Resident Evil 4 Remake: All Bosses [How To Defeat]

Master the attack patterns of all bosses in Resident Evil 4 Remake & hit them where it hurts!

Resident Evil 4 Remake all bosses encounter contains a mixed bag of 10 unique and repeated fights. For instance, the Armored El Gigante will appear at least two times, which is repeated, but the encounter or scenario is unique. Understanding the attack patterns and how to defeat each boss in RE4 Remake will help you clear the game in good ranking, such as S+ & transition into NG+ smoothly.   

Key Takeaways

There are 10 unique boss fight encounters in Resident Evil 4 Remake:

  • Del Lago: A ferocious creature Leon encounters in a lake and must defeat while avoiding damage to his boat.
  • El Gigante: A giant troll-like boss with a lot of health that Leon encounters in the Quarry area and must weaken by hitting its tentacle.
  • Chainsaw Sisters: A boss duo that Leon must defeat by using grenades, positioning to use against Ganados, and avoiding parrying their attacks.
  • Mendez: A towering, imposing boss with a spider-like transformation that Leon must defeat by staying mobile, utilizing resources, and stabbing him multiple times.
  • Armored El Gigante: A puzzle-based encounter requiring players to dodge debris attacks and navigate the area’s hazards to reach a cannon in a tower.
  • Verdugo: Utilize freezing nitrogen traps, followed by powerful weapon attacks while it is temporarily incapacitated to overcome this agile and swift boss.
  • Dos Gigantes: First, target the unarmored El Gigante with medium-range weapons and wait for Luis to throw dynamite to expose the armored giant’s weak point.
  • Krauser: Employ strategic parrying and attacking techniques to overcome this formidable former U.S. Special Forces operative with exceptional combat skills.
  • Ramon Salazar: Use automatic or semi-automatic firepower to shoot Salazar while he’s on the move, and take cover behind the staircase with a pillar to evade attacks.
  • Osmund Saddler: Prioritize eliminating Novistadors, target the glowing eyes on Saddler’s limbs, and use various weapons to deal damage and avoid his attacks. 
  • Author’s Note:  I’ve played Resident Evil 4 for over 4000 hours, therefore you can completely rely on the information mentioned below.

Del Lago

Del Lagoa Boss Fight RE4 Remake

Del Lago, a ferocious creature, is one of the earliest and most notable results of the twisted experiments carried out by Los Iluminados. What was first a harmless Salamander became the unwitting host of a parasitic organism that triggered a terrifying transformation resulting in the Del Lago creature.

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Attack Patterns

Del Lago Attack patterns
Attack Pattern What You should do
Charges with open mouth The most damaging attack can be canceled with a harpoon throw.
Emerges above the surface Hit with harpoons; aim for the middle portion.
Halt and submerge underwater Be alert for reappearance and charge.
Approaches boat Hit the upper jaws or the center of the mouth to prevent boat damage.
Other hindrances Avoid debris and other obstacles.

How To Defeat

How to defeat Del Lago in RE4 Remake

Here are some tips to help you defeat the Del Lago boss in RE4 Remake:

  1. Protect the Boat: Ensure that your boat does not take any damage. Steer clear of obstacles on the lake’s surface, and use evasive maneuvers by steering left and right to avoid the monster’s attacks.
  2. Harpoon Attacks: When Del Lago charges at you with its mouth open, quickly aim and hit it in the mouth with a harpoon. This not only cancels its attack but also deals great damage.
  3. Aim for the Middle: Keep throwing harpoons at the monster whenever it surfaces. Aim for the middle portion of its body to increase your chances of landing a hit.
  4. Watch for Resurfacing: Del Lago may dive beneath the water but can resurface from various locations and swim directly toward your boat. Be vigilant and ready to respond.
  5. Avoid Boat Damage: To prevent the monster from damaging your boat, target its top jaws or the middle of its mouth when it charges at you.
  6. Obstacle Avoidance: Watch out for floating obstacles like trash as you navigate the lake. Steer clear of them to keep your boat from sinking.
  7. Continued Attacks: Keep throwing harpoons at Del Lago until you notice it slowly bleeding, indicating that it’s close to death.
  8. Successfully defeating the Del Lago boss will earn you the Harpoon Hunter trophy/achievement, thus ending Chapter 3.

El Gigante

El Gigante Giant Troll Boss Fight

El Gigante is a boss in Resident Evil 4 Remake that Leon encounters in the Quarry area. It has a lot of health and is one of the most early-game challenging bosses. Gigante’s appearance reminisces of a troll or ogre, with large muscles and grayish-brown skin.

