Project Mugetsu Shikai Tier List [All Shikais Ranked]

Use this list and become the best Shikai in the world of Soul Reapers and Hollows!

Project Mugetsu currently features 5 Shikais that you can choose from. Each character presents a unique gameplay based on their specialties, stats, attributes, and more. Therefore, It is no surprise that the game can be challenging for newcomers. For that reason, to tackle the issue of knowing about each character’s weaknesses and strengths, I have written this guide on Project Mugetsu Shikai Tier List.

Key Takeaways
  • Project Mugetsu currently features 5 Shikais.
  • The Shikai ranked are based on their win rate across various game modes, damage, attack range, and special abilities.
  • This Project Mugetsu Shikai Tier list is based on version 1.0.
  • Ryujin Jaka is hands down the best and most picked Shikai in Project Mugetsu due to his DoT abilities.
  • The effectiveness of a Shikai is also heavily dependent on the player’s strategy and playstyle.
  • Zangetsu is considered to be the worst Shikai as he struggles against long-ranged characters due to a lack of ranged skills.

All Project Mugetsu Characters

Here is an overview of all the characters in Project Mugetsu compared to each other based on Combo Extenders, Guard Breaking Moves, and Specialties.

TiersShikaisNo. Of Combo ExtendersNo. Of Guard Breaking MovesSpecialties
SRyujin Jakka33Fire DoT
AKamishini32Close Combat and Ranged
BZangetsu33Energy Waves


Ranking Shikais In Project Mugetsu
Ranking S-Tier Shikais In Project Mugetsu

Shikais mentioned in S-Tier is currently the best in Project Mugetsu. They have the highest picking rate in the game. If you want to win matches consecutively, consider picking and mastering characters in this list.

Ryujin Jakka

Ryujin Jakka is a fire Shikai. The reason he is on the S-Tier list is that all his skills inflict a ton of fire damage over time. Combine that with three combo extenders, a grab that deals massive damage, and a ranged skill with as low as 10 seconds cooldown, and you got yourself a beast of a Shikai. He is currently the most picked Shikai in Project Mugetsu. With that said, he is harder to obtain compared to other Shikais.


  • Ryujin Jakka is beginner-friendly due to its easy-to-learn abilities.
  • Ennetsu Jigoku, Hitotsume Nadegiri, and Ryujin Jakka can break guards.
  • Its burn damage is potent and steadily chips away at the opponent’s health.
  • Offers three combo extenders for high damage and long combos.
  • Boasts strong crowd control and high damage output, obliterating opponents.


  • Ryujin Jakka’s 2nd skill (grab) has a bug causing opponents to fall without taking damage.


Senbonzakura has two ranged skills with very short cooldowns and auto-tracking. Needless to say, they deal a ton of damage as well. However, the reason I have decided to put him in S-Tier is due to his ultimate. His ultimate can easily turn the tide of a match as it has massive range and can stun multiple enemies for several seconds.


  • Senbonzakura Z and Vibrant Bloom X extend combos.
  • Ultimate stuns multiple enemies with unstoppable power.
  • Z and X provide auto-tracking, low-cooldown long-range attacks.
  • Blossoming Petals and Scattering Spiral break guards and stun foes.
  • M1 aids combo extension for smoother combos.
  • Obtainable for free compared to other Shikais.


  • Third skill (C) adds minimal value and is nearly useless.
  • Last skill (V) is powerful but has a long 120-second cooldown.


A-Tier Shikais In Project Mugetsu
Ranking A-Tier Shikais In Project Mugetsu

The A Tier Project Mugetsu Shikai Tier list contains Shikais that are extremely powerful but require experience and strategy in order to net wins. When playing with these Shikais, I found that by adjusting my play style to adapt to their features and strong suits, these Shikais can be just as powerful as the ones mentioned above if not more.


Kamishini is a character that keeps the player in check with his set of range skills. Most of his damage comes from his combo extenders and his ultimate ability. All of his skills have more range and damage ability than Zangetsu.

The reason I have decided to put Kamishini in A-Tier is due to his combination of both long and close-range abilities, a number of guard-breaking skills, his ability to deflect projectiles, and his access to combo extenders. Utilizing this set of abilities, I was able to quickly adjust my playstyle accordingly and counter the enemy’s attack with ease.


