Witcher 3 BEST Potions [250+ Hours Experience]

After spending over 250 hours, here are the best possible potions to have!

There are various monsters you will have to face while playing Witcher 3. You have a lot of weapons and other tools at your disposal throughout the game but choosing the right potions at the right time is the most efficient way to defeat whatever stands in your way. Potions themselves are of different sorts, healing, doing damage, providing other utilities they can do it all. Therefore it is best you are well prepared and know what potions are a must-have!

Key Takeaways

There are a total of 70 to 80 potions in Witcher 3.

  • These include decoctions, potions, DLC potions, and quest potions. It also includes each potion’s different forms.
  • Each potion has a different effect and purpose in Witcher 3. Which potions suit you depends on your playstyle.
  • However, finding the best potions can be overwhelming and may require thorough research.
  • Author’s Note: You can confidently rely on my expertise as I have spent well over 250 hours in Witcher 3 Wild Hunt.

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The Top 7 Best Potions To Have In Witcher 3

Following are the top 7 best potions to have in Witcher 3:

Potion NameBest ForDurationIngredientsEffect
Superior BlizzardThe Best Potion Effect.12s1 × White gull
1 × Enhanced Blizzard
4 × Celandine
4 × White myrtle petals
1 × Sewant mushrooms
1 × Buckthorn
1 × Rebis
Whenever you slay an enemy, time slows for a short period. If 3 Adrenaline Points are available, during this period actions don’t deplete Stamina. 40% Slowdown (since Patch 4.0) 60% Slowdown (before Patch 4.0).
Ekhidna DecoctionThe Best Healing Decoction.1800s1 × Dwarven spirit
1 × Ekhidna mutagen
1 × Ribleaf
1 × Berbercane fruit
Performing actions that consume Stamina regenerates Vitality.
Succubus DecoctionThe Best Damage Dealing Decoction.1800s1 × Dwarven spirit
1 × Succubus mutagen
1 × Green mold
1 × Allspice
Attack Power grows over the course of a fight until reaching a maximum threshold. 1% Attack power.
Superior ThunderboltThe Best Potion To Increase Damage.90s1 × White gull
1 × Enhanced Thunderbolt
4 × Cortinarius
4 × Fool’s parsley leaves
1 × Verbena
1 × Bryonia
1 × Quebrith
Extended duration. Grants 100% critical hit chance during storms. 35% Attack power.
Superior SwallowThe Best Healing Potion.20s1 × White gull
1 × Enhanced Swallow
6 × Berbercane fruit
6 × White myrtle petals
4 × Celandine
4 × Crow’s eye
2 × Vitriol
Accelerates Vitality regeneration. Taking damage does not interrupt regeneration. 80 Vitality regeneration (regular game) 150 Vitality regeneration (New Game +) 80 Vitality regeneration during combat.
Superior Black BloodThe Best Potion To Deal With Vampires And Necrophages.60s1 × White Gull
1 × Enhanced Black Blood
5 × Hellebore petals
5 × Sewant mushrooms
1 × Han fiber
1 × Nostrix
1 × Rebis
Vampires and necrophages start Bleeding when near the witcher. In addition, the witcher's blood injures and knocks them back when they wound him. 30 % Damage returned
Chort DecoctionThe Best Anti-Stagger Decoction.1800s1 × Dwarven spirit
1 × Chort mutagen
1 × Puffball
1 × Cortinarius
Provides complete resistance to the Stagger effect and reduces the Knock-down effect to Stagger.

1. Superior Blizzard

The Best Potion Effect.
Superior Blizzard
The Superior Blizzard Potion [Image Taken By: eXputer]
  • Why I Chose Superior Blizzard: Blizzard is the most powerful potion in Witcher 3. When you slay an enemy it slows down time so that you can plan your next attack.

Effect: Whenever you slay an enemy, time slows for a short period. If 3 Adrenaline Points are available, during this period actions don’t deplete Stamina. 40% Slowdown (since Patch 4.0) 60% Slowdown (before Patch 4.0).


Ingredients required to craft superior blizzard:

  • 1 × White gull
  • 1 × Enhanced Blizzard
  • 4 × Celandine
  • 4 × White myrtle petals
  • 1 × Sewant mushrooms
  • 1 × Buckthorn
  • 1 × Rebis

2. Ekhidna Decoction

The Best Healing Decoction.
Ekhidna Decoction
The Ekhidna Decoction [Screenshot Taken By: eXputer]
  • Why I Suggest Ekhidna Decoction:  Ekhidna is the strongest potion in all of Witcher 3. It makes you super strong and everything seems under control.

Effect: Performing actions that consume Stamina regenerates Vitality.


