BEST Cyberpunk 2077 Netrunner Builds [Skills, Perks & Gear]

This comprehensive guide offers tips and strategies for creating the ultimate Netrunner build in the world of Cyberpunk 2077.

In the shadowy, dystopian realm of Night City, a select group of elite hackers known as Netrunners reign supreme. These digital maestros deftly navigate the virtual landscape, wielding their formidable cyberwear to infiltrate enemy systems and swiftly outmaneuver adversaries. My comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to craft the ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 Netrunner builds in 2023 for the endgame and early-game sections.

Key Takeaways
  • Netrunner excels in hacking, breaching, and stealth.
  • Intelligence attribute boosts hacking and breaching effectiveness.
  • Technical Ability enhances device handling and crafting.
  • Cool attribute improves stealth, critical hit damage, and resistance.
  • Quick Hacking allows remote access for offense, defense, and utility.
  • Breach Protocol aids in network infiltration and vulnerability creation.
  • Stealth is vital for completing objectives discreetly.
  • Cyberdeck is central, affecting performance based on RAM capacity.
  • Neural Enhancements enhance brain function for various benefits.
  • Crafting and upgrading crucially improve Netrunner builds.
  • Complementary playstyles and tactics boost adaptability.
  • Solo Netrunner excels in both stealth and open combat scenarios.
  • Support Netrunner provides non-combat support via hacking and debuffing.
  • Hybrid Netrunner combines hacking with versatile skills for adaptability.
IMPORTANT: Before opting for the below builds, I want to stress that they are best played at a distance. A netrunner is by no means fit for close combat.
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Netrunner Role: Hacking, Breaching, And Stealth

The Netrunner is a specialized role that focuses on hacking, breaching, and stealth to achieve its objectives. As a Netrunner, you will leverage your skills to infiltrate enemy networks, control devices, and disable opponents without ever being detected. Let’s delve into the core aspects of the Netrunner role:

  1. Hacking: Netrunners excel at manipulating the interconnected digital systems of Night City.
    • So with their powerful cyberdecks and quick hacking abilities, they can compromise security systems, access restricted areas, and create distractions to navigate hostile environments easily.
    • Hacking also extends to directly affecting enemies, causing them to lose control over their cyberware or inducing physical harm.
  2. Breaching: Breach Protocol is a crucial skill for Netrunners, allowing them to infiltrate enemy networks and create vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
    • But with Breach Protocol, a Netrunner can weaken enemy defenses, disrupt communications, and disable cyberware.
    • This ability supports the Netrunner’s quick hacking efforts and provides a significant advantage to their allies during combat.
  3. Stealth: Netrunners often prioritize a stealthy approach to complete missions without alerting enemies.
    • Utilizing their hacking and breaching abilities, they can avoid triggering alarms, neutralize surveillance cameras, and silently eliminate opponents.
    • A successful Netrunner can infiltrate the most secure facilities and gather valuable intel or resources without leaving a trace.

As a Netrunner, your primary goal is to become a digital ghost, navigating the treacherous world of Night City while using your unique set of skills to outsmart enemies, control the battlefield, and ensure your survival.

Essential Attributes And Skills For A Netrunner Build

Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077
Essential Attributes [Image by: eXputer].
For a successful netrunner build, focusing on specific attributes and skills that complement your role is crucial. Here are the essential attributes and skills I believe every good netrunner needs:


In my opinion, Intelligence is the primary attribute for Netrunners, as it governs your hacking and breaching abilities. Investing in Intelligence will increase your RAM capacity, quick hack damage, and quick hack duration. The higher your Intelligence, the more effective and versatile your hacking abilities will be.

Technical Ability

The Technical Ability attribute is important for Netrunners as it boosts your proficiency with crafting and handling technical devices. Investing in Technical Ability will improve your armor, unlock new crafting options, and provide access to advanced engineering skills.