  • All moves, except 3rd (C), enable combo extension for greater damage.
  • Ultimate deals substantial damage with added poison, ideal for comebacks.
  • Short cooldowns allow for frequent skill usage.
  • Kamishini’s first and fourth moves possess extensive range and guard-breaking capabilities.


  • Kamishini’s second move lacks hyper-armor and can be interrupted.
  • Well-rounded skill set with both ranged and close combat abilities.
  • Can be challenging for beginners to master due to the complexity.


Hyorinmaru in Project Mugetsu, is an Ice Shikai. Even though he lacks guard-breaking moves, the reason he exists in the A-Tier list is due to his combination of freezing features, evasive moves that can be utilized as combo extenders, and ice traps that can catch you off guard and even freeze you. His set of offensive abilities makes him a perfect fit for dealing a ton of damage and defeating your opponents before they get a chance to attack you.


  • Hyorinmaru’s unique feature: combo extension from evasive.
  • Ability to freeze opponents for skill or combo setup.
  • Traps inflict ice damage and freeze upon contact, enabling combo extension.
  • Easy acquisition due to being an uncommon Shikai


  • Hyorinmaru’s moves mostly lack guard-breaking abilities, making them blockable.
  • Some clans offer immunity to freezing, rendering Hyorinmaru’s freezing skills ineffective.


B-Tier Shikais Ranking In Project Mugetsu
Ranking B-Tier Shikais In Project Mugetsu

Currently, the B-Tier list only contains Zangetsu because I believe he is the weakest character in Project Mugetsu right now. In the current state of the game, I recommend that you should not invest too much time playing with him. However, he can still be used in the early game when you do not have access to other better Shikais.


Zangest is an up-in-your-face type of Shikai. Even though he has three combo extenders, the reason he is in the B-Tier list due to his lack of hyper-armor and range skills. However, he has excellent guard-breaking features. Therefore, feel free to occasionally enjoy Zangetsu if you wish.


  • Zangetsu balances offense and defense.
  • Z, X, and V skills extend combos and break guards.


  • Zangetsu struggles with long-range skills, making him vulnerable to Kamishini and Senbonzakura.
  • Lacks unique traits compared to other Shikais.
  • Fourth skill has a lengthy 40-second cooldown.
  • Most skills lack hyper-armor, making them interruptible during casting.

Tier List Criteria

After playing Project Mugetsu since its launch, and having hands-on experience with all 5 Shikais in the game, I decided to write this Project Mugetsu Shikai Tier list based on the Shikai’s difficulty, specialties, skills, and how it can impact the overall gameplay.

In addition to that, I made sure to test out all the Shikai’s move set against various opponents with different sets of abilities and playstyles. It is understandable that tier lists are subjective and that my tier list rankings may differ from what you had in mind, that is why the tier list is not up for further discussion.

This concludes the Project Mugetsu Shikai Tier List where I have successfully ranked all the 5 Shikais currently released in the game. Have you unlocked and played with all 5 Shikais? Who is your favorite Shikai in Project Mugetsu? Which Character from the Anime Bleach would you like to see next in the game? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Project Mugetsu Patch

This Project Mugetsu Shikai Tier list is based on version 1.0 which was released on July 30th, 2023. All the changes for Project Mugetsu can be found here. Some of the main changes are:

  • Every Zanpakuto can now Unlock Bankai.
  • A new race called Qunicies has been added.
  • Players can now switch between a Bow and Sword.
  • Various PVP game modes such as Capture The Flag, Hogyoku Conquest, and King of the Hill have been added.
  • New Raids with exclusive rewards such as Legendary equipment have been added.
  • New Clans have been introduced.
  • Various in-game bugs have been fixed.


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Tehreem is a Tier List Writer on eXputer who loves playing, researching, comparing, and writing about games that she enjoys. She’s a Pokemon-obsessed, high-on-caffeine kind of gal. She’s got several years' worth of experience writing about the games she loves. When she’s not playing or writing about RPGs, she can be found binge-watching her favorite shows. Feel free to get in touch with Tehreem or even game with her on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Studying English Literature.

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