Baldur’s Gate 3: How To Disable The Steel Watch [Walkthrough]

Learn how to disable the Steel Watch Foundry in BG3 by destroying nearby enemies and beating the Steel Watch Titan Boss!

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a quest called ‘Disable the Steel Watch’ that involves defeating a force called the Steel Watchers in the city. These Watchers are controlled by a building called the Steel Watch Foundry in BG3, which is where you go for this quest.

Key Takeaways
  • Disable Steel Watch quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 involves defeating robots called Steel Watchers.
  • Go to the Steel Watch Foundry location to fight enemies and disable the power source.
  • Enter the Foundry in BG3 by jumping from a nearby building or picking the locks.
  • Defeat the boss Steel Watch Titan guarding inside the Foundry.
  • Additionally, players can use lightning attacks against the boss Steel Watch Titan in Baldur’s Gate 3.
  • Once that’s done, the reward for beating the Titan Boss in BG3 is the Legendary Longbow Gontr Mael!

What Is The Steel Watch Foundry In BG3?

Location steel watch foundry bg3
location of Steel Watch Foundry

The Foundry serves as a central hub for the creation and maintenance of the Steel Watchers, a group of large robotic guards that have taken over the city of Baldur’s Gate 3. The objective is to fight your way through the Foundry, defeat the enemies and bosses inside, and ultimately disable the source of the Steel Watchers’ power. This will shut down all the Steel Watchers across the city.

To complete the quest, you need to follow the steps I have mentioned below:

  1. Make your way to the Foundry in the southwest area of the city.
  2. Get inside, either by jumping across from a nearby building or picking the locks.
  3. Defeat a boss called the Steel Watch Titan.
  4. Interact with the Neurocitor machine to disable the Foundry.
  5. Escort an NPC named Zanner back to blow up the Neurocitor and explode the Foundry.

How To Enter The Steel Watch Foundry

bg3 steel watch foundry
You can open the door with Thieves’ Tools

The Steel Watch Foundry location has a couple of different entry points that you can use in BG3. One option is to jump across a small waterway from the nearby Water Queen’s House building. This allows you to sneak in away from city guards. You can also pick the locks on the front main gates or the side eastern gates. However, there are often steel guards patrolling just inside, so picking the lock will initiate combat.

Some other creative options are turning into mist form as a spellcaster or using Wild Shape as a druid to sneak through vents. This way, you can get inside without picking locks out in the open.

Ways To Destroy The Steel Watch Foundry

There are two options you can follow; one is to either side with Wulbren, and the other is to save Gondians! Each of these options has its own narrative importance, sequences, and outcomes. As such, it’s better to see the entirety of both to see which one you’d like to follow.

Avenge The Ironhands 

Wulbren steel watch foundry bg3
Wulbren Bongle

One option to destroy the Steel Watch Foundry involves teaming up with Wulbren and avenging the Ironhand gnomes who have suffered under the Steel Watch’s rule. This approach focuses on using a Runepowder Bomb to create a massive explosion that will render the Foundry inoperable.

To pursue this questline, follow my steps below:

  1. Find Wulbren at the Baldur’s Gate checkpoint (if rescued from Moonrise Tower).
  2. Engage in a conversation to learn about Wulbren’s plan involving the Runepowder Bomb.
  3. Head to the Steel Watch Foundry in the southwestern section of Baldur’s Gate.
  4. Access the Foundry by lockpicking the main door or using alternative paths (e.g., jumping from Water Queen’s House).
  5. Inside the Foundry, plant the Runepowder Bomb strategically to initiate a timer.
  6. Escape the Foundry before the bomb detonates.
  7. After the explosion, encounter Wulbren and Zanner Toobin, a Gondian survivor.
  8. Your choices may lead to a confrontation with Wulbren, who might ask you to eliminate Zanner

Save The Gondians 

steel watch foundry bg3 Zanner Toobin
Zanner Toobin

The alternative approach focuses on saving the oppressed Gondians imprisoned by the Steel Watch and leading a revolt against their captors. This method emphasizes a more altruistic and noble path.

Here are my tips on how you can pursue this method by following these steps:

Redhammer steel watch foundry bg3
Redhammer Via
  1. Talk to Zanner Toobin, a captive Gondian in the Foundry, and learn about their plight.
  2. Agree to help Zanner and follow the quest to find Flymm Cargo northwest of the Steel Forge.
  3. Use a submarine to reach the underwater prison holding Gondian captives.
  4. Convince Redhammer to assist in accessing the Iron Throne, a local prison.
  5. Navigate the Iron Throne, rescue Gondian prisoners, and lead them in a revolt.
  6. Fight alongside the Gondians to reach the formidable Steel Watch Titan.
  7. Battle the Titan, focusing on eliminating guards before attacking the boss.
  8. After defeating the Steel Watch Titan, ensure the safety of the Gondians.
  9. Communicate with Zanner Toobin, who expresses gratitude and readiness to destroy the Steel Watch Foundry.
  10. Disable the Foundry with Zanner’s help using the Neurocitor, ending Steel Watch oppression in Baldur’s Gate

How To Beat The Steel Watch Titan Boss

Steel Watcher Titan steel watch foundry bg3
Steel Watcher Titan

The Steel Watch Titan is a formidable opponent in Baldur’s Gate 3 that guards the Steel Watch Foundry. Defeating this boss requires strategic planning, teamwork, and effective use of your characters‘ abilities.

Here’s my step-by-step guide to help you conquer the Steel Watch Titan:

Defensive Protocol Bulwark steel watch foundry bg3
Defensive Protocol Bulwark
  • Three Steel Watchers accompany it initially.
  • Have the tank engage the Titan while damage dealers focus on the Watchers.
  • Watchers joining the battle can increase the difficulty significantly.
  • The Titan has low Dexterity, making Dexterity-saving throw abilities effective.
  • Enters Defensive Protocol: Bulwark after taking enough damage, gaining temporary hit points.
  • Use spells or abilities dealing lightning damage for effectiveness.
  • Lightning Bolt and Call Lightning are recommended against the Titan.
  • Beware of the Titan’s ability to detonate itself, causing significant area damage.
  • Coordinate attacks, focus firepower on the Titan, and apply debuffs to increase damage.
  • Consider using spells or abilities inflicting status effects for vulnerability.
  • Some enemies may carry Motivators, devices controlling the Gondians

Reward Of Beating Steel Watch Titan Boss

Gontr Mael steel watch foundry bg3
Gontr Mael

Gontr Mael stands as a Legendary Longbow within the weaponry of Baldur’s Gate 3 and can be acquired after killing the Steel Watcher Titan at the heart of the Steel Watch Foundry.

This is it from my side! I hope now you know all the secrets of Steel Watch Foundry in bg3! While you’re here, check out our take on BG3: How To Clear House With Flowers Quest Marker and Baldur’s Gate 3: Auntie Ethel Questline.



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Mina is a Senior Guides Writer and a fanatic who’s obsessed with playing games and writing about them. She’s invested more than 2,500 hours in games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, she loves to write detailed guides for beginners and pros in the Gacha Games world. You can follow Mina's gaming activity on her Steam and PSN Profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years

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