God Hand Creator Says He Wants To Bring The Franchise Back

A modern-day iteration would work wonders.

Story Highlights

  • God Hand is a PlayStation exclusive, developed by the now-defunct Clover Studio. 
  • The game, tracing its release back to 2006, has long been abandoned by its creators. 
  • Shinji Mikami, the person who developed God Hand, says he wants to bring this franchise back the most.

As far as some of the best PlayStation classics go, God Hand is right up there for me and many others despite a couple of qualms that people have had with the game over the years. Still, they’re definitely nothing to sidestep the franchise over and abandon it, as this is how it’s already been for the last 18 years. Ridiculous humor to the point that it’s funny, along with unapologetic, balls-to-the-walls combat has granted the title a cult following, and not without good reason.

Commenting on the matter, Shinji Mikami — the creator of the God Hand franchise — told Wccftech during Gamescom this year when asked what previous work would he like to revive, he immediately jumped to God Hand. He affirmed that “God Hand 2” is something he’d want to work on the most as far as his aspirations are concerned.

A New God Hand Game Unsupervised By Shinji Wouldn’t Be The Same

God Hand Is One of My Best Experiences in Gaming
God Hand Is So Bad, It’s Actually Great | Source: Wallpaper Abyss

Unfortunately for him, Capcom owns the IP, and he’s no longer at Capcom. I’m not sure how this would ever work out if — and that’s a big if — Capcom were to revive God Hand at some point down the road without Shinji at the center of it all. I wrote about the game at length in one of my other articles, talking about its uncultured comedy, old-school brawling, and a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience bar none. 

Replicating all of that without the man in charge would be problematic right out of the gate.

In other news, Shinji also spoke about Dino Crisis at the same Gamescom event, but if you’re a fan, you might not be able to take his words lightly. He is of the opinion that with Monster Hunter’s success booming at large, fan demand for a new Dino Crisis “surprises him” and shouldn’t be there in the first place. 

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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