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Attack Pattern

El Gigante Giant Troll Boss attack patterns
Phase Attack Patterns
Phase 1
  • Heavy, slow strikes that deal a lot of damage
  • Tentacle grab that drags Leon close for a grabbing attack
Phase 2
  • No new attack patterns
  • Players need to deal more damage to cause El Gigante to fall
  • Melee the tentacle prompt that shows up to weaken El Gigante

How To Defeat

how to defeat El Gigante Giant Troll Boss in Resident Evil 4 Remake

To beat El Gigante, follow these steps:

  1. Save your bullets and items prior to reaching El Gigante, as he has a lot of HP.
  2. Free the dog from the bear trap near the Village Chief’s House to help distract El Gigante during the fight.
  3. Aim for the head to hurt El Gigante the most in the first phase of the boss fight.
  4. If El Gigante gets too close, dodge or evade under its legs, and if it grabs you, press R2 to break free.
  5. In the 2nd phase, keep hurting El Gigante until it falls down, revealing a weak spot on its tentacle.
  6. Repeatedly attack the weak spot until you defeat El Gigante and get the Yellow Diamond.
  7. Look for crates in the area; they usually have healing items or ammo to help you out.

Chainsaw Sisters

Chainsaw Sisters Boss Fight

In Resident Evil 4 Remake, you’ll face off against a boss duo, the Bella Sisters or the Chainsaw Sisters. Neither sister is impossible to beat, but both provide significant difficulties for players just starting out. Rather than spend bullets on the easy-to-kill Ganados, it’s best to employ the Bella Sisters themselves to wipe out the swarm.

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Attack Pattern

Attack patterns Chainsaw sisters
Attack Pattern Description
Chainsaw Swing Sisters swing their chainsaws horizontally.
Chainsaw Lunge Both bosses lunge forward with chainsaws.
Chainsaw Charge They charge at Leon with chainsaws.
Team Attack Sisters coordinate an attack together.
Fodder Summon They summon additional Ganados.

How To Defeat

how to defeat Chainsaw Sisters Boss – RE4 Remake
  • Instruct Ashley to hide: Command Ashley to hide in a locker before the fight to focus on the boss without worrying about her safety.
  • Use grenades: Begin the fight by throwing grenades at the Sisters, including flash grenades to stun them and follow up with melee attacks.
  • Reposition to use Sisters against Ganados: You can stand in the way of the Ganados so that the Sisters end up damaging them with their attack animation.
  • Avoid parrying chainsaw attacks: Parrying causes significant durability damage to the combat knife; instead, keep your distance and use weapons.
  • Equip TMP or Shotgun: Both weapons are effective against the Sisters; TMP can be purchased from the merchant in Chapter 3.
  • Control the crowd: Thin out the horde of Ganados by using environmental hazards, choke points, or grenades to avoid being overwhelmed.
  • Focus on one Sister: Try to defeat one Sister first, making the fight more manageable.
  • Maintain distance: Keep a safe distance to avoid chainsaw attacks.


Mendez boss fight – Resident Evil 4 Remake

Mendez, also known as the Village Chief, is a significant boss in the Resident Evil 4 Remake. Mendez is a towering, imposing figure who transforms into a monstrous, elongated creature with an elongated spine and additional limbs during the boss fight. You fight him in a slaughterhouse and need to be smart and quick to beat him through his different attack phases, ultimately defeating him and obtaining the crucial item, Mendez’s False Eye.

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Attack Pattern

fighting Mendez
Attack Pattern Description
Light Swings Mendez swings at the player in his first phase.
Exhausted State He becomes briefly exhausted, allowing players to stab his weak spot.
Spider Transformation The boss transforms into a spider-like creature in phase two.
Burning Wood Throw Mendez throws large, burning pieces of wood at the player.
Explosive Barrel Throw He throws explosive barrels, which can be shot for extra damage.
Charge Attack Charges forward quickly to attack the player.

