Sony Recanting Its Decision Isn’t Going To Undo The Damage Done To Helldivers 2

There's no way anyone can trust Sony after this.

Story Highlights

  • After ruining Helldivers 2 with the ridiculous PSN requirement, Sony has recanted its decision.
  • This came as a result of the serious backlash, the delisting and mass refunding of the game on Steam.
  • Recovering from all this is easier said than done, as the people it hurt will seldom trust Sony now.

A good live service is as rare as it gets. With the concept so misused and overcrowded in recent times, I forgot how it was capable of creating fun games. There were multiple examples in the genre’s initial days, but now, it’s all a predatory mess full of microtransactions and battle passes to fuel corporate greed. Just when I thought it was beyond redemption, Helldivers 2 came as a sliver of hope.

In a sea of ridiculous live services, Helldivers 2 was a good one that understood the genre very well. With consistent updates, creative and versatile game modes, intricate yet fun mechanics, and a very enjoyable co-op experience, it has everything a live service should. Unfortunately, nothing good lasts long it seems, as Sony decided to interfere.

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Sony Took Back The PSN Requirement For Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 was a brilliant game, no doubt, but do you know why it blew so much out of proportion and popularity? The multi-platform release. Helldivers 2 was a first-party Sony game that was released simultaneously on PlayStation as well as PC, which contributed immensely to its fame. It was doing so well on Steam, but Sony just had to interfere.

Helldivers 2 is a brilliant game that didn't deserve this mess
Helldivers 2 is a brilliant game that didn’t deserve this mess

Out of nowhere, Sony decided that Helldivers 2 would require a PSN account even on PC to play the game. What was wrong with using the Steam account to play it normally just as any other game? I failed to understand the need of enforcing this requirement since the game has been working just fine since its release.

PlayStation account will be required to play
byu/TetrisIove inHelldivers

Just as I was expressing my confusion, many people were not so tolerant of this senseless restriction. And can you blame them? Sony was well aware of what it was doing, and the people responded appropriately. Helldivers 2 on Steam was review-bombed to hell. In just a day, its user score turned “mostly negative.”

The game's reputation is in shambles
The game’s reputation is in shambles

All this backlash and genuine hatred has finally bore fruit, as the tech giant has seen reason and decided it was indeed illogical to jeopardize the game. If you ask me, the extreme risks involved with a massive boycott got to Sony and forced it to do the right thing. A game is nothing without a player base, and letting go of success as big as Helldivers 2 is not something even Sony is foolish enough to do.

The Damage Has Been Done

Don’t get me wrong, I’m genuinely glad the community won here; it was a triumph of logic and a defeat of self-centered tactics. However, will it be enough to remedy all the damage already done? I don’t think things will go back to normal so easily. Why? Let me present some of the implications of the prior fiasco.

As you must know, PlayStation Network or PSN is not as widely available as something like Steam. There are many countries where Steam is supported, but PSN isn’t. Putting a PSN requirement on Helldivers 2 meant making the game inaccessible to players of such regions. They put their time and money into the game, and Sony repaid them with a restriction. Will those heartbroken people be willing to return?

Because people ask why some others complain about the PSN linking
byu/EmbraceMonky inHelldivers

This ridiculous decision affected so many people that Steam had to take considerable action. For players in unsupported regions, Helldivers 2 would soon become worthless and thus was delisted in over 100 countries. Moreover, Steam approved refunds for the game even for players who went beyond the usual allowed playtime.

Recovering from this damage is going to be an ordeal
Recovering from this damage is going to be an ordeal

The fallback was insane. Helldivers 2’s name was dragged through the mud after being delisted and massively refunded. And after all that, does Sony believe it can recant its decision and things would go back to the way they were? I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.

byu/Gustavo1047 from discussion

Fans’ Trust In Sony Has Been Crippled After This Stunt

Imagine you were one of the people who enjoyed Helldivers 2 but were forced to refund because of Sony’s ridiculous decision. Would you just say “Sony, I forgive you” and return to the game now? You might return, but I doubt the forgiving part. Sony broke the trust of all its loyal fans, and winning it back is easier said than done.

Sony has already pulled this stunt once, and people know it now. What guarantee is there that something similar won’t happen again down the line? The fear of wasting your time in a game that might be ruined once again will always be present now. Helldivers 2’s reputation is in shambles, and building it all back up will always have the element of doubt.

It’s truly a shame considering how brilliant of a game Helldivers 2 is. When a creative game like this arrives, these big corporations find a way to screw things up for everyone involved. It’s all so convenient for Sony, just take back the decision, but it’s Helldivers 2 and its loyal fans that suffered. I just hope the game reclaims its lost honor and player base, and that Sony doesn’t come up with some other ridiculous decision.

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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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