High On Life’s DLC Hilariously Mocks God Of War Ragnarok’s Puzzle Spoilers

Hilarious to say the least, but fairly fitting all the same.

Story Highlights

  • High on Life, a comedy-oriented first-person shooter, came as a surprise release for Xbox consoles back in December last year. Later in 2023, the game was ported to PlayStation consoles.
  • The title’s first DLC expansion called High on Knife has been released for all the platforms the base game is on, featuring new characters, and a comical incentive to seek further adventure. 
  • It has been revealed that the DLC expansion of High on Life takes a jab at God of War Ragnarok’s puzzles, and mimics Atreus — the deuteragonist of the game — while doing so.

High on Life has remained a pretty fun-filled game over the course of its release, and it seems that the developers are going at it again with its recently released DLC expansion called High on Knife (best not confuse the names). As comedic and humorous as the first-person shooter is, High on Knife actually makes a mockery out of God of War Ragnarok’s puzzles during one of its in-game sequences, hilariously mimicking Atreus, the deuteragonist of Ragnarok.   

Thanks to GameRiot for sharing the clip, one part of High on Knife’s gameplay sees the Bounty Hunter and Knifey — one of the talking weapons of the protagonist — traveling to another planet called Peroxis to find the origins of a package that was supposed to be delivered to Knifey. As we move along the opening sections of the DLC, you come across Toxxo, and the only way forward is to complete “favors” for the big frog. 

However, if you take too long at the start of the section, particularly when Toxxo asks you to dive into the pool alongside him, Suit-O, another High on Life NPC, talks to the player, telling him how to proceed in pure mimicry fashion. He says, 

Hey there, Suit-O here! I’m gonna go ahea and give you a little God of War style tip that just gives the whole puzzle away. Go ahead and shoot those parasites on Toxxo and that’ll give you health to heal, and you can stay in the bath for longer. How’s that sound? A-Atreus out. Hahaha…. just kidding!” 

For those not in the know, this joke originates from the 2022-released God of War Ragnarok, where the puzzle-solving sequences of the title have been loaded with tips and hints. The major gripe that players seem to have is that Kratos’ side companions, Atreus and Mimir, don’t take too long to spill the beans. Even if you mute your audio and turn off the subtitles, you’ll find Atreus standing next to the area that potentially solves the puzzle. Video game NPCs could really give it a rest sometimes.

This game is a 10/10 at ruining the joy of puzzles
byu/phobos33 inGodofWarRagnarok

Anyhow, High on Knife is the first campaign expansion that High on Life has been treated to. Talking to the audience in an official blog post, the head writer of the game’s developer studio—Squanch Games—explains how the team tried to break the stereotype by blending horror and comedy together. It’s hard to pull off, but the studio made it work in favor of High on Life. 

A lot of the natural scares came out of those basic ideas, and they were really brought to life by Gabourey Sidibe, who plays the boss of this operation, Mux. She was really funny, but she could get REALLY menacing. So it’s the reality of like, what if your boss was this evil glob that has taken over every square inch of this facility and could appear at any moment from any wall? It’s the ultimate surveillance,” says Alec Robbins. 

High on Knife is out now for the Xbox Series X|S consoles and PC via Game Pass and Steam. If you haven’t even bought the base game yet, Xbox is bundling the title and the expansion together for about $20 which you can check out right now. 

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at eXputer.com, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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