Skyrim Alchemy Recipes: [Expert’s Opinion + Experience]

Are you short on potions in the game? Then you have to check out Alchemy Recipes guide for a complete tutorial on buffs.

What Are Alchemy Ingredients In Skyrim?

Skyrim Alchemy Recipes
Alchemy Lab [Screenshot by eXputer]
Alchemy ingredients can be found all over the map of Skyrim. Some of these are easy to find, while others are much rarer. If players don’t want to waste their time searching for these ingredients, they can also purchase them from Alchemists found in most major settlements in the game. If you’re short on money, you can always create a bunch of gold with the Transmute Spell.

Key Takeaways
  • Alchemy in Skyrim lets you create different potions or poisons, which can be created using ingredients gathered around the map.
  • Both potions and poisons act as buffs; potions enhance your abilities, while poisons make your weapons better and give them effects.
  • There are a total of 25 different kinds of potions that you can craft.
  • The best potions that you can make are Fortify Enchanting, Restore Stamina, and Fortify Destruction.
  • Skyrim lets you craft a total of 20 different kinds of poisons.
  • The best poisons to craft are Paralysis, Fear, Weakness to Fire, Damage Magicka Regen, and Slow.

Alchemy Recipes in Skyrim

These are divided into two categories: Potions and Poisons.

To craft any of these, all you have to do is combine at least two of the ingredients listed at an Alchemy Lab. It doesn’t matter what combination you choose.

Potions Created Through Alchemy

Skyrim Alchemy Recipes
Potion of Minor Healing [Screenshot by eXputer]
Each of the following Alchemy Recipes provides the player with a buff to help them in different situations in Skyrim. Some of these potions are suited for combat, while others are useful in other more specialized situations like Sneaking or Enchanting.

Effect Ingredients (Combine Any Two)