How To Defeat

How to defeat Mendez boss RE4 Remake
  • Stay mobile in phase one: Keep moving around Mendez, focusing on his head and using the evade prompts for extra shots. Use the Riot Gun for effectiveness.
  • Utilize resources: Search for crates containing gunpowder and resources during the first phase.
  • Move to the upper floor in phase two: Gain a better angle on Mendez, who will throw items and charge forward.
  • Shoot explosive barrels: When Mendez grabs them, shoot them for additional damage.
  • Avoid flaming boards: Run across the catwalk when Mendez throws flaming boards to dodge them.
  • Counter-rushing attack: Move to the opposite side of the walkway when Mendez charges, then switch to your shotgun or handgun and deal damage.
  • Use flash grenades: They are effective in the second phase of the fight.
  • Stab Mendez multiple times: You’ll need to knock him down and stab him at least two times to finish the fight.
  • Collect Mendez’s False Eye: Obtained after defeating Mendez.

Armored El Gigante

RE4 Remake – El Gigante Armored Boss Fight

Armored El Gigante is a tough boss you’ll find in Salazar Castle. This one guards the castle’s upper sections as one of two armored El Gigante monsters. Unlike most boss fights, this one is more puzzle-based. You have to avoid debris getting thrown at you and deal with the enemies in the area. It’s important to hide behind shields or parts of the castle to stay safe, while you also have to deal with cultists wandering around the castle walls.

  • The ultimate goal is to reach a cannon located in a tower, maneuvering it into position while avoiding the boss’s relentless attacks.
  • Once the cannon is aimed, lighting the fuse will deliver the final blow, defeating the Armored El Gigante.
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Attack Pattern

Aiming the cannon at Armored El Gigante
Attack Pattern Description
Debris Throw Throws large debris at the player, requiring cover to dodge.
Collateral Damage (Cultist Attack) Cultists attack the player while dodging El Gigante’s moves.

How To Defeat

How to defeat El Gigante Armored Boss Fight
  • Utilize cover: Take cover behind mobile shields, boxes, or castle structures to avoid the debris thrown by Armored El Gigante.
  • Time your movements: Move between cover and dodge attacks when the boss is not throwing debris or attacking.
  • Eliminate cultists: Defeat cultists on the battlements while keeping an eye on the boss’s attacks.
  • Follow the path: Progress through the level by following the wall, using dropdown sections, and reaching new towers.
  • Use the lever: Find and pull the lever to alternate the moon and sun doors, creating new paths to advance.
  • Shoot the weights: Ascend the second tower and shoot the weights, holding down the cannon to position it for firing.
  • Be patient: Don’t rush when rotating the cannon; wait for the right moment between the boss’s attacks to make adjustments.
  • Deliver the final blow: Aim the cannon at the Armored El Gigante and light the fuse to defeat the boss with one shot.


Verdugo Boss fight

Verdugo is a menacing boss in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, found in Chapter 10 within the underground laboratory’s sewer system. It works for Ramon Salazar and looks like a creepy insect with a tough outer shell. It’s super fast and can attack quickly, making it a tough enemy. To beat Verdugo, you’ll need to use the environment smartly. You freeze it with nitrogen traps and then hit it hard while frozen.

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Attack Pattern

Verdugo Boss attack patterns
Attack Pattern Description
Claw Swipe Verdugo swipes at Leon with its sharp claws.
Lunge Attack The boss lunges forward to strike Leon with its claws.
Ceiling Drop It drops down from the ceiling to surprise and attack Leon.
Vent Ambush Verdugo attacks Leon from the vents above, requiring evasive action.
Stalking The boss stalks Leon around the area, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

How To Defeat

how to defeat Verdugo Boss – RE4 Remake
  • Prepare powerful weapons: Equip shotguns, grenades, and a rocket launcher for dealing maximum damage to Verdugo.
  • Use the environment: Activate panels around the tunnels to trigger freezing nitrogen, immobilizing Verdugo.
  • Time panel activation: Activate the panels a few seconds before Verdugo approaches to ensure the gas affects the boss.
  • Attack when frozen: Unload your strongest weapons on Verdugo when the freezing nitrogen stuns it.
  • Proceed with caution: After the first successful counterattack, crank the wheel to open the locked door and move to the next section while evading Verdugo’s vent attacks.
  • Ensure the boss is following: Make sure Verdugo is actively following Leon before activating the next panel to avoid triggering the trap too early.
  • Repeat the freezing process: It will likely take three freezes and plenty of firepower to defeat Verdugo on normal difficulty.

Dos Gigantes

Dos Gigantes

Dos Gigantes are a pair of formidable El Gigante bosses found in Chapter 11 of Resident Evil 4 Remake. Encountered in the Blast Furnace, these two monsters consist of one armored and one unarmored giant, presenting a unique challenge for players.

