Dead By Daylight Interview: Devs Currently Have No Plans To Move On From Last-Gen Consoles

"We are still seeing a very healthy player base on past-generation platforms."

Story Highlights

  • Dead By Daylight is a multiplayer survival horror game released in 2016.
  • The title has recently collaborated with Dungeons & Dragons for its 34th DLC.
  • We interviewed Dave Richard, Senior Creative Director of Dead by Daylight, over an email Q&A session.

Dead by Daylight is an online multiplayer survival horror game, released nearly eight years ago in 2016. The title remains Behaviour Interactive’s most popular and successful release to date and since launching, it has collaborated with multiple other well-known gaming franchises, including Alan Wake, Resident Evil, and more.

While the title has seen as many as 34 DLCs over the years, its latest one, coming out just a month ago and collaborating with Dungeons & Dragons, became another successful launch for Dead by Daylight. To learn more about its recent alliance, we spoke with Dave Richard, Senior Creative Director of the IP, over an email interview.

Dead by Daylight - Dungeons & Dragons
Dead by Daylight Has Over 60 Million Playerbase – Image Credits: Behaviour Interactive
Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your work?

Dave: My name is Dave Richard, and I am the Senior Creative Director of Dead by Daylight. I was one of the original team members on Dead by Daylight. My current position means that I am involved in all aspects of DbD. From the general direction of the game to the Outfits that we produce for our Characters, I am involved in all of this. It’s a blast – we have a fantastic team, and I’m very proud of what we have accomplished so far in the game.

While the DLC has already been released, how long did it take the team to develop it?

Dave: While I can’t go into the specifics for any of our ongoing collaborations, I can tell you that, on average, we can take 9 to 12 months to build a licensed Chapter.

The game's balancing has always been a staple of controversy. How do the developers decide what's weak and what's powerful?

Dave: Well, first off, let me tell you that we are not some sort of omniscient power that decides the strong and the weak. We, as developers, have our instincts when it comes to what we think will work. We’re also human, and we make mistakes. Sometimes, we create perks, and in our internal playtests, we realize that these don’t work. And sometimes our community tells us – the balance is off, and it messes with the meta. We then go back to the drawing board and tweak it. Live balance is hard, and it is not a perfect science. Our game is meant to be chaotic and challenging, but we also want it to be fair and fun for all. So we appreciate and encourage our community to continue sharing their thoughts with us.

Dead by Daylight - Dungeons & Dragons
Dead by Daylight Is Among The Most Popular Multiplayer Horror Survival Title – Image Credits: Behaviour Interactive
The trapper is such an iconic killer, but he’s outdated. Can we expect a proper rework of his kit at some point?

Dave: We updated the trapper several times in the last year, giving him more of an edge, more specifically on the speed of acquiring and setting traps. We are still monitoring reception to these changes and will continue to iterate on them.

Can you share the team's thought process behind choosing Vecna as the next villain, especially when Beholder was another great option?

Dave: Vecna imposed itself as a very strong contender from the beginning. He is evil personified and someone both the Wizards of the Coast Team, and we thought it would fit perfectly in the Dead by Daylight universe.

While exploring the idea of having the DnD magic in Dead by Daylight, what other characters were suggested by the team?

Dave: I can’t share specific details, but I will say that we got along very well with the Wizards of the Coast team, and so our conversations flowed, and we were all aligned very quickly on which characters we wanted to bring in the game. And now everyone can play them. It’s really neat!

Dead by Daylight - Dungeons & Dragons
Dead by Daylight Has Still Many More Chapters To Come – Image Credits: Behaviour Interactive
What was the decision behind picking Matthew Mercer as the voice of Vecna? What has it been like working with him on the character?

Dave: We are all HUGE fans of Matthew Mercer here. He has single-handedly helped bring D&D to the forefront of popular culture, and he is one of the nicest people around. He very kindly agreed to voice Vecna, and it was a blast working with him.

Since this update will be something completely different for Dead by Daylight, are more like-minded crossovers coming down the road?

Dave: I think players might actually be very surprised – many may think that D&D is a huge departure from DbD but the truth of the matter is D&D is stock-full of horror elements. There’s an entire universe that is horror-centric. And so yes, our goal will always be to delight and surprise our players with cool crossovers – but first and foremost, our goal is to be the house of horror. This will not change, and we look forward to bringing diverse horror experiences to the players.

Dead by Daylight - Dungeons & Dragons
Dead by Daylight Still Feels Fresh Despite Being Released Nearly A Decade Ago – Image Credits: Behaviour Interactive
Cross-progression remains extremely sought-after. Can you provide an update on that front?

Dave: We don’t have any updates on Cross-Progression but stay tuned.

Regarding the development, do you think releasing the title on last-gen consoles held back the developers because of its hardware? Does the team have any plans to move on to current-gen only since it would allow the developers to fully optimize the current-gen consoles?

Dave: Maintaining the game across multiple generations of platforms comes with its challenges, and yes, in some ways, it leads us to be unable to fully utilize the hardware of the current generation or even newer technologies that might not be available the earlier hardware. With that said, releasing on older generations of platforms played a very large role in building up the massive following that we now have for the game, and we are still seeing a very healthy player base on past-generation platforms. Until that situation changes, we believe supporting multiple generations of platforms is the best thing to do for the game.

Although it's too early to tell, do you have anything to share about the next crossover with the Castlevania franchise? Who can we expect the killer to be?

Dave: Sadly, nothing I can share with you yet. But keep your eyes peeled – more to come soon.

Dead by Daylight - Dungeons & Dragons
D&D In Dead By Daylight Was A Unique Experience – Image Credits: Behaviour Interactive
Are there any specific features or moments in the update that you are particularly excited for fans to try out?

Dave: I think this Chapter feels very exciting – we’ve got tons of cool gameplay mechanics that are really fun and are cool throwbacks to D&D.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? Something we haven't touched upon yet.

Dave: I want to take this opportunity to thank our fans for their continued support of our game. I hope they enjoy playing the D&D Chapter as much as we had fun making it. And right now, we have our Twisted Masquerade Event happening in the game with rewards, surprises, and much more. See you in the Fog!

YouTube video

Dead By Daylight was developed and published by Behaviour Interactive. The game was first released on PC in 2016, with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions arriving in 2017. Two years later after, the game was made available for Switch in 2019, and just the following year, it was released on current-gen consoles in 2020. We thank Dave Richard for answering our questions and Scott Fry for helping us. 

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Mudassir is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories behind our favorite virtual worlds. Armed with a trusty notepad and a keen curiosity, he dives headfirst into the gaming industry's most exciting personalities. His knack for insightful questions and his ability to connect with developers and gamers alike makes his interviews a must-read. While on the lookout for the next person to interview, Mudassir keeps himself busy by writing news surrounding the gaming universe. Experience: 4+ Years || Senior Journalist || Education: Bachelor's in Psychology.

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