Star Wars Jedi Survivor Alignment Control Center Puzzle

To solve the alignment control center puzzle, you have to solve all seven Jedi Meditation Chambers!

The Alignment Control Center screens are a series of seven screens located in the underground area of the Untamed Downs on the planet Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. These displays are associated with the Jedi Meditation Chamber Puzzles that may be found throughout Jedi Survivor.

Key Takeaways
  • The Alignment Control Center screens in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor are connected to the seven Jedi Meditation Chamber Puzzles found throughout Jedi Survivor.
  • To solve the Alignment Control Center Screen Puzzle, players must complete all seven Jedi Meditation Chamber Puzzles, turning all screens green.
  • Completing the puzzle rewards players with the Map Upgrade, revealing all unfound upgrades on the Holomap.

The Alignment Control Center Screens

Central Screens star wars jedi survivor alignment control center
Central Screens

Each screen corresponds to one of the seven Jedi Meditation Chambers. Six of the screens will initially be red, while one will be green. The green screen indicates a completed Jedi Meditation Chamber, specifically the Chamber of Duality completed earlier with Zee.

  • More displays will turn green as you go through and accomplish more Jedi Meditation Chamber Puzzles.
  • To fully solve the puzzle at the Alignment Control Center, you need to complete all seven Jedi Meditation Chamber Puzzles.

Solving The Control Center Screen Puzzle

To solve the alignment control center, you must complete all seven Jedi Meditation Chamber Puzzles found throughout Jedi Survivor. Each completed chamber corresponds to one of the seven screens at the Alignment Control Center turning from red to green. Follow these steps to solve the puzzle:

  1. Return to the Alignment Control Centre in the Untamed Downs on Koboh after completing each chamber.
  2. Once all the screens are green, indicating that all Jedi Meditation Chamber Puzzles have been completed, access the monitor on the opposite wall.
  3. Use BD-1’s help to interact with the monitor and unlock the Map Upgrade: Upgrades, which will reveal all unfound upgrades on your Holomap.

Remember that you might need certain abilities and upgrades to access and complete some of the Jedi Meditation Chambers, so you may have to progress further into Jedi Survivor before you can complete this puzzle.

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Rewards Of Alignment Control Center Puzzle

Holomap Revealed star wars jedi survivor alignment control
Holomap Revealed

After successfully completing all seven Jedi Meditation Chamber Puzzles and solving the Alignment Control Center Screen Puzzle in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, you will unlock a valuable reward. You will acquire the Map Upgrade after interacting with the display on the other wall with the assistance of BD-1.

  • This upgrade reveals all unfound upgrades on your Holomap, making it easier to locate and collect them throughout Jedi Survivor.
  • These upgrades can include Skill Points, Health Upgrades, Force Upgrades, and unique Perks, which can enhance Cal’s abilities and overall performance in Jedi survivor.

What Are Jedi Meditation Chambers

Jedi Meditation Chambers in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor are special hidden locations scattered throughout the planet of Koboh. These chambers present a variety of puzzles and challenges that test your skills in using the Force, traversing the environment, and wielding your lightsaber.

  • These chambers often incorporate Cal’s unique Psychometry ability, which allows him to hear echoes of the Force and learn more about the chambers and their creators.
  • While the first Jedi Meditation Chamber you encounter is part of the main story, the others are optional, offering rewards for players who go the extra mile to discover secrets.
  • Completing these chambers grants exclusive rewards called Perks.
  • Perks are abilities that can be slotted in to modify Cal’s combat maneuvers and provide bonuses or abilities that are not available through the regular progression of Jedi Survivor.

How To Solve Every Chamber Puzzle?

Following are the seven Jedi Meditation Chambers and I will provide you with every detail you need to solve them!

The Chamber Of Duality

Resilience Perk is the reward! Chamber of Duality
Resilience Perk is the reward!