The Cool attribute is vital for Netrunners focusing on stealth gameplay. Investing in Cool will increase your critical hit damage, resistance, and stealth capabilities.

By allocating attribute points and unlocking perks within these specific areas, you will create a powerful and versatile build capable of overcoming any challenge in Cyberpunk 2077.

Key Perks And Progressions

To maximize your potential as a Netrunner, investing in key perks and their progression is essential. Below are the most important perks I have conjured up for a Netrunner build, organized by their respective skill trees:

Quick Hacking

Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077
Quick Hacking [Image by eXputer].
Quick hacking is a core mechanic for every Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077, allowing you to manipulate the digital world to your advantage. Using a cyberdeck and various quick hacks, you can remotely hack into devices, security systems, and even enemy cyberware to gain the upper hand. Quickhacking provides various offensive, defensive, and utility options, making it a versatile combat and stealth gameplay tool.

To become an effective Quickhacker, I recommend you focus on the following:

  1. Cyberdeck: Your cyberdeck is the primary tool for quick hacking, allowing you to store and execute quick hacks.
    • Cyberdecks have varying RAM capacity, quick hack slots, and additional bonuses. Invest in a high-quality cyberdeck to improve your quick hacking capabilities.
  2. Quickhacks: Quickhacks are programs that can be slotted into your cyberdeck and used to perform various actions during gameplay.
    • These can be obtained through looting, buying from vendors, or crafting. Some essential quick hacks for Netrunners include:
      Quick hack Type Description Examples
      Offensive Quickhacks Deal damage or apply debilitating effects to enemies. Short Circuit, Overheating, Cyberpsychosis
      Defensive Quickhacks Help avoid damage or improve survivability. Reboot Optics, Weapon Glitch, Contagion
      Utility Quickhacks Provide various utility benefits, such as disabling cameras, unlocking doors, or distracting enemies. Ping, Distract Enemies, Remote Deactivation
  3. Perks: Investing in the Quickhacking skill tree will enhance your quick hacking abilities, and the Key perks include “Bloodware,” “Daisy Chain,” “I Spy,” “Signal Support,” and “Subliminal Message.”
  4. Intelligence Attribute: Increasing your Intelligence attribute will improve your RAM capacity, quick hack damage, and quick hack duration, making your quick hacking abilities more effective and efficient.

By focusing on these elements, you will master the art of Quickhacking, allowing you to control the battlefield, infiltrate secure locations, and outsmart your enemies.

Breach Protocol

Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077
Breaching [Image by: eXputer].
Breach Protocol is a critical skill for Netrunners in Cyberpunk 2077, enabling them to infiltrate enemy networks and create vulnerabilities to exploit. Mastering Breach Protocol allows you to weaken enemy defenses, disrupt their communications, and unlock powerful, quick hacks. I found this skill to be essential for combat and stealth scenarios, providing strategic advantages and enhancing quick hacking capabilities.

To become an expert in Breach Protocol, I recommend focusing on the following:

  1. Perks: The Breach Protocol skill tree offers a range of perks to improve your breaching abilities. Key perks to investing in include:
    Perk Name Description
    Mass Vulnerability Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability daemon, which reduces the physical resistance of all enemies in the network, making them more vulnerable.
    Turret Tamer It allows you to disable and take control of automated turrets, turning them against your enemies.
    Extended Network Interface Increases the breach time window, giving you more time to complete the Breach Protocol minigame.
    Big Sleep Unlocks the Big Sleep daemon, which disables all cameras in the network for an extended duration.
    Datamine Mastermind Increases the number of eurodollars, components, and quick hacks obtained from Access Points.
  2. Breach Protocol Minigame: To successfully breach a network, you must complete a hacking minigame. Familiarize yourself with the minigame mechanics, plan your moves carefully, and improve your speed to ensure successful breaches.
  3. Intelligence Attribute: Increasing your Intelligence attribute enhances your quick hacking abilities and indirectly improves your breaching skills. Higher Intelligence allows you to access more advanced Breach Protocol skill tree perks.