Ingredients required to craft Ekhidna decoction:

  • 1 × Dwarven spirit
  • 1 × Ekhidna mutagen
  • 1 × Ribleaf
  • 1 × Berbercane fruit

3. Succubus Decoction

The Best Damage Dealing Decoction.
Succubus Decoction
The Succubus Decoction [Screengrab Taken By: eXputer]
  • Why I Recommend Succubus Decoction: Succubus gives you a damage increase while you are fighting and it keeps on getting stronger the longer the fight lasts.

Effect: Attack Power grows over the course of a fight until reaching a maximum threshold. 1% Attack power.


Ingredients required to craft Succubus decoction:

  • 1 × Dwarven spirit
  • 1 × Succubus mutagen
  • 1 × Green mold
  • 1 × Allspice

4. Superior Thunderbolt

The Best Potion To Increase Damage.
Superior Thunderbolt
The Superior Thunderbolt Potion [Image Taken By: eXputer]
  • Why I Chose Superior Thunderbolt: Superior thunderbolt massively increases the damage of Geralts sword.

Effect: Extended duration. Grants 100% critical hit chance during storms. 35% Attack power.


Ingredients required to craft superior thunderbolt:

  • 1 × White gull
  • 1 × Enhanced Thunderbolt
  • 4 × Cortinarius
  • 4 × Fool’s parsley leaves
  • 1 × Verbena
  • 1 × Bryonia
  • 1 × Quebrith

5. Superior Swallow

The Best Healing Potion.
Superior Swallow
The Superior Swallow Potion [Screenshot Taken By: eXputer]
  • Why I Suggest Superior Swallow: Having your vitals regenerate fast is very important in Witcher 3. Superior swallow increases your vitality regeneration during combat.

Effect: Accelerates Vitality regeneration. Taking damage does not interrupt regeneration. 80 Vitality regeneration (regular game) 150 Vitality regeneration (New Game +) 80 Vitality regeneration during combat.


Ingredients required to craft superior swallow:

  • 1 × White gull
  • 1 × Enhanced Swallow
  • 6 × Berbercane fruit
  • 6 × White myrtle petals
  • 4 × Celandine
  • 4 × Crow’s eye
  • 2 × Vitriol

6. Superior Black Blood

The Best Potion To Deal With Vampires And Necrophages.
Superior Black Blood
The Superior Black Blood Potion [Screengrab Taken By: eXputer]
  • Why I Recommend Superior Black Blood:  This potion makes sure that no enemy can pin you down. It knocks back any enemies that might want to harm you.

Effect: Vampires and necrophages start Bleeding when near the witcher. In addition, the witcher’s blood injures and knocks them back when they wound him. 30 % Damage returned.


Ingredients required to craft superior black blood:

  • 1 × White Gull
  • 1 × Enhanced Black Blood
  • 5 × Hellebore petals
  • 5 × Sewant mushrooms
  • 1 × Han fiber
  • 1 × Nostrix
  • 1 × Rebis

7. Chort Decoction

The Best Anti-Stagger Decoction.
Chort Decoction
The Chort Decoction [Image Taken By; eXputer]
  • Why I Chose Chort Decoction: The potion increases your immunity and gives you knockdown resistance for 30 minutes while you are fighting.

Effect: Provides complete resistance to the Stagger effect and reduces the Knock-down effect to Stagger.


Ingredients required to craft Chort decoction:

  • 1 × Dwarven spirit
  • 1 × Chort mutagen
  • 1 × Puffball
  • 1 × Cortinarius

My Thoughts On The Best Potions In Witcher 3.

After playing Witcher 3 for multiple hours I realized that potions are a must-have and therefore I shortlisted the top 7 best potions I used and found. Each potion has its different benefits and needs to be used at different times. However, in my personal opinion the superior blizzard is an exception that can be used in almost every kind of situation.

Furthermore, for more on Witcher 3 you can check out our Witcher 3 Review written by Huzaifah Durrani. Also, if you have complete Witcher 3 then you could try some of the Best Witcher 3 Mods. And another option is to play the game on Death March Difficulty. However for that you will need to know some Death March Tips And Tricks.

And with that my guide on Witcher 3 Best Potions comes to an end. Here you were informed on the top 7 best potions of the game. Other than that if you have something to add you can do so through the comment section down below.

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Huzaifa Amjad is a Guides writer on eXputer who loves powering through every AAA title and sharing his in-depth thoughts with his viewers on eXputer. When he’s not writing, he’s driving around Mexico in Forza Horizon 5 and racing random players. You can follow Huzaifa's gaming activity on his Steam profile.

Experience: 4+ Years.

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