LEGO Fortnite Best Villagers [Tips From a 6000+ Hours Player]

Learn about the most effective villagers for you to permanently add to your village!

In Lego Fortnite, you meet random NPCs called Villagers. They can temporarily visit your village or be invited to stay permanently. As residents, they defend against monsters and take on jobs to aid the village. Each villager has specific expertise, and you need to assign the best villagers in LEGO Fortnite the more important tasks.

  • Author’s Note: I have over 6000+ hours in Fortnite, and I am also retroactively playing the new LEGO Fortnite so that you can trust my information for the best villagers.

Key Takeaways
  • Villagers are NPCs that visit your village temporarily, and you give them a bed to make them stay permanently.
  • Among 20+ villagers, some have expertise in a few fields like cooking, farming, and treasure hunting.
  • Peely, Skye, Beef Boss, and Hayseed are among some of the best villagers in LEGO Fortnite.

My Picks For Best Villagers

Sr No.VillagerExpertise
1Beef BossCooking
2SkyeTreasure Hunting
4PeelyOverall Best
Village Center [Captured by Me]
Each villager excels in specific tasks like building, crafting, or cooking, as indicated when you interact with them. 

To maximize efficiency, identify activities you’d prefer not to spend much time on and recruit Villagers with expertise in those domains. Let them handle tasks like farming and cooking in your absence, allowing you to focus on other aspects of the game.

Raptor [Image By Me]
This strategic approach ensures a balance of skills among your Villager residents. These are some of the best villagers in LEGO Fortnite to look out for for the best categories.

1. Beef Boss

The Best Villager For Cooking Food.

The Beef Boss excels in preparing food for you while you are away. While you can assign cooking to others, the Beef Boss will always surprise you with the amount of food prepared by him. 

2. Skye

Best Villager For Collecting Gems In LEGO Fortnite.
best villagers in LEGO Fortnite
Skye [Captured by Me]
Skye wears a helmet on her head, but don’t mistake her for being a fighter. She is an excellent treasure hunter. Assign collecting gems and other resources to her, and she will return with many gems as rare as the Ruby. If you want to collect rare resources for crafting unique things, Skye is one of the best villagers in LEGO Fortnite for the job.

3. Hayseed

Best Villager For Farming.

If you don’t want to waste your time planting seeds around your village and prefer being away on adventures, the Hayseed is a must-have villager. The Hayseed is an expert farmer and will give you way more yields compared to other villagers as farmers.

4. Peely

All Rounder Villager.

Peely is the famous banana skin from regular Fortnite. It is easily the best villager in LEGO Fortnite. It doesn’t have one specific expertise but excels in almost all. You could use him for productive tasks around the village or send him on hunting adventures. Coming across Peely is rather rare in the game, but if you play long enough, one will pop up by your village.

My Thoughts

In my experience of building my village in LEGO Fortnite, these were the best villagers to assign tasks around the village. Peely was a clear stand out as the best villager for my village. You must keep in mind that many more villagers can be discovered as the game goes on, and having a specialist villager is not that much of a game-changing difference, so you should probably hold onto the villagers that approach you at the start of the game and start building up from there.

That’s about it from my side regarding Best Villagers in LEGO Fortnite. To learn more about the game, head over to eXputer’s review of Fortnite. If you are struggling to move across the biomes, give How To Travel Faster in LEGO Fortnite a read. To learn about the best charms to craft in LEGO Fortnite, head over to Best Charms in LEGO Fortnite.

Up Next:

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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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