By focusing on these aspects, you will become a master of Breach Protocol, allowing you to manipulate enemy networks and create tactical advantages that will help you dominate the battlefield and navigate through the challenging world of Cyberpunk 2077.


Stealth is vital to every Netrunner, enabling you to avoid detection and complete objectives without raising alarms. A stealth-focused Netrunner can infiltrate high-security areas, gather valuable intel, and eliminate targets silently. Combining stealth with hacking and breaching skills allows you to navigate Night City with minimal confrontation, staying one step ahead of your enemies.

To excel at stealth gameplay as a Netrunner, I suggest prioritizing the following:

  1. Perks: Invest in the Stealth skill tree to enhance your stealth capabilities. Key perks include:
    Perk Name Description
    Silent and Deadly It increases the damage dealt by silenced weapons and increases the damage for melee stealth takedowns, allowing you to eliminate enemies more effectively.
    Crouching Tiger Increases movement speed while sneaking, enabling you to navigate areas more quickly without being detected.
    Hasty Retreat Temporarily boosts your movement speed after being detected, allowing you to escape and hide more effectively.
    Ghost Reduces enemy detection speed, making it more difficult for them to spot you.
    Leg Up It improves your ability to jump and climb while sneaking, providing better access to vantage points and alternate routes.
  2. Cool Attribute: Increasing your Cool attribute will enhance your stealth capabilities, critical hit damage, and resistances. A higher Cool attribute also unlocks more advanced perks in the Stealth skill tree.
  3. Equipment: Utilize silenced weapons and wear clothing with high armor and stealth-enhancing mods to improve your survivability and stealth effectiveness.
  4. Quickhacks: Use utility quick hacks like “Reboot Optics,” “Distract Enemies,” and “Whistle” to create distractions, blind enemies, or lure them into traps.
  5. Environment: Pay attention to your surroundings, using cover, shadows, and alternate routes to stay hidden from enemies. Disable security cameras, hack doors, and exploit environmental hazards to your advantage.

By mastering stealth as a Netrunner, you will become a digital ghost, slipping through the shadows and completing objectives with surgical precision, all while avoiding confrontation with the dangerous inhabitants of Night City.

Choosing The Best Cyberware

Choosing the right cyberware is essential for optimizing your build in Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberware enhances your hacking and breaching abilities and provides additional utility and survivability. Here are the top cyberware recommendations I have come up with for this build:

Operating System

Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077
Operating Systems [Image by: eXputer].
The term “Operating System” refers to the cyberware known as a cyberdeck, which is the central component of your hacking abilities as a Netrunner. A cyberdeck enables you to execute quick hacks, and factors like RAM capacity, quick hack slots, and more.

Choosing the right operating system (cyberdeck) for your build is crucial, as it directly affects your quick hacking capabilities. In my opinion, some of the best cyberdecks to consider for a Netrunner build include:

  1. Tetratronic Rippler Mk.4: This high-performance cyberdeck offers excellent RAM capacity, quick hack slots, and bonuses that enhance your quick hacking abilities. It allows you to spread quick hacks to multiple targets and reduces the RAM cost of Ultimate quick hacks.
  2. NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5: One of the most powerful cyberdecks available, the NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5 provides a large RAM capacity, numerous quick hack slots, and the ability to upload three daemons simultaneously during Breach Protocol. This cyberdeck also increases short hack duration and reduces the RAM cost of quick hacks.
  3. Stephenson Tech Mk.3: A solid mid-range cyberdeck, the Stephenson Tech Mk.3 offers a good balance between RAM capacity, quick hack slots, and additional bonuses. It also reduces the RAM cost of quick hacks and increases quick hack spread distance.

When selecting an operating system (cyberdeck) for your build, consider your playstyle, intelligence attribute, and available resources. Investing in a high-quality cyberdeck will significantly improve your quick hacking capabilities.

