Palworld: How To Make A Fluffy Pal Bed [Our Suggestions]

Learn everything about the Fluffy Pal Bed, including how to make one and why you need to get it for your pals.

Pals are necessary if you want to be time and work-efficient in Palworld. Having more pals around means you have more helping hands available. However, you will have to do plenty of things to keep them happy, such as building a Palworld Fluffy Pal Bed. Building one might cost you a fair amount but trust me it is worth it. 

Key Takeaways
  • Keeping your pals happy in Palworld is a key mechanic with which you have to keep up.
  • You can make use of fluffy pal beds to make your pals happy.
  • To make a fluffy pal bed you first have to unlock it through the technology tree and points.
  • Then you require cloth, wood, nails, and fiber.
  • Combining these materials will give you a fluffy pal bed.

How To Make Fluffy Pal Beds 

Fluffy Pal Bed
Fluffy Pal Bed infrastructure description from the Technology Tree [Image Taken By: eXputer]
The recipe for making a fluffy pal bed unlocks once you reach level 24. 

Before that, you will have to survive using straw beds. Once you hit level 24 make sure you have extra tech points which are required to unlock the recipe of these fluffy pal beds. 

To craft a fluffy pal bed you will need these materials:

  • Cloth: 10 Pieces
  • Wood: 30 Pieces
  • Nails: 5 Pieces
  • Fiber: 10 Pieces

Every material I mentioned here is simple to get besides nails. Nails will require the most work. This is because they are made out of ingots, which are utilized in other things such as guns and ammo. Furthermore, you will need to dismantle the straw beds so that you can make room for your fluffy pal beds.

Why Do You Need Fluffy Pal Beds 

SAN Of A Pal can be seen below the orange-colored Food bar in Palworld [Screenshot Taken By: eXputer]
Fluffy pal beds are better beds than the straw beds you had first. They restore your pals’ SAN levels way faster. 

SAN levels are used to monitor your pals’ stress levels. They help you massively when you have a project and all of your pals are working hard day and night. The pals can rest on their beds and restore their SAN levels quickly. Additionally, make sure you have plenty of food available so that you can keep your pals happy and satisfied!

Furthermore, if you want to know more about Palworld then check out Rabiya Rizwan’s thoughts on the game in our Palworld Review.

And with that, my guide on Palword Fluffy Pal Bed comes to an end. Here you were informed on how to make a fluffy pal bed. Other than that if you have something to add you can do so through the comment section down below.

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Huzaifa Amjad is a Guides writer on eXputer who loves powering through every AAA title and sharing his in-depth thoughts with his viewers on eXputer. When he’s not writing, he’s driving around Mexico in Forza Horizon 5 and racing random players. You can follow Huzaifa's gaming activity on his Steam profile.

Experience: 4+ Years.

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