Warhammer 40K Darktide Homeworld Choices & Impacts

Learn everything there is to about the homeworld choices and how they can impact your character in Warhammer 40K Darktide

Warhammer 40K Darktide features a wide variety of customization choices that you can tweak when creating your character and one of the options includes being able to decide their Homeworld. These Homeworlds do not impact your gameplay in the slightest and only have a minor effect on some of the lesser details of the character.

There are a total of eight different homeworld choices in the game, and each one is unique from the others with their lore and background, so choose wisely as you proceed with creating your character in the beginning.

Key Takeaways
  • Warhammer 40K Darktide allows players to tweak the origins of their character via the Homeworld choices.
  • There are a total of eight unique homeworlds, with each one supporting a different role and origin trait.
  • Homeworlds do not impact gameplay and only serve to provide a few key narrative changes for the main character’s personality.
  • Ultimately, choosing the best homeworld comes down to the personal preference of the player.


warhammer 40k crucis
Crucis (Image Captured by us)

As shown in the image above, the in-game description of the homeworld states that it is considered one of the ‘second worlds’ of the entire Moebian Domain. The planet of Crucis is a large shrine world with the popular trait of being an excellent location for travelers seeking a pilgrimage.

Furthermore, it is also one of the two main planets alongside Atoma that had survived the Age Of Strife, which is described as one of the darkest and most grueling time periods that led to the formation of the largest political entities known as the Imperium.

Messelina Gloriana

warhammer 40k homeworld choices
Messelina Gloriana (Image Captured by eXputer)

According to the description of the homeworld, as shown in the image above, it states that it is a heavily-forested moon that also serves as a minor shrine world. But it also states that Messelina Gloriana suffers from having a low population, and it also doesn’t help with the fact that it has fewer resources, at least compared to other worlds. But that is also essential due to the fall of nearby Komaris.


Warhammer 40k homeworld choices
Rocyria (Image by eXputer)

As shown in the image above, the world of Rocyria produces intensively-farmed and mass-harvested grain crops, which is the main highlight of the world according to the in-game description. It is worth noting that its inhabitants, the ‘Rocyrians’ end up becoming the target of many ridiculous comments by other beings of the Moebian Domain.

However, that ends up becoming far-fetched as the truth is that the entire population of Rocyria is hard-working and sincere in their lifestyle.

Branx Magna

warhammer 40k branx magna
Branx Magna (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)

The following world is most notable for being considered here as it is one of the largest industrial powerhouses located in the Moebian Domain system. There are also billions in the world here who are teeming its continent-spanning manufactorums both day in and night out.


warhammer 40k incron
Incron (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)

You can more than likely guess the specialty of this world from its visuals shown in the image above, as the entire core of the planet to its outsides is comprised of water. The population of the world thrives via the Hive islands, and most importantly, Incron is also known as the main naval depot for the Moebian Domain system.


warhammer 40k cadia
Cadia (mage Credit Copyright: eXputer)

One of the few planets which may affect some of the cosmetics of your character is Cadia. According to the in-game description shown in the image above it states that it was “Formerly the Imperium’s most famous fortress world, its fall marked the beginning of the Era Indomitus – The Dark Imperium.”


warhammer 40k mornax
Mornax (mage Credit Copyright: eXputer)

The world called Mornax is a small and grim mining planet that is well-known for its hellish living conditions and the environment. However, it ends up becoming a problem as this harsh living space produces a famously hardy and dour populace.


warhammer 40k pavane
Pavane (Image credit: eXputer)

The world of Pavane is relatively new with its colonization, but the most important aspect here is that it is thriving with rich natural resources. It is one of the few reasons why the population of this world is growing steadily.

Which Is The Best Homeworld Choice?

Lastly, the most important question that you might be having right now is, out of all these eight distinctive worlds, which one is the best one to pick for your character? Well, truth be told, it all comes down to personal preference, as there is no right or wrong choice here. As we stated in the beginning, the home worlds affect nothing gameplay-wise nor provide anything beneficial for you.

If you’re confused about which one is the best for your playstyle, then feel free to check our Classes Tier List of Warhammer 40K Darktide to learn more about everything related to them. For now, this wraps up our guide to the homeworld choices in the game; if you have any questions related to the guide or want to share your experience with us, then feel free to let us know all about it in the comments section below!

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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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