Cyberdecks And Daemons

Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077
Quicking Hacking and Daemons 

Cyberdecks are a type of cyberware that is the core of your hacking abilities, enabling you to perform quick hacks and breach enemy networks. On the other hand, Daemons are specialized software programs that can be uploaded during Breach Protocol, providing additional bonuses and effects.

Understanding the relationship between cyberdecks and daemons is essential for a Netrunner build. Here’s what I think you need to know:

  1. Cyberdecks: These devices determine your hacking capabilities, such as RAM capacity, quick hack slots, and additional bonuses. Some of the best cyberdecks for the build include the Tetratronic Rippler Mk.4, NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5, and StephensonTech Mk.3.
  2. Daemons: These software programs provide various effects when uploaded during Breach Protocol. Examples of daemons include:
    Quick hack Name Description
    Mass Vulnerability Reduces physical resistance of all enemies within the breached network, making them more susceptible to damage.
    Turret Shutdown Disables all security turrets within the network for a limited time, providing a safer environment for infiltration.
    Big Sleep Deactivates all surveillance cameras within the network, allowing for a more stealthy approach.
  3. Combining Cyberdecks and Daemons: Investing in the Breach Protocol skill tree and selecting the right perks will enable you to unlock and use more advanced daemons.
    • For instance, the Extended Network Interface perk allows you to upload additional daemons during Breach Protocol, increasing your strategic options and enhancing your hacking abilities.

By choosing the right cyberdeck and mastering daemons, you’ll maximize your hacking potential and become a formidable Netrunner. I recommend investing in the appropriate perks and attributes to fully utilize the power of cyberdecks and daemons in your build.

Neural Enhancements

Neural enhancements are a category of cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077 designed to improve your brain’s performance, providing various benefits to your character. These enhancements can augment your cognitive abilities and reflexes and even grant you new skills. For the Netrunner build, neural enhancements can improve your hacking abilities, critical hit chances, and overall combat effectiveness.

Here are some neural enhancements I believe are worth considering for your build:

  1. Limbic System Enhancement: This cyberware increases your critical hit chance, improving your overall damage output in ranged and melee combat. It’s particularly useful for stealth takedowns and when using silenced weapons.
  2. Visual Cortex Support: This enhancement boosts your critical hit damage, complementing the benefits of the Limbic System Enhancement. These enhancements can greatly increase damage output during stealth or direct combat encounters.
  3. Sandevistan Operating System: Although not specifically designed for Netrunners, the Sandevistan Operating System can be a valuable addition to your build. It allows you to slow down time briefly, providing an edge during combat and making it easier to aim and execute quick hacks.
  4. Mnemonic: This cyberware enhances your Breach Protocol abilities, reducing the required sequence length for uploading daemons. This makes completing the Breach Protocol minigame easier and quicker, giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your Netrunner gameplay.
  5. NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5: As mentioned earlier, this powerful cyberdeck is an excellent choice for new runners. In addition to its large RAM capacity and numerous quick hack slots, it also increases the duration of your quick hacks and reduces their RAM cost.

By selecting the appropriate neural enhancements for your build, you can maximize your hacking abilities, improve your combat effectiveness, and increase your overall survivability in the dangerous world of Night City.

Crafting And Upgrading Your Netrunner Arsenal

Crafting and upgrading are essential aspects of the game that can significantly enhance your Netrunner build. By creating and improving your equipment, you can ensure that your character is always equipped with the best gear for your playstyle. Here’s how I have crafted and upgraded my Netrunner arsenal:

Quick Hack Crafting And Acquisition

Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077
Quick Hacks Vendor [Image by: eXputer].
Quickhacks are essential tools for a Netrunner in Cyberpunk 2077, enabling you to control and manipulate the environment, enemies, and devices. Crafting and acquiring quick hacks is crucial for expanding your hacking capabilities and enhancing overall effectiveness.

