Apex Legends: Bloodhound Guide [Abilities & Tips]

In our Apex Legends Bloodhound guide, we are going to talk about the abilities offered by him along with best tips, tricks, and more.

Bloodhound is one of the strongest characters to use in Apex Legends. He is a Recon Legend who has a fast-paced style. His abilities focus on hunting enemies down and eliminating them instantly. Before Crypto’s addition to the game, Bloodhound was the only character capable of tracking his enemies down.

Key Takeaways
  • Abilities:
    • Passive: Tracker reveals enemy movements through signs.
    • Tactical: Eye of the AllFather scans, revealing enemy positions and permanently highlighting traps.
    • Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt enhances running speed by 30% and reduces cooldowns.
  • Playstyle and Tips:
    • Understand and move during Eye of AllFather scans.
    • Ultimate provides versatile options for pushing or escaping with increased running speed.
  • Weapon preferences and Heirloom:
    • Best with close-range weapons like R-99/R-301 or Flatline.
    • Raven’s Bite includes a banner pose and intro quip.
  • Appearance
    • 85 skins (3 Mythic, 27 Legendary, 9 Epic, 30 Rare, 16 Common).
    • Four finishers, with Piercing Plasma requiring tier 3 of the skin.

Bloodhound Abilities

Just like any other agent, Bloodhound has 2 abilities, Tracker, Eye of the AllFather. The third ability is his ultimate, otherwise known as “Beast of the Hunt”. Alongside these, he has a perk which we’ll talk about later.

Apex Legends Bloodhound
Bloodhound Abilities

Tracker – Passive Ability

The Bloodhound’s tracker aids in the detection of possible threats. You can use it to spy on your enemies and learn where they might be heading next. The age of the tracks that Bloodhound can see provides a good indication of whether or not an enemy team is in the area.

Bloodhound can identify a lot of enemy actions, a few of them are listed below:

Footprint An enemy has passed through here
Slide Mark An enemy slid through here
Mantled Enemy climbed this ledge
Jumped Down/Landed Enemy dropped from this edge
Ziplined An Enemy took a Zipline
Left Zipline Enemy left a Zipline
Door Used Door was opened by an enemy
Door Destroyed Enemy destroyed the door
Empty Shells Enemy fired a weapon here
Weapon Reloaded Enemy reloaded a weapon here
Killed by [Weapon] Enemy was killed by [weapon] here
Killer with [Weapon] Enemy killed someone with [weapon] here
Grenade Pin Enemy threw a grenade from here
Blood Enemy took damage here
Wound Bandaged Enemy used a healing item here
Severe Bleeding A downed enemy crawled from here
[Ability] An enemy placed a non-trap [ability] here
Entered Phase Enemy Wraith entered phase here
Left Phase Enemy Wraith exited phase here
Smoke Residue A smoke launcher was fired here
Gas Residue Nox Gas traps/residues were used here
Perimeter Security Destroyed A Perimeter Security Node was destroyed here
Interception Pylon Destroyed An Interception Pylon was destroyed here
Loot Bin Opened This Supply Bin was Opened
[Item] Picked up Enemy Picked a [Item] here
[Item] Swapped Enemy Swapped a [Item] here
[Item] Discarded Enemy Discarded a [Item] here
Pod Opened This Care Package was opened

Apex Legends Bloodhound

Tracker In addition to this, Bloodhound can also detect the abilities used by other Legends.

  • Gas Residue – An enemy Caustic used Nox Gas traps here.
  • Smoke Residue – An enemy Bangalore used a Smoke Launcher here.
  • Entered Phase – An enemy Wraith phased here.

Eye of the Allfather – Tactical Ability

The Tactical Ability, Eye of the Allfather, aids in assessing enemy presence within a 75-meter radius. Activating the conical scan with a 125° spread takes 1.8 seconds, revealing up to 10 enemies. If more than 10, it indicates “10+ Hostiles Detected”; otherwise, the exact count is provided.

  • During the Ultimate, the cooldown reduces to 8 seconds from the original 25, with a quicker 0.9-second activation time.
  • The scan highlights enemy players for 3 seconds, while Traps and Loot Ticks stay highlighted permanently.
  • Teammates can view the highlighted items, facilitating coordinated attacks.
  • Enemies receive a “Sonar Detected” warning, prompting vigilance. Always prepare to engage after executing the scan.
Apex Legends Bloodhound
Eye of the Allfather

Beast of the Hunt – Ultimate Ability

Bloodhound’s Ultimate ability, Beast of the Hunt, serves both engagement and escape purposes, boosting Bloodhound’s movement speed by 30%.