  • First, focus your attack on the unarmored El Gigante. Use medium-range weapons to hurt it.
  • For the armored El Gigante, it’s a bit trickier.
  • Wait for Luis to toss the dynamite, then shoot it to blow up and reveal the weak spot.
  • To beat both the Dos Gigantes, get the now wounded one to the center of the furnace and open the hatch.
  • This will help you win the battle.
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Attack Pattern

Armored Gigante
Attack Pattern Description
Ground Pound Both giants slam the ground, causing shockwaves.
Overhead Smash A powerful downward smash targeting the player.
Charge A fast charge towards Leon, causing damage.
Grab and Slam The giant grabs the player and slams them down.
Double Team Both giants coordinate their attacks on Leon.
Armored El Gigante’s Shield Bash The armored giant uses its armor to bash the player.
Unarmored El Gigante’s Backhand Swipe The unarmored giant swipes at Leon with its hand.

How To Defeat

how to defeat Dos Gigantes RE4 Remake
  • Prioritize the unarmored El Gigante first, as it is more vulnerable to attacks.
  • Keep moving to avoid getting cornered or trapped by the giants.
  • Use a shotgun or a medium-range weapon to attack the unarmored El Gigante.
  • Focus on dodging and evading attacks from the armored El Gigante; don’t waste ammo on its armor.
  • Once the parasite emerges on the unarmored El Gigante’s back, target it with gunfire.
  • When the unarmored El Gigante kneels, perform a melee attack to climb and attack the parasite with a knife.
  • Repeat the process of attacking the parasite until the first El Gigante is defeated.
  • Wait for Luis to throw dynamite onto the armored El Gigante.
  • Shoot the dynamite to detonate it when the armored giant is near the central furnace hatch.
  • Quickly use the lever to open the large hatch in the furnace, causing the armored El Gigante to fall into the lava.
  • Collect loot from the arena throughout the fight to replenish ammo and supplies.


Krause Knife parry attacks

From our list of Resident Evil 4 Remake bosses, Krauser is a formidable one, and he is encountered twice during the game in Chapters 11 and 14.

A former U.S. Special Forces operative, Krauser was presumed dead before his appearance in RE4, where he serves as one of the antagonists. Now working for the mysterious Albert Wesker and the sinister Los Illuminados cult, Krauser’s primary goal is to obtain a sample of the powerful Las Plagas parasite. Players must employ strategic parrying and attacking techniques to overcome Krauser’s relentless onslaught.

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Attack Pattern

Kraused Transformed

Chapter 11:

Attack Pattern Description
Knife Slash Basic knife attack
Grab Grabs and attempts to choke Leon
Melee Combo Quick melee combo

Chapter 14:

Attack Pattern Description
Knife Slash Basic knife attack
Grab Grabs and attempts to choke Leon
Melee Combo Quick melee combo
Gunfire Shoots at Leon from a distance
Mutated Arm Strike Swings with a powerful mutated arm
Mine Placement Places mines in the area
Grenade Throw Throws grenades at Leon
Aerial Slam Jumps and slams down onto the arena

How To Defeat

Krauser how to defeat

Chapter 11 Tips:

  1. At the start, pick up the Boot Knife.
  2. Focus on parrying Krauser’s attacks and strike back with your knife.
  3. Keep an eye on the knife symbol near your health bar for timing.
  4. If he grabs you and your health is low, use the knife to break free. Otherwise, button mash.

Chapter 14 Tips:

  1. During the Ruins phase, hide behind debris and shoot Krauser from a distance.
  2. Engage in knife fights, concentrating on parrying and counterattacking.
  3. Beware of mines, bear traps, and turret cameras in the trap-filled section.
  4. Parry Krauser’s mutated arm hits and use a shotgun or strong weapon.
  5. Dodge his slam attack by staying at the arena’s edge or climbing a ladder.
  6. If you’re having trouble, consider using the Broken Butterfly Magnum, but watch your ammo.

Defeating Krauser gets you his Fighting Knife and might unlock the ‘You Used to Be a Good Guy’ Trophy or Achievement.

Ramon Salazar

Ramon Salazar

Ramon Salazar is a challenging boss encountered in Chapter 12 of the Resident Evil 4 Remake. As the young and twisted castellan of the castle, he is deeply connected with the Los Illuminados cult and serves as a key antagonist. Salazar’s redesign & boss fight feels more underwhelming than the original 2005 version of RE4.

