Players Infuriated At “Epic” Skin From Battlefield 2042

Controversial "Little Green Man" skin from Battlefield 2042 has players questioning DICE's intentions.

» UPDATE: Earlier today, Battlefield Direct Communication on Twitter tweeted that the company would be changing the name of one of the skins in the Boris’ Mastery Tiers in an upcoming update for the game after the concern was raised by players, stating that the name “unintentionally references a real world issue.” «

After months of waiting, Battlefield 2042 has finally been released and many players are already playing the early access for the game. However, while the reviews for the game seem to be very positive, that still hasn’t saved DICE from being involved in a controversy and the company didn’t even try to be subtle about it.

Earlier today, a Twitter user, Waggle-free, pointed out in a tweet that the “Little Green Man” skin from Battlefield 2042 is a straightforward reference to the Russian terrorist organisation that appeared during the Ukrainian crisis of 2014. “are you ok with jokingly putting the Russian terrorists that occupied part of my country? Why not add dunno isis or taliban units to the mix?” they said.

According to Wikipedia, the phrase “little green men” refers to armed soldiers of the Russian Federation in unmarked green military uniforms with modern Russian military equipment during 2014. These forces were responsible for the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine by the Russian Federation between February and March 2014 as a result of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict.

While Battlefield 2042 is certainly not the first game to reference terrorist organisations, it’s certainly one of the few that don’t even bother being subtle about it. Some people have raised concerns that while the skin itself may not be a cause for controversy, the name “Little Green Man” is definitely not okay.

“do people even do research before adding stuff to their game? either that or they are being wilfully ignorant.” said one user under a thread on ResetEra highlighting this issue. “this should be removed. even the name is offensive,” said another. While there are some people that want DICE to remove this skin from the game completely, there are others that think that this issue is a very minor one.

Earlier this month, players criticised Sledgehammer Games after screenshots showcasing torn pages from the Holy Qur’an (sacred to Muslims) were found on the ground in one of the maps in Call of Duty: Vanguard, with the phrase “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” imprinted on them.

It seems like developers are choosing to ignore these obvious and significant issues and, as a result, are facing the consequences for their decisions. For now, there has been no response from DICE regarding the issue. Hopefully, the company can realise what it did wrong and come up with a clarification soon.

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