Stellar Blade: NSFW Skin Suit Comes With A Difficulty Boost

The outfit serves to boost gameplay and player experience.

Story Highlights

  • Stellar Blade’s demo revealed a “Skin Suit” that permanently disables the player’s shield.
  • The costume focuses on visual appeal while raising the game’s difficulty.
  • Further details such as other gameplay implications remain unknown.

The accidental release of a demo for Stellar Blade gave players a glimpse of the revealing “Skin Suit” for Eve that raises the game’s difficulty. The costume quickly gained steam on the internet due to its visual appeal with some people drawing parallels with NieR: Automata.

The Skin Suit will impact gameplay by disabling shields.
The Skin Suit will impact gameplay by disabling shields. (Credits: GamersPrey)

The developers, Shift Up, have previously emphasized the importance of Eve’s appearance in Stellar Blade, even utilizing 3D body-scanning technology to create her character model. Additionally, a variety of costumes are planned for Eve, with 30 outfits reportedly showcased in the leaked demo.

The Skin Suit has sparked controversy due to its design, described by some as “more revealing than nudity itself.” However, a lesser-discussed detail concerns its impact on gameplay. Initial speculation suggested Eve’s costumes would be purely cosmetic but the Skin Suit is an exception. The demo description indicates that equipping it disables the shield function, leaving the player character vulnerable.

Stellar Blade
Stellar Blade

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The description suggests that the Skin Suit essentially creates a “hard mode” experience within the game by trading reduced defense for visual appeal. In line with the devs’ comments, the suit’s idea & appearance are reminiscent of NieR: Automata’s “Self-destruct” command. For the uninitiated, the feature allowed players to remove 2B’s skirt at the cost of lowering their HP to 1.

YouTube video

We’ll find out whether the Skin Suit offers any benefits other than great visuals & increased difficulty once Stellar Blade launches exclusively for PlayStation 5 on April 26, 2024. 

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Saad is a News writer at eXputer. With vast journalistic experience working for a multitude of websites, Saad currently reports to eXputer with the latest news and dishes out his opinions on a frequent basis. He's currently studying Game and Interactive Media Design, which has further increased his knowledge about the ins and outs of the industry.

Experience: 1+ Year || Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Media Science.

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