Here Are Some Features That The Upcoming Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl Needs To Have

5 things I'd love to see get added into the game.

Story Highlights

  • Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, is a sequel to the Stalker franchise that releases in around 2 months.
  • With much speculation on the game’s content, I discuss what features I’d love to see in the game.

Stalker is a series that is beloved by many. Its surreal yet melancholic atmosphere is one of gaming’s best, and at the time was one of the first open-world survival horror games.

The series makes a return with Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, a direct sequel, on September 5th, 2024.

Stalker 2 Would Benefit Greatly From These Additions

It’s difficult to narrow down a single thing that makes the franchise into a cult classic. I believe my wish list for the franchise’s sequel comes close to it.

1. Anyone Want S’mores?

To me there is not a cozier feeling in the world | Source: YouTube (OperatorDrewski)
To me there is not a cozier feeling in the world | Source: YouTube (OperatorDrewski)

I’d love to see them implement a campfire save feature, similar to the Stalker Anomaly mod, where you only get to save games when near campfires. This should bring some variety to gameplay and make fights less tedious. As most stalker gameplay (even the mods) are just you save scumming after every kill.

It could also help slow the hectic nature of going from point A to point B. Forcing you to sit down for a while, take in the Zone’s beauty, and experience what little companionship you can with nearby Stalkers.

2. More Diverse Factions And NPCs

The UNISG is an interesting faction to consider adding to Stalker 2 | Source: Reddit
The UNISG is an interesting faction to consider adding to Stalker 2 | Source: Reddit

The introduction of more non-Ukranian factions is a good way to help diversify the nature of factions in the Zone. A good example is the faction cut from Clear Sky’s earlier build; UNISG (United Nations International Scientific Group). This faction shows the UN’s interest yet precaution in dealing with the Zone.

They operate like a secret boogeyman group similar to the “Institute” from Fallout 4, which is another neat thing about them.

3. A More Dynamic Weapon Modification System

Guns and gun customization in Stalker 2
byu/Comrade__Dog instalker

Stalker: Call of Pripyat (the series’ third entry) went in the right direction with its weapon modification system compared to its predecessors. You could repair and upgrade guns with a technician but only if you have the tools for it.

However, I believe GSC Game World could do wonders by taking inspiration from games such as Escape from Tarkov or Metro: Exodus, as they have a fleshed-out and unique way of customizing weapons.

Heck, take inspiration from Stalker Anomaly, one of its community’s most well-received mod, which has a complex yet rewarding system to modify and repair your weapons.

4. More Focus On The Atmosphere Of The Zone

YouTube video

This trailer, while hyped at its release, also brought another issue I had with many remasters, and remakes of today. The PlayStation cinematography of games and its consequences have been a disaster for gamers everywhere.

I like cinematic games, but that’s not what makes Stalker special as a franchise to many. It’s special due to the Zone’s atmosphere and surreality, not because Michael Bay was directing it. Also to replace the Ukrainian voice acting with English voice acting is a sin.

That being said the most recent trailer looks more Stalker-like so maybe there is nothing to riot about…yet.

5. The Freedom To Join Any Faction We Choose

All the factions in previous Stalker titles | Source: Reddit
All the factions in previous Stalker titles | Source: Reddit

In past Stalker games, there were at most 3 factions to join: Loners, Duty, and Freedom. Mostly since Duty and Freedom are constantly at war with each other and Loners are the default faction (the exception to this being Clear Sky).

With the release of Stalker 2, I hope we get the freedom to join any faction of our choosing. Especially Bandits, since they have the best music.

Well, that does it for my list. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments.

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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