Fallout 4 Is Currently The Most-Downloaded PS4 Game In The US, Canada, And Europe

The data is compiles for the US/Canada and Europe.

Story Highlights

  • PlayStation has unveiled the rankings of the most downloaded games in the month of April. 
  • Helldivers 2 and Sea of Thieves have come out on top in the US/Canada and Europe regions. 
  • For the PlayStation 4, however, Fallout 4 remained the most-downloaded title last month. 

Revisiting Fallout 4 after all this time, I’ve come to the realization that maybe this game isn’t all that bad, and perhaps, many others have started to share the same sentiment. As PlayStation revealed its most downloaded games for last month, it appears that Fallout 4 has come out on top in the department of the PlayStation 4, with other titles leading the front on the PlayStation 5’s side of things. 

Fallout 4 Reigns Supreme in US Canda and Europe for the PS4
Fallout 4 Reigns Supreme in the US, Canada, and Europe for the PS4 | Source: PS Blog

Of course, this type of popularity is expected, considering how well the Fallout television series on Amazon Prime Video has done so far. For reference, it’s remained the most-watched TV show in April, breathing new life into the Fallout games and enticing people to give them a retry now in 2024. The success of Fallout 4, therefore, is a byproduct of the sky-rise popularity of the TV series. 

Helldivers 2 Has Seen Hell In Recent Times

Helldivers 2
Helldivers 2 Is a Live Service Done Right | Source: Steam 

On the other hand, we’ve got Arrowhead’s Helldivers 2 overtaking the rest of the competition in the US in terms of being the most-downloaded PlayStation 5 title in April. For those who missed it, the third-person shooter has had quite the drama unfolded over the previous week, when Sony went back on its word and made a PSN sign-in on Steam mandatory for PC players, invoking a severe reaction in the community. 

Thankfully, though, the proposition didn’t stick long and Sony decided to take a sharp U-turn, removing the policy implementation for players. The backlash came swift, though, with Steam also delisting the third-person shooter in countries where PSN isn’t supported. The devs and Sony are still working to sort that out. 

Other Content to Check Out: 

Fallout 4 was released on November 10, 2015, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Late last month, Bethesda rolled out a “next-gen” update for the RPG, getting it up to par with today’s standard of gaming, though dropping the ball along the way as well.

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