Trove’s Developer Excited For A Potential Sequel

"Right now, the team’s focus is to make Trove the best game it can possibly be."

Story Highlights

  • Trove is a voxel-based sandbox game released nearly nine years ago.
  • It has been commended for featuring robust RPG elements, making it unique within the genre. 
  • We interviewed Kayly Ginsberg, Head of Marketing at Gamigo Us Inc., over an email Q&A session.

Trove is a free-to-play, open-ended voxel adventure — a regular grid in three-dimensional space — that was released nearly a decade ago, in 2015. It has been an excellent hit for Trion Worlds — a subsidiary studio of Gamigo Us Inc. — reaching over 19 million players playing in over 100 countries and regions worldwide. 

Since its launch, the title has seen various updates and has improved significantly. The developers are still very passionate about the game and continue to make Trove a much better experience for its players. To learn more about the title’s success and how it has built its community, we spoke with Kayly Ginsberg, Head of Marketing at Gamigo Us Inc., over an email interview

Trove Is Available For Last-Gen Consoles – Image Credits: Trion Worlds

Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your work in Trove?

Kayly: Hey! My name is Kayly Ginsberg, and I’m the Head of Marketing for not only Trove but all of Gamigo’s PC & Console titles. My team is responsible for creating some awesome graphics such as patch logos, key art, and trailers, messaging new features, and monitoring community sentiment for improvements we can make. I also work very closely with the development team to prepare for upcoming updates and jump into action if anything needs to be addressed.

Trove has been out for almost a decade. And I am curious to know how much you personally think the game has changed since its initial release.

Kayly: Trove has evolved quite a bit over the years, but at its core, I think it still boils down to having many items to chase while also requiring a wide variety of effort to obtain those items. It does this while wearing an MMO-like skin, though one where “progression” is more a function of completionism than gameplay skill. And this all happens in a world that takes itself far less seriously than most. I think that light-heartedness is part of Trove’s charm and is a big reason why it has such the dedicated community it has today. Trove might have more classes, creatures, and areas than it did when it first launched, but I think the heart of it has always remained intact.

While the game still receives content updates, does the team have a projection for how long it will continue to support the title?

Kayly: I would say that as long as the Trove community remains passionate and continues to support the game, we will support it as well.

Trove Will Celebrate Its 10-Year Anniversary Next Year – Image Credits: Trion Worlds

The recent Gear Up! Date puts a lot of focus on Gearcrafting in Trove. What has the feedback been like from the community? Are there any aspects that many aren't happy with or something they have instantly fallen in love with?

Kayly: One of the concerns that we’ve seen about this most recent update is that despite the additional power we’re giving players, we are not giving them any additional hurdles or challenges to “try out” this new power and be rewarded. This is something we’re actively working to address both in the short term (i.e., new challenges in upcoming patches) as well as the long term (i.e., adjusting existing systems so that it is easier for developers to add in new challenges). We’ve seen players enjoy greater control over gear acquisition, especially in the late game. While things are still subject to the all-mighty RNG, players can obtain gear quicker and feed unwanted gear back into the system for a greater return than before.

How does the development team incorporate community feedback into the ongoing development of the game content?

Kayly: The community is very important to us, and gathering sentiment is a regular part of the team’s routine. In fact, we have a weekly meeting where community comments and concerns are shared to discuss how we want to address them. Issues or pain points that players consistently focus on tend to provide a “focal point” around which we can design future content/systems/features.

Are there any upcoming features, updates, or expansions that players can look forward to for Trove's 9-year anniversary? Can you give any hints about what's on the horizon?

Kayly: Currently, the team is working on a patch that aims to give some additional (opt-in) difficulty for players with which to test their new Crystal 5 gear fully. Plus, it’s an extension of an older trade skill–all, of course, with the standard mastery & mounts.

Trove Has Been A Great Success For The Developers – Image Credits: Trion Worlds

What do you think the game will look like in 5 years or so? Are there any aspects of the game in which you want to see significant improvements? Such as the economy becoming stable enough for considering cross-save across platforms?

Kayly: Trove is going to continue nudging both power and difficulty upward in the form of new stats, skills/abilities, and enemy difficulties. While that & mastery continue marching ever-onward, the team will also be working hard to improve our ability to maintain legacy systems (i.e., making it easier for us to update monthly events) so we can focus more time and energy on future features & content.

Have you ever considered making a sequel to the game? If so, could you paint us a picture of what it may look like?

Kayly: While a sequel would be very exciting, right now, the team’s focus is to make Trove the best game it can possibly be. We want to take time to improve our existing game and expand on it in new and meaningful ways, reach new audiences, and refine features that we didn’t have time to revisit before.

With the ongoing growth of the gaming industry and evolving player expectations, how does the team plan to keep Trove fresh and engaging for both new and veteran players?

Kayly: Trove development is nothing if not adaptive and will continue to react to the industry as a whole. One thing on our radar is to make more changes akin to what we did in the Gear Up! Date patch makes certain aspects of the game more accessible to and usable for new players. For veteran players, as mentioned, we’re working on adding in some additional difficulty to provide our most elite players not just a place to challenge themselves but also a more rewarding place to grind.

YouTube video

Trove is a voxel-based MMORPG developed and published by Trion Worlds. While the game was initially released for macOS and PC, it was made available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One just two years after its launch in 2017. The title was also launched on Nintendo Switch in 2021. We thank Kayly Ginsberg for answering our questions and Jasmine James and Brett Buren for helping us.

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Mudassir is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories behind our favorite virtual worlds. Armed with a trusty notepad and a keen curiosity, he dives headfirst into the gaming industry's most exciting personalities. His knack for insightful questions and his ability to connect with developers and gamers alike makes his interviews a must-read. While on the lookout for the next person to interview, Mudassir keeps himself busy by writing news surrounding the gaming universe. Experience: 4+ Years || Senior Journalist || Education: Bachelor's in Psychology.

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