Cure Disease Potion

  • Charred Skeever Hide.
  • Felsaad Tern Feathers.
  • Hawk Feathers.
  • Mudcrab Chitin.
  • Vampire Dust.
Fortify Alteration Potion
  • Burnt Spriggan Wood.
  • Grass Pod.
  • River Betty.
  • Spriggan Sap.
Fortify Barter Potion
  • Butterfly Wing.
  • Dragon’s Tongue.
  • Hagraven Claw.
  • Tundra Cotton.
Fortify Block Potion
  • Bleeding Crown.
  • Boar Tusk.
  • Briar Heart.
  • Honeycomb.
  • Pearl.
  • Slaughterfish Scales.
  • Tundra Cotton.
Fortify Carry Weight Potion
  • Creep Cluster.
  • Giant’s Toe.
  • Hawk Beak.
  • Netch Jelly.
  • Poison Bloom.
  • River Betty.
  • Scaly Pholiota.
  • Trama Root.
  • Wisp Wrappings.
Fortify Conjuration Potion
  • Ancestor Moth Wing.
  • Berit’s Ashes.
  • Blue Butterfly Wing.
  • Blue Mountain Flower.
  • Bone Meal.
  • Chaurus Hunter Antennae.
  • Frost Salts.
  • Hagraven Feathers.
  • Lavender.
Fortify Destruction Potion
  • Ash Creep Cluster.
  • Beehive Husk.
  • Ectoplasm.
  • Glow Dust.
  • Glowing Mushroom.
  • Nightshade.
  • Wisp Wrappings.
Fortify Enchanting Potion
  • Ancestor Moth Wing.
  • Blue Butterfly Wing.
  • Chaurus Hunter Antennae.
  • Hagraven Claw.
  • Snowberries.
  • Spawn Ash.
  • Spriggan Sap.
Fortify Health Potion
  • Bear Claws.
  • Blue Mountain Flower.
  • Boar Tusk.
  • Giant’s Toe.
  • Glowing Mushroom.
  • Hanging Moss.
  • Wheat.
  • Yellow Mountain Flower.
Fortify Heavy Armor Potion
  • Ice Wraith Teeth.
  • Sabre Cat Tooth.
  • Slaughterfish Scales.
  • Thistle Branch.
  • White Cap.
Fortify Illusion Potion
  • Dragon’s Tongue.
  • Dwarven Oil.
  • Mora Tapinella.
  • Scaly Pholiota.
  • Taproot.
Fortify Light Armor Potion
  • Ash Hopper Jelly.
  • Beehive Husk.
  • Felsaad Tern Feathers.
  • Hawk Feathers.
  • Honeycomb.
  • Luna Moth Wing.
  • Skeever Tail.
Fortify Lockpicking Potion
  • Ashen Grass Pod.
  • Falmer Ear.
  • Namira’s Rot.
  • Pine Thrush Egg.
  • Spider Egg.
Fortify Magicka Potion
  • Briar Heart.
  • Ectoplasm.
  • Emperor Parasol Moss.
  • Fine-Cut Void Salts.
  • Histcarp.
  • Jazbay Grapes.
  • Red Mountain Flower.
  • Salmon Roe.
  • Tundra Cotton.
  • Void Salts.
Fortify Marksman Potion
  • Canis Root.
  • Elves Ear.
  • Juniper Berries.
  • Spider Egg.
Fortify One-Handed Potion
  • Bear Claws.
  • Canis Root.
  • Hanging Moss.
  • Hawk Feathers.
  • Rock Warbler Egg.
  • Small Pearl.
Fortify Pickpocket Potion
  • Blue Dartwing.
  • Nordic Barnacle.
  • Orange Dartwing.
  • Slaughterfish Egg.
Fortify Restoration Potion
  • Abecean Longfin.
  • Cyrodilic Spadetail.
  • Salt Pile.
  • Small Antlers.
  • Small Pearl.
  • Yellow Mountain Flower.
Fortify Smithing Potion
  • Blisterwort.
  • Glowing Mushroom.
  • Sabre Cat Tooth.
  • Spriggan Sap.
Fortify Sneak Potion
  • Abecean Longfin.
  • Ashen Grass Pod.
  • Beehive Husk.
  • Frost Mirriam.
  • Hawk Feathers.
  • Human Flesh.
  • Powdered Mammoth Tusk.
  • Purple Mountain Flower.
Fortify Stamina Potion
  • Boar Tusk.
  • Chaurus Eggs.
  • Garlic.
