Warzone 2 Friend Request Locked [FIXED]

You can fix the Friend Request Locked problem in Warzone 2 using the Notifications or the Game Channels and more!

Many Warzone 2 players have been facing a glitch where the friend request feature gets locked. The exact reason for this problem is up for debate. Regardless, you get stripped of a good old game of Warzone 2 with your friends, which is frustrating. But worry not: I have a few methods to tip-toe around the problem.

This is what the glitch in action looks like:-
locked friend request in warzone 2
Locked Friend Request (Image by eXputer)
  • Pre-Check: Before diving, I recommend you install any pending Warzone 2 updates.
Key Highlights

Follow these steps to fix the friend request locked problem:

  1. Add a friend from a Different Game like MW2.
  2. Use the Notifications to add your friend.
  3. Add a friend using Game Channels.
  4. Contact Activision’s Customer Support. 

Add The Friend From A Different Game

MW 2019 Lobby.
MW 2019 Lobby (Image Captured by eXputer)

The first thing I recommend is to try using a different COD game to add friends directly to your account. Now, I know this is more of a workaround that comes with a requirement. But if possible, you fix the Friend Request feature being locked by avoiding it altogether. 

This works because your friend list is maintained over different COD games. But, if not possible in your case, move to the subsequent method.

Add Friends Through Notifications

Another way you can add friends indirectly is through notifications. To boil it down, you ask your friend to send you a friend request and then add them using the newly received alert. This way, you beat the glitch by refusing to use its breeding grounds.

Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Launch the Game > Open the Game Settings > Go to Account > Network.
  2. Pass your Activision Account Name and ID from here to your friend.
  3. Ask him to send a Friend Request > Accept it via the Notifications Tab.
  4. If you didn’t receive any, change the Notifications Filter to All, and you should be good.
    Notifications Tab.
    Notifications Tab. (Image by eXputer)

Once done, the friend request option should be unlocked automatically. So, it’s a one-and-done method.

Create A Channel

Another way to bypass the glitch is by creating and inviting your friends to your channel. This way, you can essentially play with your friends without adding them. So, you essentially avoid the Friend Request feature being locked in Warzone 2 by not using it at all. 

Here’s how to create a channel:

  1. Open the Channels Tab in the Main Menu. (Headphone Icon on the Top Right)
  2. Select Party Game Channel > Invite Players.
    creating a game channel in warzone 2
    Inviting Friends through Game Channels (Image Captured by eXputer)
  3. You can choose who to invite using the Channel Menu.

Contact Activision Support

warzone 2 friend request locked - activision support.
Activision Support (Image Captured by eXputer)

If none of the methods work, I suggest contacting the Activision Support Team. At this point, there might likely be some issues with your account. You can do this by submitting a support ticket for account-related queries, and they’ll get back to you to help resolve the problem.

My Analysis Of The Error

In classic Call of Duty fashion, Warzone 2 had a rocky launch with many bugs. But everyone expects it at this point from Activision. However, the Friend Request being locked annoyed many players. And I don’t think the annoyance was unwarranted because they were essentially locked out of a core feature. 


With players voicing themselves on Microsoft Forums and Reddit, the problem was widespread like a forest fire. But I believe the issue was addressed in the Season 1 Patch. This is because the reports rapidly decreased as the patch went live. However, the bug was never explicitly mentioned in the patch notes, as always.

But the Official Infinity Ward Twitter account did tweet the hotfix going live. So, there’s that for transparency, I suppose. 


Lastly, if you still somehow encounter this glitch, the workarounds outlined would be enough to resolve the problem. Further, as they are easy to follow, I am confident you won’t have any issues while doing so either.

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Haider Khan is our error guides writer who loves to tinker around with operating systems and game files to find practical solutions to video game issues. He then crafts easy-to-follow error fix guides based on his findings. He’s also a Battlefield veteran who likes to rack up some Ws in his spare time. Learn some more about his gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Successfully Troubleshot Over 200 Games || Mainly Covers Error Fix & Game Settings 

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