RE4 Remake Ashley’s Knight Armor: How To Unlock

Unleash the power of Ashley's Knight Armor in RE4 Remake for enhanced gameplay, invincibility, and higher ranks.

Despite not fitting her character design, the medieval-styled the RE4 Remake Ashley Armor bestows her with near-invulnerability and a quirky aesthetic. This powerful costume transforms Ashley into a near-indestructible force, making her immune to most enemy attacks and even preventing her from being carried off by adversaries. With Ashley’s Knight Armor equipped, you’ll tackle difficult challenges and higher ranks with newfound confidence and ease.

Key Takeaways
  • Unlock RE4 Remake Ashley Armor by completing Hardcore mode with an A rank within 10 hours.
  • Use New Game Plus to acquire powerful weapons, aiding faster completion on Hardcore.
  • Access Ashley’s Armor in the Extras tab on the Main Menu for equipping.
  • Ashley’s Armor bestows an invulnerability perk, protecting her from most enemy attacks.
  • Equip Armor to prevent enemies from carrying Ashley, ensuring her safety during gameplay.
  • Armor’s invulnerability perk is only active when the costume is equipped and deactivates if removed.
IMPORTANT: Achieving an A rank within 10 hours in Hardcore mode is the key to unlocking Ashley’s Armor in RE4 Remake.

Unlocking Ashley’s Knight Armor

Preparing yourself adequately before attempting to unlock Ashley’s Knight Armor in RE4 Remake is crucial. The challenge involves completing the game in Hardcore difficulty mode in under 10 hours. To ensure your success, follow these helpful tips and strategies:

Initial Playthrough

  • Complete the game on a lower difficulty setting first.
  • Familiarize yourself with game mechanics, enemy patterns, and overall map layout.

New Game Plus Mode

  • Use New Game Plus mode to retain your weapons, upgrades, and items from previous playthroughs.
  • Gain a significant edge when facing the challenge.

Acquiring Powerful Weapons

  • Focus on obtaining the Infinite Rocket Launcher.
  • Make a significant difference in combat and help you complete the game within the required time limit.

Mastering the Map

  • Study the map and plan your route to optimize your playthrough efficiently.
  • Save precious time by knowing enemy locations and shortcuts.

Practice and Perseverance

  • Replay the game multiple times to better understand enemy placements and optimal strategies.
  • Develop confidence to complete the game’s Hardcore mode in less than 10 hours.

Following these preparation steps, you’ll be well-equipped to face the challenge of unlocking Ashley’s Knight Armor in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Equipping RE4 Remake Ashley’s Armor

After successfully unlocking and purchasing Ashley’s Knight Armor in Resident Evil 4 Remake, knowing how to equip it for the best gameplay experience is essential.

Follow these simple steps to ensure Ashley’s armor is properly equipped and provides unique perks:

RE4 Ashley's Armor Outfitting Ashley with her Knight Armor
Outfitting Ashley with her Knight Armor

Access Extras Tab

  • Navigate to the main menu of Resident Evil 4 Remake.
  • Select the “Extras” tab to access additional content.
RE4 Ashley's Armor Locating the Extras Tab
Locating the Extras Tab

Equipping the Armor Costume

  • Within the Extras tab, locate the “Costume” option.
  • Choose “Ashley’s Costume” from the list.
  • Find and select “Armor” to equip Ashley with her Knight Armor.

Remember Important Points

  • Armor must be equipped from the main menu, not in-game
  • The invulnerability perk is active only when the Armor costume is equipped
  • If the Armor costume is removed, the perk will be deactivated until re-equipped

Start or Resume Game

  • After equipping the Armor, load your save file or start a new game
  • Experience the benefits of Ashley’s Knight Armor in your playthrough

With Ashley’s Knight Armor now equipped, you can confidently tackle the challenges in Resident Evil 4 Remake, knowing that she is well-protected from enemy attacks.

Benefits And Limitations of Ashley’s Knight Armor

Ashley’s Knight Armor, when equipped, can significantly impact the gameplay experience in the Resident Evil 4 Remake. To better understand its influence, let’s explore the benefits and limitations of this unique costume.

Armor Benefits

RE4 Ashley's Armor Ashley's Knight Armor
Ashley’s Knight Armor
  • Invulnerability: The primary perk of the Knight Armor is that it makes Ashley almost immune to enemy attacks. This added protection can be a lifesaver in tricky situations.
  • Immunity to kidnapping: While wearing the armor, Ashley cannot be carried away by enemies, preventing a common cause of gameovers.
  • Enhanced focus: With Ashley better protected, players can focus on other aspects of gameplay, such as strategy and exploration, without constantly worrying about her safety.

RE4 Remake Ashley’s Armor is a remarkable unlockable costume that adds a fun and quirky element to the game and significantly impacts your gameplay experience.

With its unique perks, including Ashley’s invulnerability, players can pursue higher ranks, unlock achievements, and enjoy the additional challenges it brings. While obtaining the armor requires dedication and skill, the rewards make it a worthwhile endeavor for any Resident Evil 4 Remake enthusiast.

My in-depth guide on Unlocking and Equipping Ashley’s Knight Armor concluded. While you’re here, be sure to check out our extensive guide on All Hidden Secrets & Easter Eggs in RE4 Remake.


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