Apex Legends Mobile Tier List: Ranking All Legends

Apex Legends can get tough, and we have the most up-to-date Apex Legends Mobile tier list to help you get an easy leg up on all characters! 

We have ranked every Apex Legends Mobile character to help you analyze the current meta and meet the best characters for your playstyle while avoiding any that aren’t that fruitful to employ. Let’s get going! 

Key Highlights
  • Apex Legends Mobile features 16 powerful characters.
  • Characters are ranked based on overall usability and their alignment with the current game meta.
  • Gibraltar and Bloodhound are exceptional performers, excelling in various challenges.
  • Mirage, while fun with holographic tricks, is considered unreliable and not recommended for heavy reliance.
  • Characters with a well-balanced combination of Passive, Tactical, and Ultimate abilities are preferred for a better gaming experience.

Here are our top pics for all the legends in Apex Legends Mobile:

Tier  Characters  Abilities
S Gibraltar Gun Shield (Passive), Dome of Protection (Tactical), Defensive Bombardment (Ultimate)
S Bloodhound Tracker (Passive), Eye of the Allfather (Tactical), Beast of the Hunt (Ultimate)
S Crypto Neurolink (Passive), Surveillance Drone (Tactical), Drone EMP (Ultimate)
A Rhapsody Gifted Ear (Passive), Rowdy’s Rave (Tactical), Hype Anthem (Ultimate)
A Revenant Stalker (Passive), Silence (Tactical), Death Totem (Ultimate)
A Wraith  Voices from the Void (Passive), Into the Void (Tactical), Dimensional Rift (Ultimate)
A Fade Slipstream (Passive), Flashback (Tactical), Phase Chamber (Ultimate)
A Lifeline Combat Revive (Passive), D.O.C Heal Drone (Tactical), Care Package (Ultimate)
A Bangalore  Double Time (Passive), Smoke Grenade (Tactical), Rolling Thunder (Ultimate)
B Octane Stim (Passive), Swift Mend (Tactical), Launch Pad (Ultimate)
B Caustic Nox Vision (Passive), Nox Gas Trap (Tactical), Nox Gas Grenade (Ultimate)
B Pathfinder Insider Knowledge (Passive), Grappling Hook (Tactical), Zipline Gun (Ultimate)
B Loba Eye for Quality (Passive), Burglar’s Best Friend (Tactical), Black Market Boutique (Ultimate)
B Ash Marked for Death (Passive), Arc Snare (Tactical), Phase Breach (Ultimate)
C Mirage Now You See Me (Passive), Psyche Out (Tactical), Life of the Party (Ultimate)
C Wattson Spark of Genius (Passive), Perimeter Security (Tactical), Interception Pylon (Ultimate)
S Horizon Spacewalk (Passive), Gravity lift (Tactical), Black Hole (Ultimate)

Related: Apex Legends Tier List 


Horizon is an offensive legend, also known as a gravitational manipulator, introduced in season 4 of Apex Legends Mobile. She skillfully harnesses the fundamental force of gravity to her advantage, demonstrating mastery beyond the mere manipulation of falling trajectories.

With a deft touch, she employs gravity as a guardian and a guide, expertly cushioning descents and elevating herself and her comrades to elevated vantage points with graceful precision. 

In a display of extraordinary prowess, she commands the very fabric of spacetime, summoning forth a miniature black hole of formidable gravitational influence that voraciously draws in anything within its immediate vicinity. This remarkable ability serves as a potent offensive maneuver.

It is a testament to Horizon’s profound understanding of the cosmic forces at her disposal, setting her apart as a formidable force on the battlefield.


Gibraltar is known to be a gentle giant of the Apex Legends Mobile who is a great all-rounder character of the meta and is often noticed laughing warmly. The tank-based character has both defensive and offensive capabilities that make him one of the most potent support characters. This Means Gibraltar is a great pick for someone looking to protect their allies. 


Bloodhound is an incredible character on our tier list, which gives you an extra edge with the peculiar visibility thing he has got. Despite any solid offense or defense skill like the rest, Bloodhound is players’ number one choice if massive battlefield control is what you aim for. 


Apex Legends features a character named Crypto, who can be played and has a special ability to deploy a surveillance drone for enemy scouting and electronic device hacking. The character’s strategy in gameplay is centered around gathering information and using tactics, which is a valuable asset for any team.

Additionally, Crypto’s ultimate ability is the EMP, which is effective in damaging and disabling enemy traps, gadgets, and shields and is particularly useful for countering defensive playstyles.


Renee Blassey, or how most people know her as Wraith, is an interdimensional skirmisher of Apex Legends Mobile. She is a rapid combater who can manipulate spacetime and packs a solid skill pool that suits offense and deception. Users with Wraith in their teams can rest assured as the character can detect incoming attacks, consequently informing the team to change stance before it’s too late. 


For players used to playing the Apex Legends console/PC version, Fade is the first mobile-exclusive legend to greet you. He is very much like the Wraith, thanks to being a similar phasing punisher. Or calling Fade a variation of Wraith won’t be wrong either. 


Lifeline is Apex Legends’ mobile version’s best healing character dedicated to saving people (her allies, of course) during intense combat. While doing so, Lifeline isn’t hesitant about inflicting some damage to her team’s foes either. 