To find the Chamber of Duality in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, follow these steps:

Start at the Meditation Point and hop onto the circular platform on the left. Continue on to the next circular platform. Drop down to the right rock formation and follow the walls around to the next rock formation. Continue up and around to the left until you reach an entrance with gold trim around the edges.

  •  Reaching the Middle of the Room: Enter the Chamber of Duality, find the Orb Amplifier, and retrieve the Orb using the Force. Place the Orb in the Amplifier to create a bridge to the middle of the room, where you’ll meet Zee.
  • Meeting Zee and Freeing Her: After meeting Zee, place the Orb in the Amplifier to form a new bridge. Use the Force on the disc to open a door, revealing another Orb.
  • Obtaining the Second Orb and Forming a Bridge: Grab the second Orb and throw it into the previous area. Place it in the Orb Amplifier behind Zee, and retrieve the first Orb to place it in the second Amplifier.
  •  Unlocking the Exit and Freeing Zee: Cross the bridge, wall jump upward to find a machine for a disc, and use the Force to lift the machinery and free Zee. After a cutscene, collect the Resilience Perk reward, and exit the Chamber.

Upon completing the Chamber of Duality puzzle and freeing Zee, you will be rewarded with the Resilience Perk. This perk may be obtained from the machine Zed unlocks.

    • In addition to the Resilience Perk, you can also find a Chest in the area where you wall jump upward. When you open the Chest, you will receive Jedi Paint, which you can use to customize your character.

Other Tips: Star Wars Jedi Survivor Increase Maximum Health

Chamber Of Reason

Meeting TOA Alignment Control Center Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Meeting TOA

eXputer’s video guide explains everything in detail about the Chamber of Reason here:

YouTube video

The Chamber of Reason is an optional Chamber in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, located on Koboh in the Basalt Forest, in the Basalt Rift. After interacting with Toa, leave the camp and turn left. Encounter a beast attacking Imperial soldiers and decide whether to fight or flee. Turn right, cross the broken bridge using Force Pull on the rope, and unlock the entrance with the key obtained from the Chamber of Duality.

  • Entering the Chamber and Solving the First Orb Puzzle: Enter the Chamber of Reason and descend using the elevator platform and rope. Force Pull the lever to move the Orb Coupler.
  • Then Force Pull the purple Orb and places it into the moved Orb Coupler. 
  •  Obtaining the Second Orb and Forming More Bridges: Break the wall on your right using Force Push, retrieve the second Orb, and return to the starting area.
  • Using the switch, move the first Orb to the left side, build another bridge, and take the second Orb to the other side.
  • Collecting All Echos and Datadiscs: Carry the Orb up the elevator platform and place it in the Amplifier.
  •  Unlocking the Hidden Chest: On the upper level, use the Force to pick up the first Orb and throw it into the yellow glowing hole. The Orb will fall and open the gold gate, revealing the Diligence Emitter in a chest.
    • Collect the reward, the Dexterity Perk, and exit the Chamber. 

Chamber Of Clarity

Endpoint of Chamber Of Clarity star wars jedi survivor alignment control center
Endpoint of Chamber Of Clarity

Endpoint of the Clarity Chamber Head to the northern part of the Untamed Downs on Koboh to find the Chamber of Clarity in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Find the entrance by climbing up vines beneath the chamber and scaling the rock formations to reach the top.

  • Enter the chamber, use Force Pull to move a block, and reveal a hidden passage.
  • Collect the Datadisc inside and proceed.
  • Solve cube puzzles using Force Pull and quick jumps to reach different areas.
  • Collect Echoes and Datadiscs throughout the chamber by following the corridors and uncovering hidden rooms.
  • Complete the parkour section by jumping between cubes and ledges, using wall runs and Force abilities to reach the final area.

Upon completing the Chamber of Clarity, you’ll be rewarded with the Fellowship Perk. This useful upgrade allows BD-1 to hold an extra Stim, enhancing your healing capabilities during your adventure.

Chamber Of Connection

Opening of Blocked doors! Alignment Control Center Star Wars Jedi Survivor Chamber of Connection (1)
Opening of Blocked doors!