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Attack Pattern

Stabbing Salazar
Attack Pattern Description
Acid Spit Salazar’s monster spits acid at the player
Acid Pods Launches acid pods that can damage the player
Chomp The monster attempts to bite the player
Ceiling Movement Salazar moves across the ceiling to change position

How To Defeat

how to defeat Ramon Salazar

To make the Salazar battle easier:

  1. Use TMP or Stingray to shoot Salazar when he’s moving.
  2. Stock up on healing items; Salazar’s attacks are deadly and can quickly take you down.
  3. Target Salazar’s body when he spits acid, as that’s when he’s vulnerable.
  4. After dealing enough damage, wait for the melee prompt to appear, allowing you to get in close and attack.
  5. Use the staircase with a pillar as cover to avoid attacks like acid spit, acid pods, and chomping.
  6. Shoot acid pods for loot, but keep your distance when they explode.
  7. Use powerful weapons like the magnum or rifle when Salazar’s body is exposed for maximum damage.
  8. Stay in the corners of the map; they can sometimes be “safe zones” from Salazar’s ranged attacks.
  9. You can also throw the golden egg in his mouth to deal considerable damage, a secret tactic.

Osmund Saddler

Saddler boss fight

Osmund Saddler is the primary antagonist and final boss in Resident Evil 4 Remake, serving as the leader of the Los Illuminados cult. Saddler is responsible for the Las Plagas parasite outbreak, using it to control villagers and other infected creatures in his quest for power.

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Attack Pattern

stabbing Saddler
Attack Pattern Description
Swipe Saddler swipes with claws; run or keep distance to evade.
Debris Throw Climbing on beams, Saddler throws debris; you should dodge to avoid it.
Jump Attack The boss jumps on Leon; watch for prompts to evade.
Corrosive Spit He vomits corrosive spit; you must dodge to avoid it.
Limb Slam Saddler slams sharp limbs; move around to avoid.
Minion Summon The boss summons Novistadors; you should eliminate them quickly.
Red Explosive Barrels Shoot barrels when Saddler is close to stun and deal damage.
Mutated Tendril Trap (Final Stage) Trapped by tendrils, damage remaining eyes before time runs out.

How To Defeat

Popping eyes of Saddler
  • Prioritize eliminating Novistadors: They can swarm and distract you; take them out quickly to focus on Saddler.
  • Target glowing eyes on Saddler’s limbs: Damaging all eyes will make him stumble, allowing you to melee or shoot the eye on his head.
  • Keep moving and evading: Watch for prompts to avoid Saddler’s swipes, debris throws, jumps, and corrosive spit.
  • Loot the area early: Saddler gradually destroys the arena, limiting space and resource access; collect items early if needed.
  • Use various weapons: Fully upgraded pistols, shotguns, and rifles with Biosensor Scope are effective at different distances and situations.
  • Utilize grenades for extra damage: Use Hand Grenades or Mines to stagger Saddler when he’s on the ground.
  • Aim for explosive barrels: Shoot red barrels near Saddler to deal damage and momentarily stun him.
  • Focus on remaining eyes in the final stage: When Saddler traps you with his tendrils, you must quickly damage his remaining eyes.
  • Use Ada’s rocket launcher for the final hit: Aim carefully to avoid missing, as Saddler can kill Leon if you miss the shot.

What I Think Of RE4 Remake’s Boss Fights

My RE4 Remake hours STEAM ID: Future_bIrd

After investing over 50 hours in the Resident Evil 4 remake, as shown in the image above, and ending it multiple times, I can confidently say that Verdugo, Krauser, Ramon Salazar, and Osmund Sadler are the toughest bosses, especially in Professional difficulty.

While the Chainsaw Sisters and Mendez are also bound to give players some trouble, they are rather very manageable compared to the bosses listed above. Thankfully, there are workarounds for Verdugo and Ramon Salazar, as players can quite literally skip the Verdugo boss fight by running around and waiting for the elevator to unlock. They can also deplete the 40-50% health of Salazar by throwing the Golden Egg at him, located in the Throne Room.

For me, Krauser and Osmund Sadler were the real bane of my Professional playthrough and even led me to use a Rocket Launcher in one of these boss fights.

This brings us to the end of our Resident Evil 4 Remake all bosses guide, where we have given insights regarding boss attack patterns, tips, strategies, and how to defeat each one of them in the game. Before you leave the page, read our Resident Evil 4 Remake: How To Get Thermal Scope, Jewel Thief, and How To Unlock Cat Ears guides.  


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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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