Mila Jovovich Set to Join Monster Hunter World: Iceborne in Unique Tie-in DLC

Play as the famous huntress on the 4th of December

Monster Hunter originally came to the PlayStation 2 sometime during 2014. Ever since then, several sequels and spin-offs have come out to further enhance the game. The most recent installment in the series is Monster Hunter World – the award-winning RPG that still boasts a hefty player base despite coming out two years ago.

Earlier this year, the game received an update for a brand-new expansion pack – Iceborne, which brought more monsters, equipment sets, and weapons to the action-adventure. Fast forward to the present time; the company has announced a crossover between Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and the upcoming Paul W.S. Anderson movie “Monster Hunter.”

In the movie, the protagonist is Mila Jovovich, who you probably know as the famous Resident Evil star. She’s moved on from zombies and turned to monsters now, for all we know. Mila plays the character of “Artemis” in the movie. Thanks to Monster Hunter’s Youtube channel’s latest announcement, we can all expect her to grace the realm of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne due to the upcoming tie-in DLC.

Not only the death-defying character, but the new DLC will bring new quests and rewards alike. You’ll be able to download the new content on the 4th of December. Before that, the game will give you a bonus pack for logging in anytime after 26 November. The pack will include:

  • Ancient Potion x30
  • Dust of Life x30
  • Golden Egg x10
  • True Armor Sphere x3
  • Earplug Jewel+ x1

Monster Hunter World Receives Next-gen Upgrade

All the amassing buzz shows that Capcom isn’t stepping on the breaks with Monster Hunter World anytime soon. This is one reason why the game saw itself in the collection of PS Plus games on PlayStation 5’s launch.

While it’s too soon to expect another expansion like Iceborn, one can always expect fresher content from the game consistently. Besides, the next-gen overhaul has also inevitably increased traffic in the game’s servers.

Take a look at the trailer below and let us know what you think of it in the comments.

YouTube video

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Matt Hunter is our New Releases Editor with one of the coolest Aliases ever. He loves chasing after the latest scoop in the gaming and tech industries and covers it with the utmost urgency. You’ll find him breaking some of the best news stories for his audience. He also likes to dive into interesting leaks and rumors. You can also follow Matt's gaming activity on his Steam Profile. Experience: 3+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Ghostwritten for Several Publications || Broken 300+ Articles || Mainly Covers New Game stories on eXputer

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