Despite PSN Backlash, Ghost Of Tsushima Is Now Steam’s Biggest Single-Player Sony Game

The feat is mind-blowing, to say the least.

Story Highlights

  • Ghost of Tsushima has topped God of War to become Steam’s biggest single-player Sony entry.
  • It is now the most-played single-player title on PC, affirming its immense success on the platform.
  • The game originally came out on July 17, 2020, and finally landed on PC on May 16, 2024.

The launch of Ghost of Tsushima on PC has been highly successful for Sucker Punch. However, no one expected it to become the most-played single-player PlayStation title mere days after release. As pointed out by the Twitter handle @Morwull, the heart-pulling open-world RPG has already surpassed God of War to become the biggest single-player Sony title on PC. Many fans in the community have congratulated the devs for the massive feat.

The trajectory of the entry was already off the charts right after it came out. So, the results might not be that surprising for some. Yet, the speed at which the RPG has topped other PC PlayStation titles is nothing short of astounding. Regardless, it may likely stay overshadowed by the multiplayer giant, Helldivers 2.

Ghost Of Tsushima PC Port Has Surpassed All Expectations

It is no surprise that Sucker Punch has released a masterpiece on PC. The entry originally sold a massive amount of a million copies in Japan alone and gathered the highest number of hours as a PS+ game. Its dominance on PlayStation has contributed more than you’d think. Even the game’s official PC reveal was enough to propel it through the Steam sales charts. With this feat, Ghost of Tsushima has become an essential must-play on PC.

Ghost of Tsushima is arguably one of the best AAA experiences created in the last decade | Image Source: Steam
Ghost of Tsushima is arguably one of the best AAA experiences created in the last decade | Image Source: Steam

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Ghost of Tsushima originally launched on July 17, 2020, and achieved immense success like no one saw coming. And after much waiting for a PC port for years, Sucker Punch finally released it on May 16, 2024. It’s fair to say that the PC version has also absolutely smashed the competition on PC, especially after the recent feat I’ve reported.

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Shameer Sarfaraz is a Senior News Writer on eXputer who loves to keep up with the gaming and entertainment industries devoutly. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and several years of experience reporting on games. Besides his passion for breaking news stories, Shahmeer loves spending his leisure time farming away in Stardew Valley. VGC, IGN, GameSpot, Game Rant, TheGamer, GamingBolt, The Verge, NME, Metro, Dot Esports, GameByte, Kotaku Australia, PC Gamer, and more have cited his articles.

Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor in Computer Science.

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