Elemental Dungeon Codes [Tested In August 2024]

Elevate your gameplay using the latest Elemental Dungeon Codes below!

If used correctly, Codes can enhance your gameplay and unlock rare rewards to help you progress in your journey. This guide contains all the latest Codes for Elemental Dungeon that can be redeemed for exclusive rewards such as Gems, EXP Boost, Refund Skill Points, and more!

Key Takeaways
  • Elemental Dungeon Codes can be redeemed for EXP Boost, Gems, and Skill Point Reset.
  • Gems can be used to summon Elements from the Summoning Altar.
  • NEWCODE is currently among the many Active Codes.
  • To redeem Elemental Dungeon Codes, players can click on the Blue Codes button in the main menu, input a code, and hit the redeem button.
  • To discover more codes, players can follow the developer’s Official X (formerly known as Twitter) account.
  • Players can sometimes face issues while redeeming the codes. If you are one of those players, make sure to check out the Ultimate Code Guide.
  • It is highly advised that players bookmark this page and visit once a month in order to stay up to date with the latest codes.

Active Codes

Below, I have compiled a list that contains all the latest and currently Active codes for Elemental Dungeons. The codes below are tested personally by me and fully work when writing this guide. However, be quick to redeem these codes, as they could expire at any given moment.

  • Last Checked On: August 1st, 2024.
Codes Rewards
NUWUPDAIT Redeem this code for 350 gems (NEW)
FOLLOWER Redeem this code for 100 gems (NEW)
EASTER2024 Redeem this code for 100 gems
CLOUDDUNGEON Redeem this code for 100 gems
UPDATEHYPEGIFT Redeem this code for 100 gems
CURSEDEVENT Redeem this code for 100 gems
THISCODEISVERYSHORTHEHEEHE Redeem this code for 100 gems
XMAS Redeem this code for 100 gems
SORRYDELAYS3 Redeem this code for 200 gems
100MVISITSTHANKS Redeem this code for 100 gems
TANGIES Redeem for rewards
UNDERWORLD Redeem for rewards
TradingSoon Redeem for rewards
HALLOWEEN Obtain 100 Gems using this code!
FROG Obtain 100 Gems using this code!
SubToAbductedByRobloxians Obtain 50 Gems using this code!
ATLANTIS212 Obtain XP Boost
tyfor20kplayers Attain 100 Gems upon redeeming the code.
RefundSP Use the Code to refund all Skill Points for free!
SubToToadBoiGaming Claim the Code for Free 30 Gems.
BETA Redeem the code for 60 Gems.

List Of Expired Codes

Below are all the Codes that have expired and are no longer working. Feel free to try these codes for yourself if you wish to.

Codes Rewards

How To Codes?

Redeeming Codes In Elemental Dungeon
Claiming Elemental Dungeon Codes

Gems are the main currency in Elemental Dungeon that players can spend on Summoning Elements at the Summoning Altar or purchase items from the Merchant. Furthermore, if you are interested in learning about where to find even more codes, make sure to stick around till the end.

To obtain your freebies, you must first redeem the codes. Fortunately, the process is quite simple and straightforward. Follow the list of step-by-step instructions below to redeem your codes.

  1. First and foremost, launch Elemental Dungeons.
  2. Head to the main menu.
  3. Click on the Blue Codes button located below the play button.
  4. Copy a code from the list of active codes above and paste it into the text box.
  5. Finally, hit the Green Redeem button.
  6. Enjoy your exclusive freebies!


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Javaria Ali is a Codes Writer on eXputer who’s obsessed with the Sims franchise. She has several years of writing experience and a background in Business Management. Along with Sims, Javeria is also a huge Genshin Impact fan, which is why she is in constant search for redeemable codes. Following her passion for games, Javeria now likes to track down codes and curate guides around them on eXputer.

Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Majored in Business Management ||  Mainly Covers Game Code Guides.

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