  • Large Antlers.
  • Lavender.
  • Slaughterfish Egg.
  • Torchbug Thorax.
Fortify Two-Handed Potion
  • Dragon’s Tongue.
  • Emperor Parasol Moss.
  • Fly Amanita.
  • Troll Fat.
Invisibility Potion
  • Ash Creep Cluster.
  • Chaurus Eggs.
  • Crimson Nirnroot.
  • Ice Wraith Teeth.
  • Luna Moth Wing.
  • Nirnroot.
  • Vampire Dust.
Regenerate Health Potion
  • Emperor Parasol Moss.
  • Garlic.
  • Gleamblossom.
  • Juniper Berries.
  • Luna Moth Wing.
  • Namira’s Rot.
  • Nordic Barnacle.
  • Vampire Dust.
Regenerate Magicka Potion
  • Dwarven Oil.
  • Fire Salts.
  • Garlic.
  • Jazbay Grapes.
  • Moon Sugar.
  • Salmon Roe.
  • Salt Pile.
  • Taproot.
Regenerate Stamina Potion
  • Bee.
  • Fly Amanita.
  • Mora Tapinella.
  • Scaly Pholiota.
Resist Fire Potion
  • Ash Creep Cluster.
  • Ashen Grass Pod.
  • Berit’s Ashes.
  • Bone Meal.
  • Dragon’s Tongue.
  • Elves Ear.
  • Fire Salts.
  • Fly Amanita.
  • Mudcrab Chitin.
  • Snowberries.
  • Spawn Ash.
Resist Frost Potion
  • Frost Mirriam.
  • Frost Salts.
  • Hawk Beak.
  • Moon Sugar.
  • Purple Mountain Flower.
  • Silverside Perch.
  • Slaughterfish Scales.
  • Small Pearl.
  • Snowberries.
  • Thistle Branch.
Resist Magic Potion
  • Bleeding Crown.
  • Chicken’s Egg.
  • Crimson Nirnroot.
  • Felsaad Tern Feathers.
  • Fine-Cut Void Salts.
  • Gleamblossom.
  • Hagraven Claw.
  • Hawk’s Egg.
  • Lavender.
  • Nirnroot.
  • Tundra Cotton.
  • Void Salts.
  • Wisp Wrappings.
Resist Poison Potion
  • Beehive Husk.
  • Charred Skeever Hide.
  • Falmer Ear.
  • Garlic.
  • Grass Pod.
  • Mudcrab Chitin.
  • Slaughterfish Egg.
  • Thistle Branch.
  • Troll Fat.
  • Yellow Mountain Flower.
Resist Shock Potion
  • Ash Hopper Jelly.
  • Blue Dartwing.
  • Glow Dust.
  • Glowing Mushroom.
  • Hawk Beak.
  • Pearl.
  • Pine Thrush Egg.
  • Snowberries.
  • Swamp Fungal Pod.
Restore Health Potion
  • Ash Hopper Jelly.
  • Blisterwort.
  • Blue Dartwing.
  • Blue Mountain Flower.
  • Butterfly Wing.
  • Charred Skeever Hide.
  • Daedra Heart.
  • Eye of Sabre Cat.
  • Felsaad Tern Feathers.
  • Imp Stool.
  • Rock Warbler Egg.
  • Swamp Fungal Pod.
  • Wheat.
Restore Magicka Potion
  • Briar Heart.
  • Creep Cluster.
  • Dwarven Oil.
  • Ectoplasm.
  • Elves Ear.
  • Fire Salts.
  • Frost Salts.
  • Giant Lichen.
  • Grass Pod.
  • Human Flesh.
  • Moon Sugar.
  • Mora Tapinella.
  • Pearl.
  • Red Mountain Flower.
  • Taproot.
  • Vampire Dust.
  • White Cap.
Restore Stamina Potion
  • Bear Claws.
  • Bee.
  • Charred Skeever Hide.
  • Eye of Sabre Cat.
  • Hawk Beak.
  • Histcarp.
  • Honeycomb.
  • Large Antlers.
  • Mudcrab Chitin.
  • Netch Jelly.
  • Orange Dartwing.
  • Pearl.
  • Pine Thrush Egg.
  • Powdered Mammoth Tusk.
  • Purple Mountain Flower.
  • Sabre Cat Tooth.
  • Salmon Roe.
  • Silverside Perch.
  • Small Pearl.
  • Torchbug Thorax.
  • Wisp Wrappings.
Waterbreathing Potion
  • Chicken’s Egg.
  • Fish.
  • Hawk’s Egg.
  • Histcarp.
  • Nordic Barnacle.
  • Salmon Roe.