We recommend synergizing Lifeline with Gibraltar. You can also use Lifeline and her patients as bait to lure opponents out of hiding while sending Gibraltar-like characters to the scene just when the target approaches.  


Housing a pretty robust synergy of offense, attack deception, and speed, Bangalore is specially designed to serve as a frontline warrior of your Apex Legends Mobile team. The character is a must-try pick of our tier list, dedicated to intense combat. 


Rhapsody is a popular hero who is a formidable mage with remarkable crowd-control capabilities, making her an indispensable member of any team. Her skills enable her to dominate the battlefield, hindering the enemy team’s movement and combat readiness.


Within the game, Revenant has become a favored character. He was created as an artificial human to be a lethal force. Revenant possesses unique capabilities that can disrupt and harm foes, such as his tactical Silence, which disables enemy abilities and eliminates their traps when tossed. Additionally, his Stalker passive ability allows him to crouch and climb more swiftly than other players, and his Death Totem ultimate ability creates a temporary shield and prevents allies from dying.


Octane is for beginners who are very much into speed and who like the idea of healing themselves up after getting a couple of hits. This character of our Apex Legends Mobile tier list equips a very uniquely useful but also dangerous utility called the Stim. 


Apex Legend Mobile players who like to play cautiously while hunking down will absolutely love Caustic. This character of the Apex Legends Mobile tier list won’t help you run in at the forefront of combat but is a rather defensive legend. Players can also avail Caustic by strategically planning out their attacks from a safe distance while trapping the foes smartly, so they get caught by a lot of damage.


Efficient patrolling and keeping a strict eye on the opponent’s movement is the key to battlefield triumph, and Pathfinder will help you do certainly that. The handy robot Pathfinder offers quick yet very useful scouting operations helping the team act in time. 

Pathfinder is an incredible recon expert whose Grappling Hook ability helps teams get a comprehensive view of the combatting field. After seeing if you think you are a little exposed, it’s best to relocate or employ Pathfinder’s Zipline ability to apparate to some different location immediately. 


Loba is a well-liked character who possesses thieving skills and harbors a grudge against Revenant, the game’s antagonist. Her unique abilities are advantageous to any team she is on, such as her passive skill, Eye for Quality, which lets her spot valuable loot through walls.


Ash was formerly known as Dr. Ashleigh Reid, a scientist who conducted research on branthium, an extremely potent energy source. However, she turned on her colleagues and caused an explosion that resulted in her death. She was later revived as a robotic body with a human mind, known as a simulacrum. Unfortunately, she lost her memories and became a mercenary who is merciless in her pursuit of her enemies. 


Players who appreciate the idea of having a bit of fun on the Apex Legends Mobile fields will want to try the Holographic Trickster Mirage. This legend’s most praiseworthy skill is using holograms to confuse and distract the hell out of your enemies. 

Also, you can use Mirage’s ability to get invisible to buy yourself some extra time to heal or reload without getting attacked. Holograms can also be used for the same purpose rather than just confusing the opponent’s ranks. Leave the enemies confused while you duck somewhere safe to heal or reload.


Wattson, a defensive character is the daughter of the chief electrical engineer of the Apex Games, which allowed her to learn about circuits and electricity from a young age. Wattson is known for her positive and humorous attitude and considers the other characters in the game as her family. Wattson’s skills are based on constructing electric fences and pylons that can hinder and harm her opponents.

Apex Legends Mobile Tier List Criteria 

Occupying the mobile gaming realm by storm, the mobile version of the Apex Legend is startling nearly everybody who’d like to experience a battle royale-hero free-to-play shooter game at its best!

Given the excitement this game packs, if you have already started wondering which characters or legends are the best and strongest in the game, then you aren’t alone. To help you and so many more like-minded followers of players who can’t resist unleashing the Apex Legends.

Mobile experience to its fullest. Here is an Apex Legends Mobile tier list for them. Also, if you’re new to this game, consider reading our How To Play Apex Legends Mobile guide.

We have curated this tier list after spending a substantial sum of our efforts. We invested time in experiencing each legend available on the mobile version ourselves. This includes gauging each legend’s overall usefulness and how they weigh against each other. 

Why Trust Us? 

We at eXputer have been trying our best to construct one of the most up-to-date pieces of hierarchy for a long time now. And while doing so, our team’s main intent has always been facilitating new as well as long-time gamers with the most reliable tier listings there could ever be. 

Our team took the help of various sources from the web and compiled authoritative opinions of Apex Legend fans and players. 

As of right now, the above ranking is exactly how we feel the available characters of Alex Legend Mobile compete with each other. 

Given the new group of unavailable characters that may soon join the character roster, this list will likely undergo frequent moderations, so don’t forget to keep a regular check! 

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Tehreem is a Tier List Writer on eXputer who loves playing, researching, comparing, and writing about games that she enjoys. She’s a Pokemon-obsessed, high-on-caffeine kind of gal. She’s got several years' worth of experience writing about the games she loves. When she’s not playing or writing about RPGs, she can be found binge-watching her favorite shows. Feel free to get in touch with Tehreem or even game with her on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Studying English Literature.

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