Rise Of The Ronin Romance Options – How To Do It

Here are all the ways you can romance characters along with the list of all romance options

Romancing characters is a method of bonding with various characters you meet, which is a key feature of Rise of Ronin. With the long list of romance character options in Rise of The Ronin, you can choose whichever character you want to Romance. Your chosen gender doesn’t matter which characters you can and cannot romance. I found different characters that I could romance, and with my experience, you won’t get enough of any of them. 

Key Takeaways
  • There are a total of 13 characters you can romance in Rise of the Ronin. 
  • Building romantic relationships in Rise of the Ronin involves increasing bond levels and gaining favor with characters.
  • Favor is gained through completing side quests, giving gifts, and choosing romantic conversation options.
  • Players can romance multiple characters simultaneously, but some may react negatively to perceived infidelity.

How To Romance Characters In Rise Of The Ronin

Taka As One OF Romance Options In Rise of The Ronin
Bonding With Taka – (Image by eXputer)

You can get into a relationship with characters after increasing your bond with each option to level 4 and gaining enough favor. 

  1. Bond Level: There is a bond meter to the characters that you can get into a relationship with.
  2. Building Favor: You need to build favor with characters along with the bond.
  3. Favor Level: I found out that you can only romance the characters that have favor bars.
  4. Maxing Levels: Maximize the bond to level and maximum favor with a character to unlock an intimate relationship with them by clicking the option of a “Veiled Vow.” 
A Good Perk: Players can romance multiple characters at a single time, but some characters will mind this cheating mechanism.

How Do You Build Favor With Characters?

Taka Favor Meter In ROTR
Favor Building With Raka Murayama After Choosing The Right Options – (Image Captured by Us)

You can build favor with characters after doing different acts of service to build bonds and choose the right positive options in conversation. 

  1. Special Side Quests: Specific characters have different side quests that you can do for them to build favor.
  2. Gifting Presents: Gift the most suitable form of a present to your preferred character to gain favor with.
  3. Romantic Options: During conversations, just choose the more romantically approachable option.
  4. Favorable Discussion: My suggestion would be to always be a yes man and take their side on every topic.
  5. Taking To Mission: Another key piece of advice I would give is to characters you want to improve favor and bond with on story missions as allies. 
Important: You can see how much you have progressed in terms of bonding with characters and building favors with them from the bond menu.

List Of All Romance Options

Taka Flirting With You In Game
Taka Flirting With You In Game – (Image Captured by Us)

A flaw I noticed in Rise of the Ronin was that the developers gave no sign to the players like any sort of list of romance options. Just like me, other players were completely blank about which characters we could romance in Rise of the Ronin

I just made a list of all the romance options you have in Rise of The Ronin, and they are as follows:

Ryoma SakamotoMale
Shinsaku TakasugiMale
Genzui KusakaMale
Goro KatsuraMale
Matthew PerryMale
Taka MurayamaMale
Ernest SatowMale
Soji OkitaMale
Princess AtsukoFemale
Ine KusumotoFemale
Sana ChibaFemale
Fumi SugiFemale
Usugumo DayuFemale
Important: Players can romance characters regardless of their gender, which means same-gender romances can be done.

My Take On The Romance Of Rise Of The Ronin

It’s boring; literally, just repeatedly giving out gifts to woe characters is utterly boring. There should have been more depth to the whole phenomena of romance in Rise of the Ronin since it is established on the basis of romantic Wano Kuni.

rise of the ronin hours
My concurrent progress and trophies in Rise of the Ronin (Screenshot by eXputer)

You have different relationships with different characters at the same time without any consequences. There are some instances where there is a conflict with your partner over cheating, but other than that, there is no engaging part of choosing the romance option. 

Well kinda harsh, but that was my opinion, and what do I know about romance? These are all the romance options, along with how to build favor with whichever one you want. Make sure to check out our detailed review of Rise of the Ronin, written by Muhammad Haris Umar


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Ali Ayaan is a dedicated guides writer at eXputer, boasting 300+ hours in Call of Duty and extensive playtime across titles like Apex Legends and God of War. His diverse gaming journey has fueled his talent for creating informative and easy-to-read articles.

Mainly covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Computer Science.

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