Poisons Created Via Alchemy

Skyrim Alchemy Recipes
Weak Aversion To Magic [Image by eXputer]
This next list of Alchemy Recipes creates Poisons that can be used to inflict various debuffs on your enemies in Skyrim. They are exclusively applied to your weapons, which then pass the effect onto foes when you attack them.


Ingredients (Combine Any Two)

Damage Health Poison
  • Crimson Nirnroot.
  • Deathbell.
  • Ectoplasm.
  • Emperor Parasol Moss.
  • Falmer Ear.
  • Fine-Cut Void Salts.
  • Human Flesh.
  • Human Heart.
  • Imp Stool.
  • Jarrin Root.
  • Nightshade.
  • Nirnroot.
  • Poison Bloom .
  • Red Mountain Flower.
  • River Betty.
  • Skeever Tail.
  • Small Antlers.
  • Troll Fat.
  • Void Salts.
Damage Magicka Poison
  • Butterfly Wing.
  • Chaurus Eggs.
  • Daedra Heart.
  • Eye of Sabre Cat.
  • Glow Dust.
  • Hagraven Feathers.
  • Hanging Moss.
  • Human Heart.
  • Jarrin Root.
  • Luna Moth Wing.
  • Namira’s Rot.
  • Nordic Barnacle.
  • Trama Root.
Damage Magicka Regen Poison
  • Ancestor Moth Wing.
  • Bear Claws.
  • Blue Butterfly Wing.
  • Blue Mountain Flower.
  • Burnt Spriggan Wood.
  • Chaurus Hunter Antennae.
  • Chicken’s Egg.
  • Glow Dust.
  • Hanging Moss.
  • Hawk’s Egg.
  • Human Heart.
  • Jarrin Root.
  • Nightshade.
  • Spider Egg.
  • Spriggan Sap.
Damage Stamina Poison
  • Ancestor Moth Wing.
  • Ash Creep Cluster.
  • Berit’s Ashes.
  • Blisterwort.
  • Blue Butterfly Wing.
  • Bone Meal.
  • Canis Root.
  • Chaurus Hunter Antennae.
  • Crimson Nirnroot.
  • Cyrodilic Spadetail.
  • Giant’s Toe.
  • Jarrin Root.
  • Nirnroot.
  • Rock Warbler Egg.
  • Spider Egg.
Damage Stamina Regen Poison
  • Creep Cluster.
  • Daedra Heart.
  • Frost Mirriam.
  • Giant’s Toe.
  • Histcarp.
  • Juniper Berries.
  • Large Antlers.
  • Silverside Perch.
  • Skeever Tail.
  • Wheat.
  • Yellow Mountain Flower.
Fear Poison
  • Blue Dartwing.
  • Cyrodilic Spadetail.
  • Daedra Heart.
  • Gleamblossom.
  • Namira’s Rot.
  • Netch Jelly.
  • Poison Bloom.
  • Powdered Mammoth Tusk.
Frenzy Poison
  • Blisterwort.
  • Boar Tusk.
  • Falmer Ear.
  • Fly Amanita.
  • Hagraven Feathers.
  • Human Heart.
  • Troll Fat.
Lingering Damage Health Poison
  • Imp Stool.
  • Mora Tapinella.
  • Orange Dartwing.
  • Scathecraw.
  • Slaughterfish Egg.
  • Slaughterfish Scales.
Lingering Damage Magicka Poison
  • Hagraven Claw.
  • Purple Mountain Flower.
  • Swamp Fungal Pod.
  • Torchbug Thorax.
  • Wheat.
Lingering Damage Stamina Poison
  • Butterfly Wing.
  • Chicken’s Egg.
  • Hawk’s Egg.
  • Nightshade.
  • Small Antlers.
Paralysis Poison
  • Briar Heart.
  • Canis Root.
  • Gleamblossom.
  • Human Flesh.
  • Imp Stool.
  • Netch Jelly.
  • Swamp Fungal Pod.
Ravage Health Poison
  • Cyrodilic Spadetail.
  • Eye of Sabre Cat.
  • Giant Lichen.
  • Jazbay Grapes.
  • Scathecraw.
  • Silverside Perch.
  • Skeever Tail.
Ravage Magicka Poison
  • Frost Mirriam.
  • Grass Pod.
  • Lavender.
  • Orange Dartwing.
  • Red Mountain Flower.
  • Scathecraw.
  • Spawn Ash.
  • White Cap.
Ravage Stamina Poison
  • Bee.
  • Berit’s Ashes.
  • Bone Meal.
  • Deathbell.
  • Honeycomb.
  • Scathecraw.
  • Spawn Ash.
  • Thistle Branch.
Slow Poison
  • Burnt Spriggan Wood.
  • Deathbell.
  • Large Antlers.
  • Poison Bloom.
  • River Betty.
  • Salt Pile.
  • Trama Root.
Weakness to Fire Poison
  • Bleeding Crown.
  • Burnt Spriggan Wood.
  • Frost Salts.
  • Ice Wraith Teeth.
  • Juniper Berries.
  • Moon Sugar.
  • Powdered Mammoth Tusk.
Weakness to Frost Poison
  • Abecean Longfin.
  • Ash Hopper Jelly.
  • Elves Ear.
  • Fire Salts.
  • Ice Wraith Teeth.
  • White Cap.
Weakness to Magic Poison
  • Creep Cluster.
  • Dwarven Oil.
  • Jazbay Grapes.
  • Rock Warbler Egg.
  • Salt Pile.
  • Scaly Pholiota.
  • Taproot.
  • Torchbug Thorax.
Weakness to Poison
  • Abecean Longfin.
  • Bleeding Crown.
  • Chaurus Eggs.
  • Deathbell.
  • Giant Lichen.
  • Pine Thrush Egg.
  • Sabre Cat Tooth.
  • Small Antlers.
Weakness to Shock Poison
  • Ashen Grass Pod.
  • Bee.
  • Fine-Cut Void Salts.
  • Giant Lichen.
  • Hagraven Feathers.
  • Trama Root.
  • Void Salts.