  • The world turns black and white, except for enemies and their tracks, displayed in red even through walls.
  • This heightened focus on targets extends to clear visibility in smoke and Nox Gas.
  • Beast of the Hunt lasts 30 seconds, ending instantly upon being downed.
  • Downing enemies add 5 to 15 seconds based on remaining ability time.
  • With a 3-minute cooldown, reserve this ultimate for team engagements or critical situations requiring a swift escape.
Apex Legends Bloodhound
Beast of the Hunt

Recon – Perk

Bloodhound also offers a unique perk called Recon, allowing him to access the survey beacons scattered all over the map. It takes around seven seconds to complete the interaction with a survey beacon, and it then tells you the next location of the circle.

Apex Legends Bloodhound Tips

Now that I have covered all the abilities in my Apex Legends Bloodhound guide, let’s talk about some tips that can help you perform better with the said character.

Apex Legends Bloodhound
  1. Play Aggressively
      • Bloodhound excels in aggressive play, utilizing tracking abilities for eliminations.
  2.  Communication is Key
      • Coordinate attacks with allies using Bloodhound’s intel-focused skills.
      • Utilize in-game voice chat or third-party communication tools.
  3. Scan Strategically
      • Use “Eye of the AllFather” for enemy pinpointing; faster activation and shorter cooldown during the ultimate phase.
  4. Track Indicators
      • Understand pop-ups during the Eye of AllFather to spot threats and gather data.
  5. Scan Risk
      • Scanning exposes your location; move swiftly after to avoid enemy retaliation.
  6. Ultimate Tactics
      • Use Bloodhound’s Ultimate for aggressive pushes with allies or to escape.
      • Activate the Ultimate before engaging enemy squads for enhanced speed and effectiveness.
  7. Navigating Smoke and Gas
      • When trapped in Caustic or Bangalore smoke, use the Ultimate for clear vision.
  8. Team Play
      • Avoid solo engagements even with the Ultimate; stick close to teammates to handle potential third parties.

What Are The Best Teammates For Bloodhound?

In my opinion, Bangalore and Caustic are the ideal teammates for Bloodhound. If you ask why then the answer is simple. Both Bangalore and Caustic are capable of trapping their enemies by using Gas and Smoke. If you don’t already know, then it’s almost impossible for anyone to see through the Gas or Smoke unless you’re the one who used them.

  • However, Bloodhound can see through both in his Ultimate stance.
  • Therefore, the three can become a deadly trio if played right.
  • You can trap enemies and take them down instantly without worrying about anything.

What Are The Best Weapons for Bloodhound?

For Bloodhound, you need a weapon that will be effective in close-range combat. This is because you will most likely be rushing your enemy while in your Ultimate stance. A close-range focus weapon such as the Peacekeeper or the R-99 will prove useful. Since Apex allows you to carry two weapons at once, I suggest you keep a mid-ranged weapon in your inventory, like the R-301 or the Flatline.

Outfits and Gear Skins

Like the other agents, Bloodhound has its own skins, gear, and heirlooms. 

Bloodhound’s heirloom pack contains three things:

  • The Melee Raven’s Bite
  • A Banner Pose Glory Hound
  • An Intro Quip “I honor those who’ve risen, not those who’ve fallen.”

There are 85 Legend skins for Bloodhound: 3 Mythic, 27 Legendary, 9 Epic, 30 Rare, and 16 Common.

You can choose between the 4 available finishers: Bulls Eye (Default), Clean Kill, With Honor, and Piercing Plasma.

My Thoughts On Bloodhound

Game Hours
My Game Hours in Apex Legends (Image by eXputer)

I can confidently say that Bloodhound can be counted in the S-tier characters of Apex Legends. Not just because of his usefulness to the team, but he is undoubtedly an easy character to learn for new players. 

While playing as Bloodhound in Apex, I try to make aggressive pushes right after using the Eye of the AllFather. I also try to notify my teammates regarding the enemies’ positions or the hints I encounter during the match while taking the lead for my team. 

With all the information above, my guide ends. This guide reflects my views on Bloodhound in Apex. Bloodhound has two primary abilities: one is his passive ability, “Tracker,” and the other is a conical-shaped scan known as “Eye of the AllFather,” along with the Ultimate Ability, “Beast of the Hunt.”

Fun Fact: Bloodhound’s prowess also ranks as an A-Plus character in our Apex Legends Tier List alongside Wraith.
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Community Feedback

Really appreciate the clarification of every tracker sign however I would love a picture to go along with them so I know what to look for

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Sameer Noman is a Guides Writer on eXputer who’s fascinated by the eSports scene in the gaming industry. You’ll find Sameer grinding away at Valorant or any other FPS game when he’s got the time. He’s got several years of writing experience under his belt, you can find out more about Sameer's gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: BBA || Published 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Guides

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