securing its spot in the B-tier.



Due to their poor potential and high investment needs, these weapons are listed lower on the Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak weapons tier list. You can pick them if they fit your playing style, but it isn’t recommended.

Hammer The Hammer is situational, best used in multiplayer to stun-lock monsters at the head. Despite improvements in Sunbreak, its top abilities like Spinning Bludgeon and Impact Burst originated from the base game, and the new enhancements are considered lackluster, limiting its overall appeal and effectiveness compared to other, more versatile weapons.
Lance In Sunbreak, where fast movement and agility are prioritized, the Lance feels clunky and slow. Its high skill ceiling doesn’t compensate for the lack of significant updates or compelling new skills, making it feel outdated. Although capable of high damage, it’s less effective and engaging compared to other weapons in the current game environment.
Gunlance The Gunlance suffers from similar mobility issues as the Lance, making it challenging to deal consistent damage, especially without perfect execution of the new Bullet Barrage skill. Its static nature and the need for precise skill execution make it feel outdated in a game that favors quick dodging and streamlined combos, relegating it to a lower tier despite its potential.

MHR Sunbreak Tier List Criteria

After carefully considering each weapon’s capabilities and functionality, the Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak weapons tier list was prepared. Weapons that produce more damage and have fewer restrictions are ranked higher.

While those with limited potential and high construction costs are ranked lower, player reviews of the weapons and discussions on various internet forums were also considered.

Our staff works hard to provide the most objective tier ranking based on statistics and data. Which weapons are your favorite? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.

Next: Elden Ring Weapons Tier List

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Tehreem is a Tier List Writer on eXputer who loves playing, researching, comparing, and writing about games that she enjoys. She’s a Pokemon-obsessed, high-on-caffeine kind of gal. She’s got several years' worth of experience writing about the games she loves. When she’s not playing or writing about RPGs, she can be found binge-watching her favorite shows. Feel free to get in touch with Tehreem or even game with her on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Studying English Literature.

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