And with this, we’ve covered each and every alchemic item that the player can craft. The game has many more potions and poisons, but they cannot be created at an Alchemy Lab. You have to purchase them from merchants.

While you’re here, why not check out our All Black Book Locations article for the same game?


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Community Feedback

very good list. thank you

Nice list and organization

Best thanks so much

Can\'t do better, good job

Thank you for all the hard work you put into this! Been playing Skyrim for years now and I always miss it when I\'ve been away too long. lol

Rock on baby!

Thx alot.


w a h o o o o o o

Wanna wanna you made me feel like dancing thanks

Yea it good

Has this been updated? It seems there are more ingredients now.


This is way too basic

Basic alchemy was just what I was looking for. Thank you!

Saved me a lot of time

starting a new playthrough of the game will be easier with this. thanks!

Comprehensive & to the point.

It would be great if you went the other way, and listed what each ingredient does, as well.

Very complete and easy to understand, thank you!

A real boon to find the alchemy info organized this way. Almost always, the alchemy ingredients are listed with their effects. Interesting, sure, but not especially helpful. The eXputer\'s alchemy guide does it backwards--listing the alchemical effects first and then giving the ingredients that be cooked up to give the effect. I copied the sections I can use; I suspect I\'ll learn (memorize) the material pretty easily now. So thank you very much. One suggestion if you ever work with this stuff again: Not all ingredients are of equal strength. Everybody knows that. But what\'s actually 10x more important for me when playing is how readily available the ingredients are. Consider making a Poison of Slow: Only 2 readily-found ingredients--salt and deathbell. All the rest are pretty darn rare. For my own list (like that\'ll ever get made), \"ingredients\" would mean stuff I can actually get my hands on. I might include a fine print section called \"exotics\" for the rest of the ingredients. OK, time to go, but thank you, again, for your help. :-)

Great help, thank you!

Just what I was looking for. thank you for taking the time to prepare and share.

Thx guys

Thanks for putting this together for us alchemists!

Thanks for helping me get started with Skyrim\'s Alchemy Lab! I appreciate the intel.

Will take time to digest :=)

Way easier to understand than most guides

Good Job Exputer!

What a great list! A lot of hard work went into this! Thank you!

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Huzaifa is eXputer's Review Editor, who’s all about RPG games. He’s got several years of experience critically judging games and writing his unbiased thoughts on them. You can also find his content published on sites like Twinfinite & GearNuke. Huzaifa has been gaming for 23+ years, during which he managed to amass 400+ hours on Elden Ring! You can follow his gaming activity on his Xbox and Steam Profiles.

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At GearNuke & Twinfinite || Mainly Covers RPG Guides & Latest Games Reviews || Education: Bachelors in Hospitality.

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