Top 6 Games With Gorgeously Detailed Towns

If you have a thing for interacting with the environment, this is where you need to touch base.

Story Highlights

  • Certain video games boast a stellar world design, practically better than most titles out there. 
  • Having a great in-game environment can be quite visually appealing in terms of immersion. 
  • Games such as Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, and others do a fantastic job of nailing world design. 

Video games that pack great visuals are one thing, but those that also happen to boast a stellar world design are just on another level. Popular titles such as Gotham Knights are among the ones that exceed in the “graphics” department but don’t have a lot going for them otherwise. This article, therefore, shouts out all those remarkable gems scattered across the industry that hit the nail on the head on multiple levels. 

These Games Do Their Worlds Like No Other 

The following entries are a personal opinion and are a reflection of my experience playing through them. If you feel like you can contribute to the list, do comment down below and spark a discussion. 

1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Is a Moving Experience | Source: CDPR

Although The Witcher 3 in and of itself is special on multiple levels, I have to admit that its Blood and Wine expansion is simply right up there with the top dogs when it boils down to attention to detail. Coursing through the town of Beuclair with the DLC’s astounding soundtrack brimming in the background is just something else, and I’m glad I’ve had such an experience with an RPG of this stature.

By the way, this is just one of the many reasons that Blood and Wine for The Witcher 3 is one of the greatest DLCs ever made in gaming that unequivocally walks the hall of fame.

2. Red Dead Redemption 2

rd2 special edition
Nothing Tops the Single-Player Quality of Red Dead Redemption 2  | Source: eXputer

Red Dead Redemption 2 is known for many things, being one of Rockstar Games’ flagship video game franchises, but one particular facet where it stands out more than others is its in-game world. For starters, Saint Denis is one such town in the action-adventure that really takes no prisoners when it comes to detail. Just like Sleeping Dogs’ Hong Kong, it’s rich with facets that don’t just offer gameplay, but a total experience.

YouTube video

And how the game manages to handle the dynamic transition of story progression is commendable on its own, a glaring example of which is Saint Denis. Simply a masterpiece of a title that you should check out if you haven’t already.

And if eXputer’s revised 4.5/5.0 review of the game is anything to go by, which remarks, “Even after five years, Red Dead Redemption 2 stands at the top next to new AAA titles,” you know that you’re better off picking it up.  

3. Cyberpunk 2077 

Cyberpunk 2077 In-Game Screenshot
Cyberpunk 2077 Is A Beautiful Nightmare | Source: CDPR 

Polish developer CD Projekt Red has a knack for stellar world-building; that much is clear at this point. Coming in hot next right after The Witcher 3 is Cyberpunk 2077 and the splendor of Night City, which is a world that feels so desolate and grim yet bustling with substance all at the same time.

It’s a dystopian nightmare, but a gorgeous dystopian nightmare—you’ll have to admit. And now that the RPG has picked itself up from the depths of post-launch hell thanks to Phantom Liberty, Update 2.0, and subsequent patches, now is the best time to pick up this shooter.

eXputer reviewed the DLC and rated it 4.5/5, with eXputer author Usama Mehmood remarking, “With the release of Phantom Liberty, CD Projekt Red has finally delivered the grand RPG they promised all those years ago.

4. Sleeping Dogs 

Man am I glad True Crime: Hong Kong became Sleeping Dogs.
Sleeping Dogs Sports Unparalleled Combat | Source: eXputer 

Speaking of experiences, Sleeping Dogs is one game that I’d love to see in remade format. Either that or a full-blown sequel that’s in tune with the time and tech of today. And one of the reasons why Sleeping Dogs really took off is the level of detail it exhibits for its in-game world, which takes after Hong Kong.

There’s just something so incredibly immersive about Sleeping Dogs that I can’t quite put my finger on it. Perhaps it’s the fact that the city feels so alive or the combat that grips you in right from the start because in any case, this one’s a must-try.

5. Assassin’s Creed Unity

Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin’s Creed Unity is One of the Best AC Games | Source: Ubisoft 

The Assassin’s Creed series may have lost its way somewhere along its trend-chasing and “RPG-fication,” but don’t let any of that disregard the bundle of joy that Assassin’s Creed Unity’s Paris is. We’re talking about pristine detail, fantastic NPC crowd control, tons of buildings that you can go in without breaking a sweat, and immense parkour potential that arguably stands as one of the best in the AC series.

Certainly deserving of a spot on this list.

6. Grand Theft Auto 4

Grand Theft Auto IV
Niko Bellic in GTA 4 Is Outright Amazing | Source: Rockstar

Featuring one of the best video game protagonists of all time, GTA 4 has impressed the industry in ways more than one. The fact that the in-game world of this particular entry despite being relatively small compared to other open-world behemoths still manages to hold its own as remarkably detailed and more lasting on the mind makes the title worth replaying, even after all these years. 

It’s a reason why I’d prefer dense worlds set on a smaller scale as compared to enormous maps with not a lot going on inside them. Quality over quantity all day every day. 

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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