Here’s my step-by-step guide to craft and acquire quick hacks for your Netrunner build:

  1. Crafting Quickhacks: To craft quick hacks, you’ll need the following:
    • Quickhack Components: These components are required to craft quick hacks and can be found in various ways, including looting from enemies, purchasing from vendors, and breaking down other quick hacks.
    • Quick hack Recipes (Blueprints): You’ll need blueprints to craft specific quick hacks. These can be obtained through various means, such as completing missions, buying them from vendors, or finding them worldwide.
    • Crafting Perks: I recommend investing in perks from the Technical Ability skill tree that enhance your crafting capabilities, such as “Mech Looter,” “Scrapper,” and “Crazy Science.”
  2. Acquiring Quickhacks Vendors: Some vendors, particularly Netrunner-specific ones, sell a variety of quick hacks.
    • These can be purchased using Eurodollars. Access Points: Hacking Access Points throughout Night City can reward you with quick hacks and crafting components. Invest in the “Datamine Mastermind” perk to increase your rewards from Access Points.
    • Mission Rewards: Completing missions, particularly those related to Netrunning or hacking, can often reward you with quick hacks or blueprints.
    • Looting: Defeating enemy Netrunners or finding hidden caches can yield quick hacks or crafting components.
  3. Upgrading Quickhacks: To improve the effectiveness of your quick hacks, you can upgrade them using the crafting menu. You’ll need additional quick hack components and a higher crafting skill to upgrade them to more advanced rarities.

By focusing on crafting, acquiring, and upgrading quick hacks, you’ll expand your Netrunner arsenal and be better prepared to face the challenges of Night City. Invest in the appropriate perks and attributes to maximize your quick hack crafting and acquisition capabilities.

Weapon And Gear Recommendations

As a Netrunner in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll need a balanced arsenal of weapons and gear that complements your hacking abilities and playstyle. While your primary focus will be hacking and breaching enemy networks, having the right weapons and gear will provide the necessary firepower and survivability for various situations. Here are my weapon and gear recommendations for the build:

  1. Weapons:
    Weapon Type Description
    Silenced Equipping a silenced weapon, such as a suppressed pistol or submachine gun, allows you to eliminate enemies quietly without alerting nearby foes. This is particularly useful for maintaining a stealthy approach.
    Smart Weapons These weapons feature homing bullets that lock onto targets, increasing your accuracy and allowing you to focus more on hacking. Examples include the Tsumetogi Smart Sniper Rifle and the HJKE-11 Yukimura Smart Pistol.
    Melee Weapons A melee weapon, such as a katana or a Mantis Blade, can be useful for stealth takedowns and close-quarters combat when you need to eliminate enemies silently
  2. Gear:
    Category Recommendations
    Clothing I suggest looking for clothing with high armor ratings and mod slots accommodating stealth-enhancing mods like “Deadeye” or “Silent Prowler.” This will help improve your survivability and stealth capabilities.
    Cyberware Invest in cyberware that complements your Netrunner playstyle, such as the Tetratronic Rippler Mk.4 or the NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5 cyberdeck for enhanced hacking abilities. Additionally, consider cyberware like the Kerenzikov or Synaptic Accelerator for improved reflexes and survivability.
    Consumables Carry EMP grenades to disable enemy drones temporarily and cyberware and health-boosting consumables like MaxDoc Mk.3 or Bounce Back Mk.3 to keep your health up during combat.

When selecting weapons and gear for your build, I implore you to always consider your play style and the specific needs of your character. Balancing your arsenal between hacking abilities, stealth, and combat effectiveness will ensure that you’re well-prepared for any situation in Cyberpunk 2077.