 Chamber of Connection is a Jedi Chamber discovered in Koboh’s Viscid Bog. 

  • Finding Chamber of Connection: follow the ziplines, double-jump, and run from the Viscid Bog Meditation Point. Grapple up, climb, and find the entrance to the broken bridge.
  • Chamber of Connection Walkthrough: Collect the Echo and Orb, then place the Orb in the Amplifier.
  • Use BD-1’s Grinder to clear doors and obtain the Persistence Emitter.
  • Wall-run, collect the Datadisc and activate trigger plates to open doorways.
  • Cross the beam, wall jump, collect Echoes, and open the shortcut.
  • Quickly repeat the steps, create a Koboh Matter line, and throw the Orb into the Amplifier.
  • Form a bridge, open the blocked door, and acquire the Recuperation Perk and Echo.

Reward: Resilience Perk

Chamber Of Detachment 

star wars jedi survivor alignment control center Mountain Ascent
Mountain Ascent, Chamber Of Detachment.

The Chamber of Detachment is a Jedi Chamber found in the Mountain Ascent on your third trip to Koboh. You’ll need BD-1’s Koboh Grinder and the ability to dash through green forcefields.

  • Finding the Chamber of Detachment:  Begin at the Mountain Ascent Meditation Point and go through the green forcefields to the Chamber beneath the waterfall.
  • Chamber of Detachment Walkthrough: Collect Echoes and use the Force to pull the block from the wall.
  • Grab the Orb, throw it into the Amplifier, and use BD-1’s Grinder to drop a Datadisc.
  • Rewards: Upon completion, you’ll receive the Patience Perk.

Chamber Of Fortitude

Fighting Anoth Estra star wars jedi survivor alignment control center
Fighting Anoth Estra

The Chamber of Fortitude is found at the top of the Corroded Silo in Koboh’s Southern Reach. You’ll need the Lift and Slam ability, the ability to dash through green forcefields, and Relters to fly there.

  • How to Find the Chamber of Fortitude: Start from the Southern Reach Meditation Point on Koboh, follow the path, use the Lift and Slam ability to open the grate on the rooftop, dash through the green forcefield, and navigate through the area to reach the Chamber entrance.
  • Chamber of Fortitude Walkthrough: Fight the boss Anoth Estra with a double-bladed lightsaber and grapple.
  • Moreover, Dodge when Anoth Estra glows red to avoid attacks.
  • Collect Echoes and chests containing BD-1 Materials Two-Tone Metal paint scheme.
  • Rewards: Upon completion, you’ll receive the Persistence Perk.

Devastated Settlement Chamber

You must have achieved the Koboh – Research Tanalorr Main Objective and have the Koboh Grinder upgrade on your BD-1.

  • How to Find The Devastated Settlement Chamber: Start from the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, locate the cave entrance on the opposite cliffside, and follow a series of steps involving Relters and adjusting a beam to reach the Chamber entrance.
  • The Devastated Settlement Chamber Walkthrough:
  •  Defeat the Droids in the area.
  • Use BD-1’s Grinder to clear Koboh Matter blocking the path to the Perk.
  •  Collect the Datadisc in the first room.
  • Rewards: Upon completion, you’ll receive the Ambidexterity Perk.

This is it from my side. I hope you now know how to solve the Star Wars Jedi Survivor alignment control center puzzle. Feel free to check out our take on Star Wars Jedi Survivor Cheats and Reaching The Forest Array!


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Huzaifa is eXputer's Review Editor, who’s all about RPG games. He’s got several years of experience critically judging games and writing his unbiased thoughts on them. You can also find his content published on sites like Twinfinite & GearNuke. Huzaifa has been gaming for 23+ years, during which he managed to amass 400+ hours on Elden Ring! You can follow his gaming activity on his Xbox and Steam Profiles.

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At GearNuke & Twinfinite || Mainly Covers RPG Guides & Latest Games Reviews || Education: Bachelors in Hospitality.

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