Baldur’s Gate 3 Was Almost “Impossible To Finish” Because Of Swen’s Quality Standards

Focusing on the quality was of utmost importance for Swen Vincke.

Story Highlights

  • Speaking at a conference, Baldur’s Gate 3 director spoke about his refusal to sacrifice quality.
  • The game faced many constraints, and devs were unsure whether it’d be completed.
  • A single change could require devs to alter many cinematics, making the process challenging.

As reported by Games Radar, Baldur’s Gate 3 director Swen Vincke spoke at the Digital Dragons conference in Poland about how he refused to sacrifice quality despite the lingering financial and time constraints. He shared the studio’s journey through development and how it overcame all the problems in the process. A particular benchmark would need to be met before Larian felt satisfied with the quality.

You might have something that you would rate, when you review it, 45% on Metacritic. And then what are you going to do? You’re going to say it’s not good enough, we’re going to do it again,” said Swen.

Often, a part in Baldur’s Gate 3 would need to be changed at multiple points, which required a huge amount of time considering the game’s scope. At one point, the devs felt that it was impossible to finish the game. The quality was still not compromised, but Swen changed tactics to make it easier for the devs.

We just said ‘no, the game needs these things, so we’re going to be doing this, we need to create breathing space to get the game to the quality level that it’s going to need because otherwise, it’s just not going to work out’.”

A Single Change Would Have Required Devs To Alter Many Cinematics

Swen used the example of 9,500 cinematics present in the game, where changing something would require devs to alter a lot of other cinematics in the process. Despite budget constraints, the new strategy to streamline development was used to deal with this dilemma and to make it easier for the teams to handle quality control in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3 is an RPG where you can pour thousands of hours without even realizing | Image Source: Steam
You can spend thousands of hours in BG3 without even realizing | Image Source: Steam

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The decision not to sacrifice quality in Baldur’s Gate 3 paid off in the end, as the RPG won multiple awards and received appreciation in the industry.

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Shameer Sarfaraz is a Senior News Writer on eXputer who loves to keep up with the gaming and entertainment industries devoutly. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and several years of experience reporting on games. Besides his passion for breaking news stories, Shahmeer loves spending his leisure time farming away in Stardew Valley. VGC, IGN, GameSpot, Game Rant, TheGamer, GamingBolt, The Verge, NME, Metro, Dot Esports, GameByte, Kotaku Australia, PC Gamer, and more have cited his articles.

Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor in Computer Science.

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