Complementary Playstyles And Tactics For Netrunners

As a Netrunner, your primary focus is hacking and manipulating the environment to your advantage. However, adopting complementary playstyles and tactics can enhance your effectiveness and allow you to adapt to different scenarios. Here are some of my playstyles and tactics that work well with Netrunners:

Solo Netrunner

This hybrid build allows you to tackle various situations in stealth and open combat. In my experience, here’s how you create and utilize a Solo Netrunner build effectively:

  1. Attributes: Allocate your attribute points to prioritize Intelligence (hacking abilities) and a balance between Reflexes (weapon handling) and Body (health and melee combat). This will provide you with powerful hacking skills and competent combat abilities.
  2. Skills: Focus on the following skill trees:
    Skill Tree Description
    Quick Hacking and Breach Protocol Essential for your Netrunner capabilities. Invest in perks that improve your quick hack effectiveness, spread, and RAM management.
    Handguns or Assault Choose one of these weapon-focused skill trees to improve your ranged combat proficiency. Look for perks that increase damage, critical hit chance, and reload speed.
    Athletics or Annihilation Invest in the Athletics skill tree to enhance your survivability and stamina or the Annihilation tree to improve your effectiveness with shotguns and light machine guns.
  3. Weapons: Equip silenced weapons for stealthy engagements, smart weapons for increased accuracy, and high-damage options like shotguns or melee weapons for close-quarters combat.
  4. Gear and Cyberware: Prioritize armor with mod slots for stealth-enhancing mods, and invest in cyberware that enhances your hacking abilities (e.g., Tetratronic Rippler Mk.4 or NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5) and combat effectiveness (e.g., Kerenzikov or Synaptic Accelerator).
  5. Tactics: As a Solo Netrunner, your playstyle should be adaptable, switching between stealth and open combat.
    • Use quick hacks to manipulate the environment and control enemies while relying on your combat skills and weapons to eliminate threats.
    • Utilize cover and movement to minimize damage and employ hit-and-run tactics if needed.

By blending the strengths of Netrunner and Solo roles, the build offers a versatile and engaging playstyle that can tackle various challenges in Cyberpunk 2077.

Support Netrunner

A Support Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077 focuses on providing valuable assistance through hacking, debuffing enemies, and controlling the battlefield rather than engaging in direct combat. Here are some tips I’ve jotted down for creating and utilizing this build effectively:

  1. Attributes: Allocate your attribute points to prioritize Intelligence (hacking abilities) and a balance between Technical Ability (crafting and engineering) and Cool (stealth and support capabilities).
    • This will give you powerful hacking skills and provide utility for various situations.
  2. Skills: Focus on the following skill trees:
    Skill Tree Recommendations
    Breach Protocol and Quick Hacking Invest in perks that enhance your hacking abilities, such as faster quick hack cooldowns, increased RAM recovery, and debuffing effects.
    Engineering (Technical Ability) This skill tree allows you to control and manipulate devices on the battlefield, such as turrets and drones, providing additional support and distractions.
    Cold Blood (Cool) Investing in the cold blood skill tree improves survivability and provides passive support bonuses that can indirectly benefit friendly NPCs or hypothetical teammates in combat.
  3. Quickhacks: Choose quick hacks that provide support and control capabilities, such as:
    Quick hack Name Effect
    Mass Vulnerability Debuffs enemy resistances, making them easier targets for friendly NPCs or hypothetical teammates.
    Overheat Disrupts enemy movement and causes them to take damage over time.
    Reboot Optics Blinds enemies, allowing friendly NPCs or hypothetical teammates to engage them without retaliation.
  4. Gear and Cyberware: Equip armor with mod slots for supportive mods and invest in cyberware that enhances your hacking abilities (Tetratronic Rippler Mk.4 or NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5)
    • It provides team-oriented benefits (Tyger Paw Sandevistan Mk.5 for increased team-wide critical hit chance in hypothetical multiplayer scenarios).
  5. Tactics: As a Support Netrunner, your primary role is to assist friendly NPCs or hypothetical teammates by controlling the battlefield, debuffing enemies, and providing utility.
    • Focus on staying out of direct combat, using cover and stealth to your advantage while maintaining a clear line of sight to execute quick hacks and manipulate devices.
    • Coordinate with friendly NPCs or hypothetical teammates to prioritize targets and establish tactics effectively.

