Scalpers’ Next Target Is Sadly The PS5 Astro Bot Controller

It originally costs $69.99.

Story Highlights

  • Astro Bot is an upcoming PlayStation 5 exclusive, a sequel to the tech demo Astro’s Playroom.
  • To celebrate its release, PlayStation has released a specialized Astro Bot DualSense, selling it for $69.99.
  • Due to scarce availability, however, scalpers are found selling the controller online for about $150. 

It’s a dog-eat-dog world, isn’t it? Back when the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles came out for the first time, a certain group of people hoarded the hardware units and then took to online platforms to resell the same $500 consoles for more than $2,000, mostly the PS5. Things have calmed down on that front since then, but a new instance revolving around the specialized Astro Bot DualSense has brought back those nightmarish memories.

For what originally costs $79.99 — $10 more than the standard DualSense — eBay listings have been spotted as of late where the Astro Bot controller is currently being sold for somewhere between the $140-$150 range. Fairly ridiculous to say the least, considering that this is double the standard price. 

The Astro Bot Listings on eBay
The Astro Bot-Themed DualSense Listings on eBay 

At the time of writing, PlayStation Direct has the controller in stock and is retailing it at the usual $69.99. If you want to get your hands on it without having to resort to purchasing from a scalper — which is the actual problem here — I suggest acting quickly. Given that this is limited edition merchandise, stock probably won’t last until long

Astro Bot Is The Next Big PS5 Exclusive Everyone’s Looking Forward To

YouTube video

I love it when Sony takes creative risks because that’s when games like Astro’s Playroom and its upcoming sequel Astro Bot have some modicum of a chance to come through. State of Play this time around was pretty packed with exciting announcements and updates, but it’s needless to say that the reveal of Astro Bot is what truly stole the show.

From all I’ve seen so far, Astro Bot is gearing up to be bigger and better than ever, featuring more than 150 PlayStation character cameos as per the game’s official store listing. Oh, and prepare for free DLC too following the game’s release, Nicolas Doucet confirmed, the Team Asobi frontman.  

We also cranked up the number of baddies too with over 70 new types, including massive bosses at the end of each galaxy. Special mention to the deadly cobra queen Lady Venomara who appears in the trailer, waiting for you in her golden lair,” says Team Asobi’s Studio Head.

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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