There are a lot of threats in Lego Fortnite. Be in any area, and there are various enemies throughout the map waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Most enemies can be found inside a cave or on the land at night. However, there are a few that are found at any time during the day; therefore, make sure you are always geared up and ready to fight!
Key Takeaways
Lego Fortnite features an array of enemies, ranging from small scorpions to one of the toughest brutes.
Enemies drop different resources that you need to upgrade and progress forward in your world.
There are 7 groups of enemies in LEGO Fortnite, including skeletons, brutes, and many others.
Enemies in Lego Fortnite have different types, which change with biomes. For example, there are several roller and brutes ranging from normal, sand, snow, etc. Below, I have listed the basic types of enemy categories without mentioning all their types.
1. Skeletons
Skeletons [Image Taken By Me]There are various types of skeletons you might face, and all of them will attack you with a different weapon, Skeleton Blaster, Skeleton Archer, and Mine Skeleton Brawler are a few examples. Skeletons drop bones and the weapons they have on them when they are killed.
2. Spiders
Spider [Screenshot Taken By Me]Spiders are normally found in caves and out on the land during the nighttime. When they are killed, they drop silk, which can be used to make different things.
3. Rollers
Roller [Screengrab Taken By Me]The roller is one of the most common enemies in Lego Fortnite. They are quite easy to deal with when you fight them once and know exactly what to do. Having strong weapons plays a vital role in defeating them, too. They drop shells when they are killed.
4. Group Of Lego People
Group Of Lego Fortnite [Image Taken By Me]Yes, you read that right. While you are exploring the land, you might counter with the Lego people. Some of them will have archers, and the others will attack you with a machete. You can always run away and deal with them later.
5. Wolves
Wolves [Screenshot Taken By Me]There are different types of wolves that you might face in Lego Fortnite. Normal wolves can be defeated quite easily by keeping a safe distance. However, snow wolves pose a big threat, so make sure you are ready to face them when going through a snowy area! They drop meat and fangs where they are killed. Also, there are other types of wolves, like sand wolves, which can be found in a sand biome.
6. Scorpions
Scorpions [Screengrab Taken By Me]Scorpions are super tiny and, therefore, hard to kill. They keep on moving, so hitting your shots is quite difficult. There are black scorpions that can be found inside caves and snow scorpions found in the snow. The snow scorpions pack a real punch and are the hardest to kill.
7. Brutes
Brutes [Image Taken By Me]Brutes are definitely the scariest and hardest enemies to deal with in Lego Fortnite. Make sure you fight brutes while keeping some distance since fighting at a close distance will never work since they hit hard and can kill you with one shot. Furthermore, for more on the game, you can check out Haris Umer’s thoughts in our Fortnite Review.
And with that, my guide on Lego Fortnite Enemies comes to an end. Here, you were informed about all the enemies that exist in Lego Fortnite. Other than that, if you have something to add, you can do so through the comment section down below.
Huzaifa Amjad is a Guides writer on eXputer who loves powering through every AAA title and sharing his in-depth thoughts with his viewers on eXputer. When he’s not writing, he’s driving around Mexico in Forza Horizon 5 and racing random players. You can follow Huzaifa's gaming activity on his Steamprofile.
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