A New “Lunar Shift” Xbox Series X|S Controller Spotted Online

The controller features 4 ecstatic and unique functionalities to make the device stand out in the midst of its competition.

The controller market has seen fierce competition in the last few years with the DualShock 5 taking the world by storm with its haptic feedback and trigger intensity. Well, it seems Xbox has decided to test their luck out again and decided to work harder on the controller market.

Major Takeaways: 

  • The new controller was leaked by Twitter user @EspiaDeOfertas.
  • It has 4 distinct features.
  • The color scheme is called Surreal Shimmer.

The controller looks somewhat identical to its previous counterparts, having the same pad scheme and button layout as well as an overall feel. The only real difference is a few select functionalities that also bring life to the controller.

The first change is a visual aesthetic upgrade, the Surreal Shimmer. This feature changes the color of the controller with respect to the lighting scheme and apparently the motion. So if you throw your controller in a fit of rage it may initiate a red glow.


The next addition is a quick tab, the Share Button. You will be able to efficiently upload or record your best moments for your own personal use or to show off to your friends. Nonetheless a great and necessary feature.

Up next, is a Bluetooth addition. Of course, no device of this era would be complete if it didn’t have a Bluetooth connection in it, and Xbox has done just that, they have added an option to pair with other devices fast enough that you don’t even have to look away from your game.

Finally, we have a practical aesthetic improvement to the handles with the addition of a Textured Grip. Some people do not realize the importance of having something cover up their controller grips as most controllers get extremely dirty if they remain in a single color scheme, but with this addition, its design will stand out even more.

Another thing to consider is the lack of controllers in the Europes market and how that is being handled.

Xbox Wireless controllers are unusually facing shortages all around Europe in the recent weeks and months. No one has any explanation for this but official controllers from the company are just not available. You can still buy the wired controllers from third-party stores but the official wireless ones are nowhere to be found.”

No matter how good the controller may be, if it never reaches the consumer it is basically worthless. In conclusion, the new controller is miles away from PlayStations devices, but it is still a step further from previous controllers.

Similar Reads: PlayStation Showcase Might Not Happen Later This Year.

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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