CS2’s Latest Updates Fixes Several Lingering Concerns

We're almost getting there.

Story Highlights

  • Valve recently released an update for CS2 on December 3, 2024.
  • The highlights are better accuracy for ragdoll physics and low-end compatibility the for CS2 Workshop.
  • The update also addresses and fixes collision and visibility issues in Train and Overpass.

As of December 3, 2024, CS2 received a major update clearing several massive issues. According to the official site, one of the more notable changes includes reverting predicted ragdolls without a confirmation or correction from the server and running CS2 Workshop tools on low-memory GPUs.

Other changes, primarily regarding maps, include fixing collision and visibility in Train and Overpass, respectively. As expected, the community has taken notice and feels this is a stepping stone towards adding highly-anticipated maps back into the active pool.

Besides these, there are also a few minor changes in the patches, too, including:

  • Fixing the ‘boost player contrast’ visibility rendering option sometimes reveals parts of players or weapons through thin surfaces.
  • Fixing various bugs in Hammer.
  • Updating two Community-made maps—Edin and Palais—according to the Workshop.
  • Changes exclusively for the ongoing Shanghai Majors.

A Step In The Right Direction For CS2

AK-47 in Counter-Strike 2's map.
Counter-Strike 2 Still Has A Long Way To Go | Image Source: IGDB

Though this update does show Valve’s intent to fix maps and potentially bring them back into the core map pool, the main issue of the anti-cheat is still not fully addressed. Regardless, adding further support to low-end hardware and reducing post-fight glitches, like ragdoll physics, is a minor yet appreciated change.

With the Shanghai Majors currently underway, the timing for releasing this update could be a lot better. If you’re participating or thinking about participating in CS2 majors, trying out training courses at places like CS2Pulse can be a great way to cope with any competitive changes, like the recent update.

So far, Valve has made several strides to distinguish CS2 from its iconic predecessor with the following:

  • Improved Visual Enhancements: Being powered with the new Source 2 engine to add better lights, textures, and animations.
  • Better Smoke Grenade Mechanics: Smokes now dynamically interact with the environment, expanding, or dispersing depending on the players’ actions.
  • Revised Tick-Rate System: The system reduces discrepancies in hit registration and player movement, making the overall gameplay smoother.
  • Map Revisions: The maps look nicer with improved lighting and textures, while small layout changes to improve game flow.
  • Changes To Weapon Balancing: Plenty of work has been done on several guns to make the gameplay seem fair, from tuning recoil patterns to adjusting damage output and accuracy.
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Daniyal is a Guides Writer and Editor at eXputer with over one year of experience in content writing. He's had a passion for tech and gaming for more than 15 years. Ever since his first console, the PS2, he's constantly branching off to different genres, and his go-to at the moment is the Souls experience pioneered by FromSoftware, which is evident by his 1,500+ hours of game time on Elden Ring. You can learn some more about Daniyal's gaming journey on his Steam & Xbox profiles.

Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.

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