Nakwon: Last Paradise Caters Players Who Looked Forward To The Day Before

Despite the similarities, the team will still create a "unique and enjoyable game."

Story Highlights

  • Nakwon: Last Paradise is an upcoming zombie apocalypse stealth survival by Mintrocket.
  • The game has attracted many extraction fans, especially those hoping for The Day Before.
  • We interviewed Jang Kyoung-Han, Director of Nakwon: Last Paradise, over an email Q&A session.

Unlike some other titles, Nakwon: Last Paradise had a short Pre-Alpha Playtest that ended in December 2023. Considering the game still has a long way to go, the final version can be much different from what we have seen. To understand the studio’s vision with the title and some of its future plans, we spoke with Jang Kyoung-Han, Director of Nakwon: Last Paradise, over an email interview. Keep reading for his full insights.

Nakwon: Last Paradise
Screenshot Credit: Mintrocket.

Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your work on Nakwon: Last Paradise?

Kyoung-Han: I’m Jang Kyoung-Han. As the Director of Nakwon: Last Paradise, I’m responsible for shaping the overall direction of the game and overseeing its development process while discussing it with the dev team.

It has been over 2 months since the Pre-Alpha Playtest closed. What was the general reception like, and what insight did the team get from feedback?

Kyoung-Han: We received various feedback, some aligned with our expectations, while others didn’t quite match. Feedback regarding the completeness of the service aspect (server lag, bugs, anti-cheat measures, missing core features, etc.) was expected during the pre-alpha stage and was planned to be addressed after the test, so it wasn’t a concern.

The most significant insight from this test was the players’ expectations regarding the zombie game. We intentionally made it difficult to kill zombies to immerse players in a situation where their lives are threatened by zombies. However, it seems that this direction didn’t align with players’ expectations. Many people hoped to be able to kill zombies to some extent in a zombie game, and they were disappointed when they couldn’t.

While our game isn’t about slaughtering zombies with firepower like Left 4 Dead or World War Z, we still thought that players should be able to kill zombies to some degree as they progress. So, we’ve decided to adjust our development direction accordingly and conduct R&D to make it possible.

Nakwon: Last Paradise
Screenshot Credit: Mintrocket.

While the game is still far from over, are there any features or gameplay mechanics that you plan to cut or reconsider before or after the upcoming Alpha Test?

Kyoung-Han: Here are the planned changes/removals (subject to change, of course):

  • Gas field mechanic (BR circle) removal. It will be replaced with a time limit or similar mechanism.
  • Elimination of the concept of zombies’ infinite revival. Zombies will permanently die, but they will respawn from the surroundings throughout a match to maintain in-game tension. In Nakwon, players can never take their safety for granted.
  • Adjustment of zombies’ high health. Instead of making zombies easier to kill, we are conducting R&D on increasing their numbers to balance gameplay.

Since developers are likely constantly adding many new things, I am sure that fans, especially on your Discord server, would be requesting them to add all sorts of stuff. Is there anything in particular that has been heavily requested and something that you would consider?

Kyoung-Han: Excluding basic convenience and problem-solving improvements, the most requested features were missions worthy of being the game’s main objectives and a mode without PvP. We’re aiming to develop these for the next round of testing.

Nakwon: Last Paradise
Screenshot Credit: Mintrocket.

How big do you intend to make the world map? And will you add specific features for different areas?

Kyoung-Han: We are considering expanding the game vertically rather than horizontally, allowing users to explore more buildings and ascend more floors within the same area.

We aim to give each space or zone its own unique characteristics. This includes incorporating narrow, maze-like alleys, spacious and winding parks, and hazardous, dimly lit construction sites. Additionally, we are exploring the idea of providing fundamental differences by changing the map’s environment or characteristics each season for long-term variety.

Are you planning to add any microtransactions or a battle pass system?

