Surgeons Successfully Incorporate PlayStation Controller In New Surgery

But what if it starts to drift?

Story Highlights

  • The PlayStation 3 Move controller was famous back in the day for offering a unique experience. 
  • Despite being a fairly dated joystick, the controller has been employed in a new industry.
  • A surgeon from thousands of miles away utilized the Move controller in an experimental surgery. 

You would find yourself hard-pressed to find unorthodox uses for a video game controller, other than smashing it into the head of your friend as they beat you 5-0 in a FIFA session, but it seems there’s more to the scenario than what meets the eye. First reported by Fox News’ Kurt Knutsson, the PS3 move’s controller has been recently employed to perform surgery on a patient in Hong Kong all the way from Switzerland.

You got that right. The nature of the surgery was experimental, considering that a pig was under the knife at the time, but it speaks volumes about the future of the industry and where technology is heading in this particular sector. The surgeon employed the Move controller from Zurich, further using other accompanying elements, such as a WebSocket protocol, a robotic system, and a magnetic endoscope. 

The Swiss Surgeon Using the PS3 Move Joystick to Operate on a Pig in China | Image Source: Fox News

One of the key achievements of this experiment was maintaining a latency of under 300 milliseconds,” informs Kurt Knutsson, and this was carried out successfully during the surgery. A high response time is everything in surgery, and I’m glad to observe that technology is pushing the barrier to what’s possible in the healthcare sector.

Future-wise, this would mean that long-distance surgeries would be conducted with relative ease, but, of course, we still have a ways to go before such efficiency is spread out on a large scale.

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And it’s not just the PS3 Move controller that was used for the operation—the PlayStation 5’s DualSense chimed in as well, which is the latest addition to the family of PS hardware. 

PlayStation Continues To Impress Big Time

If You Can't Find the Astro Bot Controller in Stock, Prepare to Pay a Premium
The Astro Bot Controller Is Flat-Out Premium | Image Source: PS Direct

This generation’s PlayStation controller is a wonder, practically speaking. It’s loaded with nifty little features, including haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, that make it stand out from the competition significantly well as compared to other options on the market. And the best part? It works on PC as well with all of its functionality

Splendid stuff. 

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Fahad is a news reporter at eXputer with a huge passion for fighting games. For the past year, he has been utilizing his skills to report on the latest and greatest in the gaming industry. Side by side with his bachelor's in computer science, Fahad has also acquired a certification in English for Journalism from Coursera. Fahad now dedicates all his time to either playing video games or reporting news at eXputer.

Experience: 1+ Years || Covers News Stories at eXputer || Bachelor's in Computer Science.

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