Adopting a Support Netrunner playstyle can be a unique and engaging experience, offering a different perspective on gameplay in Cyberpunk 2077, especially when considering cooperative play with friends or hypothetical multiplayer scenarios.

Hybrid Netrunner

A Hybrid Netrunner combines the hacking and breaching capabilities of a Netrunner with other abilities, providing a versatile and adaptable playstyle. This build allows you to tackle various situations, switching between hacking, stealth, and open combat. Here’s how I’d create and utilize a Hybrid Netrunner build effectively:

  1. Attributes: Allocate your attribute points to prioritize Intelligence (hacking abilities) and a balance between Reflexes (weapon handling), Body (health and melee combat), Technical Ability (crafting and engineering), and Cool (stealth and support capabilities).
    • This will provide you with powerful hacking skills and diverse complementary abilities.
  2. Skills: Focus on the following skill trees: 
    Skill Tree Recommendations
    Quick Hacking and Breach Protocol These are essential for your Netrunner capabilities. Invest in perks that improve your quick hack effectiveness, spread, and RAM management.
    Handguns, Assault, or Blades Choose one or two weapon-focused skill trees to improve your ranged or melee combat proficiency. Look for perks that increase damage, critical hit chance, and reload speed.
    Engineering (Technical Ability) This skill tree allows you to control and manipulate devices on the battlefield, such as turrets and drones, providing additional support and distractions.
    Cold Blood and  Stealth  In my opinion, Invest in these skill trees to enhance your survivability.
  3. Weapons: Equip silenced weapons for stealthy engagements, smart weapons for increased accuracy, and high-damage options like shotguns or melee weapons for close-quarters combat.
  4. Gear and Cyberware: Prioritize armor with mod slots for various mods that cater to your playstyle, and invest in cyberware that enhances your hacking abilities (e.g., Tetratronic Rippler Mk.4 or NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5) and combat effectiveness (e.g., Kerenzikov or Synaptic Accelerator).

By blending the strengths of the Netrunner role with other abilities, the Hybrid build offers a versatile and engaging playstyle that can tackle various challenges in the world of Cyberpunk 2077.

Top Netrunner Build: Pros And Cons

Each build has its unique strengths and weaknesses. Here are my top Netrunner variations, along with their pros and cons:

Pure Netrunner

  • Highly focused on hacking and breaching abilities.
  • Can control and manipulate enemies and environment
  • Limited combat proficiency
  • Struggles in situations where hacking is not an option or against enemies resistant to hacking


  • Combines hacking abilities with combat proficiency.
  • Versatile and adaptable to various situations.
  • Requires more investment in multiple attributes and skills.
  • Not as specialized in hacking or combat as more focused builds.


  • They are focused on assisting with hacking, debuffing, etc.
  • Great for hypothetical multiplayer or cooperative scenarios.
  • Primarily designed for cooperative play, which is not a core aspect of Cyberpunk 2077.
  • Limited direct combat capabilities.


  • Combines hacking abilities with a diverse set of complementary skills.
  • Highly adaptable and versatile playstyle.
  • Requires investment in multiple attributes and skills, potentially spreading resources.
  • It may not be as effective in specific scenarios as in more specialized builds.

Each of these build variations has unique advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the one that best aligns with your preferred playstyle and the challenges you want to face in Cyberpunk 2077 is essential.

In conclusion, playing as a Netrunner offers a unique and engaging playstyle centered around quick hacking, manipulating the environment to your advantage, and choosing the right operating system.

Ultimately, choosing each of the above Cyberpunk 2077 netrunner builds as well as the early game ones is up to you, and experimenting with different approaches can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the tips and information I’ve shared in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a formidable Netrunner in Cyberpunk 2077!


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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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