Revisiting Titanfall 2 After So Long, This Franchise Deserves A Resurgence

It's about time this brilliant series receives the recognition it deserves.

Story Highlights

  • Titanfall 2 was an exceptional game with a beautiful campaign and fun multiplayer mechanics. This seemingly abandoned gem has finally received a new update after years, delighting fans.
  • Titanfall 2’s new update fixes multiplayer matchmaking, stabilizes servers, fixes glitches, introduces new content, and spreads curious easter eggs across the map.
  • The game has received a significant boost in popularity, and I hope this sudden boom and the continuous demand by fans is proof enough for Respawn to consider Titanfall 3.

Have you ever come across a heartwarmingly beautiful game you thoroughly enjoyed but then fell into despair as you saw this gem slowly getting abandoned? That was me after EA’s Titanfall 2. I was pleasantly amazed by the game’s single-player campaign and couldn’t wait to see this concept make a return. However, it seems that was nothing but a pipe dream, as the series went dormant after the second entry.

But now, there is some excellent news for fans of the game, as after laying dormant for so many years, the brilliant Titanfall 2 is back online with the new update, and something else might be approaching too. This step was met with an equally powerful reception as people eagerly jumped back in. I think this is the perfect opportunity to give this brilliant gem a try and hope for a Titanfall 3.

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Titanfall 2 Is A Criminally Overlooked Gem

Before starting the discussion, let me say this; if you haven’t played Titanfall 2 yet, I sincerely urge you to do so. Respawn crafted an epic adventure that featured fun gameplay mechanics, over-the-top Titan weaponry, and a beautiful campaign. Titanfall 1 was a purely multiplayer game and was the beginning of this fascinating gameplay concept utilizing mechs called Titans. The sequel went above and beyond to create an exceptional mix of single and multi-player modes.

First, Let me talk about the campaign, and I can’t stress enough how well-done this was. After familiarizing yourself with the game’s fast-paced FPS combat, you dive into the story and meet your reliable companion, the Titan BT. After this, you’re thrown into a creatively designed campaign that is as good in execution as it is in concept. Soon you get to witness one of the best examples of exceptional level design; Effect and Cause mission.

Titanfall 2's Effect and Cause level is a brilliant implementation of the dual-worlds mechanic
Titanfall 2’s Effect and Cause level is a brilliant implementation of the dual-worlds mechanic

If you’ve watched the new Lords of the Fallen trailer or played Dishonored 2, you’ll find this mission highly familiar. It introduces the dual worlds mechanic, as you reach a ruined base ravaged by time. You get the ability to switch between its decrepit present, and the thriving past version to fulfill your objective, and that’s where the fun comes in. You get to mess with enemies by disappearing from their sight and then suddenly surprising them.

TitanFall 2’s Campaign is a Masterpiece
byu/MissAlice_17 inpatientgamers

After having fun with this creative level, you’ll soon reach the culmination of the campaign, and not to spoil it, it is a brilliant story all in all, exploring your relationship with the trusty AI companion. Moving on, we have exceptional multiplayer that is loads of fun. Other than the usual objective fulfillment of multiplayer modes, the game features a twist with its Titans. You can summon your titan once you gather enough points.

Titan battles are all out mecha shootouts with their unique weaponry. The highly mobile pilots, and the slow but powerful titans; the two different playstyles give the multiplayer an excellent touch of fun and open up many possibilities. In conclusion, Titanfall 2 was a splendid game that didn’t get the recognition it rightfully deserves. Although developers wished for a Titanfall 3, the series was eventually abandoned for Apex Legends, and it was a depressing truth for all of us.

Titanfall 2 Is Back With A Bang

Despite being such an exceptional game, we never got to see the series make a return after Titanfall 2, and that was truly regrettable. Over the years, even the multiplayer was abandoned, and people who wished to try it suffered problems connecting to the servers. Respawn failed to address these issues, and even after fans’ continuous demands, only a small team was dedicated to the game, further disappointing fans.

However, it seems we’ve received a wonderful surprise at long last. After so many years, Titanfall 2 has received a major update, and fans just can’t wait to jump back in. The update came quietly so you might have missed it, but it’s here and has made multiplayer functional again. The update brings several features like improving matchmaking accuracy and making the servers more stable, finally allowing smooth multiplayer after a long break.

Titanfall 2's official Multiplayer servers are functional again
Titanfall 2’s official Multiplayer servers are functional again

In addition, Titanfall 2 finally has private matches which were only present in the beta. We saw Apex Legends get private matches, but they were never implemented in Titanfall 2 before this. You can now enjoy custom matches with your friends. Next up is the addition of new and old game modes to the multiplayer. These game modes rotate at random as you load a game to ensure variation in gameplay.

Similarly, the Coliseum mode is better than ever with improved weaponry and updated lineups. You can now have heated duels with another player with even more versatile firepower. Map terrain and structure have also received updates to make the game feel fresh and lively again. Lastly, The update also fixes inevitable glitches and exploits that might give someone an unfair advantage. 

All of this has not only made multiplayer functional again but also a lot more fun for old and new players alike. This is one of the reasons the game has received a recent surge in popularity. As a response to their wishes being heard, people are diving back into the game to thank the developers for listening to the player base. Ever since the update went live, the game has seen a stark increase in the number of concurrent players.

Respawn Needs To Give Titanfall Another Chance

For everyone who thoroughly enjoyed Titanfall 2, the abandonment of the series was dreadful news. I was heartbroken to hear Titanfall 3 was in development, but the project was canceled by Respawn. Indeed, the game might not have reached the heights it should have, but it still had a considerable fan following, and a third entry would be a blessing for the new fans as well as the ones patiently waiting for years.

Even before the update, Titanfall 2 started gaining popularity because it was available for 90% off on Steam. This led to more and more players giving it a try, and now the recent update has even encouraged old players to return. It is a solid indication of how much players care for the game. There is still a considerable demand for it. The game was never abandoned by the players and modders who worked to improve multiplayer playability

Northstar is a mod client that allowed the creation of custom multiplayer servers for Titanfall 2
Northstar is a mod client that allowed the creation of custom multiplayer servers for Titanfall 2

Considering Titanfall 2’s popularity and quality, it is the perfect template for a sequel. Respawn has an excellent first draft to start things. The first thing I demand is the inclusion of a campaign as superb as Titanfall 2, or even better. Titanfall 3 will never be complete without its predecessor’s magnificent single-player experience. And if it brings some creative levels like Effect and Cause, I couldn’t be happier.

Next up is Multiplayer. For this, I believe this recent boom is the optimal data-acquiring opportunity. Titanfall 2’s multiplayer is trending again, and more and more players are joining the fray. Respawn should seize this opportunity to see what sort of mechanics players like and what should be avoided. Whatever they end up deciding, I just wish Titanfall 3 see the light of day.

The update was enough for fans to latch onto hope again. With Titanfall 2’s return, people are speculating something big is coming for the series, based on the content of the update. In addition to all the features, another interesting detail was the presence of the Apex mascot, Nessie, at various points across the map. This could be something more than a simple easter egg and might be something regarding the future.

There is something going on with Titanfall 2 (recap of recent events)
byu/McManus26 inGames

It might be mere speculation, as the earlier pre-order rumors were, but it shows people haven’t given up on Titanfall 3 yet. This hopeful thinking coupled with Titanfall 2’s booming popularity should give Respawn ample reason to re-consider its decision. I believe there is still plenty of desire for Titanfall’s return, and the developers can’t go wrong with a third entry. And if Respawn indeed plans on it and is using the update for testing, I wholeheartedly support this decision.

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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