Psychonauts 2: Emotional Baggage Locations in Hollis’ Classroom

Emotional Baggage are satisfying collectibles littered throughout the Mental Worlds you visit in Psychonauts 2, and Hollis’ Classroom is no different. The Hollis’ Classroom level in Psychonauts 2 features only two collectible pieces of Emotional Baggage. The pieces themselves can be found easily, and on your first playthrough. We’ll go through the locations of both pieces of Emotional Baggage along with their required tags, just in case you need a little help.

Emotional Baggage Locations in Hollis’ Classroom

Here is the list of all Emotional Baggage with their locations in Hollis’ Classroom:

CollectibleTag LocationBag Location
The Steamer TrunkOn the far bench in the first area of Hollis' Classroom, to the right of the central platformOn the hospital roof, at the far-left end, in-between some vents
The Hat BoxOn the hospital roof, at the far-right end, on top of a metal chimneyBeside a dumpster, in the corner to the right of the hospital entrance door

Collectible #1

The first dejected piece of baggage that you can reunite with its lost tag is the Steamer Trunk.

You can find its tag in the first area of Hollis’ Classroom, where she gives the students a lecture on Mental Connection. As soon as she leaves, the interns coerce Raz into demonstrating his abilities. Before doing so, however, you can go up to the central platform and look to the right. Here, on the far bench, you’ll be able to spot the Steamer Trunk tag.

Psychonauts 2 Emotional Baggage Collectibles Hollis' Classroom
Steamer Trunk tag

As for the The Steamer Trunk itself, you will find that in a later area of the game, when you’re outside a hospital entrance. To find the Trunk, you need to make your way to the roof of the hospital. You can do this by jumping off the ambulances’ roof or by grappling onto the thought bubbles. Afterward, go to the far-left end of the roof, and here, snuggled in-between some vents, you’ll find the Steamer Trunk.

Psychonauts 2 Emotional Baggage Collectibles Hollis' Classroom
Steamer Trunk

Enjoying the hunt? Also, check out our Emotional Baggage locations guide for Compton’s Cookoff!

Collectible #2

The second and final Emotional Baggage piece in Hollis’ Classroom in Psychonauts 2 is the Hat Box.

The tag for the Hat Box will be on the hospital roof in the same area as the Steamer Trunk. Only this time, you have to go to the far-right end of the roof. You’ll be able to easily spot the tag here on top of a metal chimney.

Hat Box tag
Hat Box tag

Thankfully, the Hat Box itself is also nearby. Simply get off of the roof, and go towards the right of the hospital entrance door. Here, right in the corner beside a dumpster, you can find the Hat Box, desperate to be reunited with its tag once more.

Psychonauts 2 Emotional Baggage Collectibles Hollis' Classroom
Hat Box

That concludes all the Emotional Baggage collectibles in Hollis’ Classroom in Psychonauts 2! Did you enjoy the ease of finding them in this level? Or do you prefer more of a challenge when it comes to finding your collectibles? Feel free to discuss your thoughts in the comments. If you’re done with this level, also check out our Emotional Baggage guide for the next mental world: Hollis’ Hot Streak!

Frequently Asked Questions

Emotional Baggage in Hollis’ Classroom - FAQs

How many Emotional Baggage collectibles are there in Hollis’ Classroom?

There are only two pieces of Emotional Baggage in this level, including a Steamer Trunk and a Hat Box.

Can I collect all of the Emotional Baggage collectibles in my first playthrough of Hollis’ Classroom?

Yes. Unlike the previous level of Loboto’s Labyrinth, Hollis’ Classroom does not require a second playthrough, since it does not require any additional abilities to reach the collectibles.

How long will it take me to collect all the Emotional Baggage in Hollis’ Classroom?

You can find all the collectibles within 10 minutes of starting the Hollis’ Classroom level.

Do I have to collect all Emotional Baggage to progress through the game?

No, Emotional Baggage are only collectible items that reward you for exploration and encourage you to visit new areas. They will, however, help you level up your intern rank faster.

Similar Articles: Emotional Baggage Locations in Bob’s Bottles.

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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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