Forspoken’s Upcoming Live Stream Expected To Detail The Game’s PC Version

The event will go live on 17 January.

The ball is finally about to drop for Forspoken. Just a mere two weeks before the game’s debut, Square Enix and Luminous Productions are all set for an official broadcast. This live stream will be our ticket to getting more information about the upcoming game.

The broadcast will be hosted on Square Enix’s official YouTube channel. The event was created three days ago and will go live on January 17, 2023.


  • Forspoken is a heavily anticipated game that will be released on January 24 2023.
  • It is developed by Luminous Productions and published by Square Enix.
  • Forspoken will be available on PlayStation 5 as well as PC.
  • In an upcoming live stream, Square Enix will discuss the PC version details for the game.

YouTube video

One of the many things promised in this session is getting to see more footage from the main gameplay. This is, of course, very exciting, especially after the criticism the game’s demo received.

The demo, which came out a month ago, received a lackluster response from most players. They seem unimpressed by the game’s overall performance on PlayStation 5. Many fans have higher expectations from the PC version of the game.

While there are no PC requirements listed officially, it is heavily anticipated that the live stream will spill the beans on the PC version of Forspoken. From what we already know, the game will be one of the first of its kind to support Microsoft’s DirectStorage technology.

This information came out in a GDC talk that had been scheduled for March 23 of last year, although the session is missing from the domain now.

DirectStorage technology is a next-gen game asset-loading API that has been made to efficiently use the capabilities of GPU and storage hardware. This allows the assets to seamlessly transfer to the GPU.

It is also assumed that the game will include ray tracing, which will help create a more realistic and believable environment. 

Forspoken follows the saga of Frey as she traverses through the land of Athia. The game will be released on January 24 and is available for pre-order. The game got its official rating of 17 and up last year. Forspoken’s release has been delayed once due to a strategic decision.

Are you excited to play the game? Do let us know in the comments below. 

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Amama Farrukh is a News Reporter on eXputer who’s been passionate about playing and writing about games since an early age. As a die-hard God of War fan, she’s really into gory hack-and-slash titles that get her adrenaline pumping. She’s got a bachelor's in Business Administration and several years of experience reporting on the gaming industry. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration || Previously worked as a Freelancer || Published 100+ News Stories

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