Kyoung-Han: It’s difficult to provide a response regarding the business model as we haven’t fully decided yet. We will definitely not have any pay-to-win aspects. We’ve considered offering items that players might want (unique cosmetics) with in-app purchases. Nothing has been decided yet on that front, as we remain focused on strengthening Nakwon’s gameplay.

Nakwon: Last Paradise
Screenshot Credit: Mintrocket.

It was mentioned in the Discord server last year that private servers will likely be unavailable. Is that still going to be the case?

Kyoung-Han: Since there’s no separate server maintained continuously, the concept of private servers doesn’t exist. Our structure is different from games like Rust or ARK: Survival Evolved. Just like how you can’t operate private servers in Overwatch, it’s not possible to run private servers in our game either.

Mintrocket has at least 3 projects: Wakerunners, Dave the Diver, and Nakwon: Last Paradise. Are these being developed by separate teams, or is there some level of overlap between the games' development?

Kyoung-Han: Dave the Diver, Wakerunners, and Nakwon are all being worked on by separate teams, so there’s no overlap in development resources.

Nakwon: Last Paradise
Screenshot Credit: Mintrocket.

How many developers are currently on the team?

Kyoung-Han: We started with around 10 people, but recently we’ve grown to over 50. While we’re no longer a small team, we’re still not as large as those AAA projects. However, we believe our current team size is adequate for creating what we have in mind.

Many gamers who had some expectations from The Day Before are now looking forward to Nakwon: Last Paradise. Do you believe this game will be able to cater to that audience?

Kyoung-Han: Are they putting their expectations on Nakwon? While I’m not so sure if those who anticipated The Day Before are now looking into Nakwon, I believe they might find many aspects they were looking forward to in our game. There will be similarities and differences, but we’re committed to creating our own unique and enjoyable game. We hope they’ll take an interest and give it a try.

Nakwon: Last Paradise
Screenshot Credit: Mintrocket.

Although The Day Before didn't deliver on anything it promised, it did market some great features. Did you ever consider any, even more so now that the game is dead?

Kyoung-Han: Right now, we’re focused on our own community and our vision for Nakwon. We have a very engaged community that is constantly making suggestions for features and improvements, and our focus is on working with those players to make Nakwon the experience they deserve.

Have you seen a surge in players or feedback since the whole The Day Before situation?

Kyoung-Han: Our community has grown steadily since we revealed Nakwon in the Fall.

Nakwon: Last Paradise
Screenshot Credit: Mintrocket.

The Alpha Test will be released in the latter half of 2024. So, is it safe to say that we might see the game officially released in late 2025-2026?

Kyoung-Han: The upcoming schedule hasn’t been finalized yet. We’ll share the schedule through the community channel as it becomes more concrete through the process.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? Something we haven't touched upon yet.

Kyoung-Han: We’re working hard to meet the expectations users have for a zombie game. While we’re striving to offer a new experience where you can hide and escape, we’re also diligently conducting R&D to inherit the fun elements from existing classic zombie games.

You’ll have the experience of fleeing or fighting against more zombies, whether with friends or foes. For those who anticipate zombie or survival games – when compiling your must-play game lists, we hope our game will be included on your list. Your interest and support are much appreciated.

YouTube video

Nakwon: Last Paradise is a zombie apocalypse stealth survival game by Mintrocket featuring PvPvE gameplay for up to 16 players. The game is still in early development and has no official release date. Mintrocket recently closed its pre-alpha playtest that was available on PC. We extend our gratitude to Jang Kyoung-Han for answering our questions and to Dakota Burgin for helping with this interview.

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Mudassir is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories behind our favorite virtual worlds. Armed with a trusty notepad and a keen curiosity, he dives headfirst into the gaming industry's most exciting personalities. His knack for insightful questions and his ability to connect with developers and gamers alike makes his interviews a must-read. While on the lookout for the next person to interview, Mudassir keeps himself busy by writing news surrounding the gaming universe. Experience: 4+ Years || Senior Journalist || Education: Bachelor's in Psychology.

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