S-Game Wants To Keep Phantom Blade Zero More Accessible For Everyone

This isn't just another Soulslike with harrowing difficulty.

Story Highlights

  • Phantom Blade Zero is an upcoming action RPG for the PlayStation 5 by Chinese developer S-Game. 
  • The game, despite looking and feeling like a Soulslike, has been made more accessible by the devs.
  • This is to ensure that everyone can enjoy Phantom Blade Zero, and not just Soulslike enthusiasts.  

In a new interview with PCGamesN, Phantom Blade Zero developer S-Game has spoken up about its ambitions with the project, affirming that the game in question should not be treated as just another Soulslike. Instead, players ought to find comfort in the numerous difficulty options brought forth by the title, not to mention the heightened emphasis on combat gameplay.

From the beginning, we decided we weren’t going to do another soulslike game. We think the difficulties and frustrations you experience in a normal souls game can’t be the main part of the game. So we wanted to remove the frustrating parts, and add more positive feedback; every dodge, every perfect parry will reward you with fancy animations and Ghoststeps,” says Soulframe, the title’s director.

In a period that’s saturated with numerous games trying to imitate the Soulslike formula, first pioneered by the legendary Japanese game maker FromSoftware — it’s refreshing to see that Phantom Blade Zero is trying to do it a little differently. “As a new studio, I don’t think we have the privilege of FromSoftware to make you frustrated while you’re playing. We’d rather keep it accessible to everyone so that everyone can enjoy it,” further affirms Soulframe.

Phantom Blade Zero’s Ultra-Fast Combat Is A Sight To Behold

S-Game made an appearance with the game during this year’s Summer Game Fest, showing off actual gameplay from Phantom Blade Zero, and stealing everyone’s hearts in the process. When the game was first announced about a year ago and shown off to the world, a lot of eyebrows were raised as to judging the authenticity of the combat, and whether much of it would be something registering automatically.

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I am super glad that is not the case, and the proof is in the pudding.

YouTube video

In other news, eXputer spoke with Soulframe over an email interview earlier this year, going over some of the burning questions we had about Phantom Blade Zero. The game does not have a set release date yet but is expected to drop later this year for the PlayStation 5 exclusively.

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