Former Bethesda Designer Says Starfield 2 Will Be “One Hell Of A Game”

But we're not seeing that one out anytime soon.

Story Highlights

  • Starfield was one of the most hyped video game releases of 2023, launching to mixed reception. 
  • An ex-Bethesda designer has remarked on the potential of Starfield 2, praising its potential quality. 
  • The release of Starfield has presumably taught Bethesda some much-needed lessons.

Following a lengthy delay that saw anticipation building beyond belief, many of us awaited Starfield’s release with eager eyes, only for the RPG to fall short on multiple levels. At the end of the game, this is a good game we’re talking about here—it’s just not great.   

According to Bruce Nesmith, Bethesda’s former designer who’s worked on multiple Fallout games and led the design of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, what you should look forward to is Starfield 2, because that’s going to be “one hell of a game.” I don’t know, Bruce. Will I even be around till then? 

I’m looking forward to Starfield 2. I think it’s going to be one hell of a game because it’s going to address a lot of the things people are saying, ‘We’re quite there. We’re missing a little bit.’ It will be able to take what’s in there right now and put in a lot of new stuff and fix a lot of those problems.” 

What Bruce is really trying to get at is that Bethesda has presumably learned some hard lessons with the release of Starfield. Despite being the US-based developer’s biggest launch in history by crossing the 6-million player threshold, the space-faring RPG hasn’t been able to live up to prior expectations. It’s the staying power of this game that has been a let-down, mainly. 

That said, Bruce is of the opinion that the first game in the franchise is usually a considerable stepping stone, paving the way for future iterations to develop in a more fruitful and improved way. 

If you look at the first Dragon Age, the first Assassin’s Creed, the first game in a lot of IPs, they tend to show off flashes of brilliance amid a lot of other things that don’t quite catch everybody’s eye. No, they’re not quite as hot and popular. It takes, sadly, sometimes a second or third to version of the game in order to really enrich everything.”  

Before Starfield 2, Bethesda Will Push Its Line-Up Of Other Projects

Starfield Has Failed to Live Up to All its Hype
On the Flip Side, Starfield Has Fantastic Gameplay | Image Source: Bethesda

As the years go by, Starfield may very well become a thing of the past, because Bethesda fans currently look forward to the goliath that is The Elder Scrolls 6. Again, we’re not seeing that for a while now.

It has also been quite a while — almost a decade in fact — since we had the last Fallout coming out. It’s quite likely that the studio will show proclivity toward the next mainline Fallout project before it dips its toes into Starfield’s development next. 

What do you think of Bruce’s remarks? Let me know in the comments ahead.

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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