Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 To Be Revealed in Early June

Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Reveal Set in August

Several sources have suggested that this year’s highly anticipated Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 by Infinity Ward is set to be revealed this June. The reveal is expected to be in the form of a standardized reveal trailer that we have all come to expect from Call of Duty and is likely to only have campaign footage.
Sources had also suggested that campaign gameplay is also expected to be revealed “at an event when E3 was meant to be”, which presumably means around the same time as Summer Games Fest 2022.

Summer Games Fest was announced earlier today to be taking place on June 9th, which would be fitting for a campaign walkthrough if the Modern Warfare 2 reveal takes just beforehand.

Although I’ve not been able to get a definite answer as to if June 2nd is the date, TheGhostOfHope on Twitter, who has accurately released Call of Duty information in the past, has suggested that June 2nd is in fact the reveal trailer date.

As well as the reveal trailer date and campaign walkthrough date, sources have also suggested that Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer will likely be revealed in August, but it’s currently not clear if that will include a Warzone event, as we’ve seen with the past two Call of Duty reveals.
These past couple of weeks, several teases have meant that the marketing for Modern Warfare 2 has already started, with NFL prospects already being given a first look at the game via a campaign mission and an official Modern Warfare 2 logo reveal via Infinity Ward’s official social media pages.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is yet to officially be revealed by Infinity Ward, but my previous reports on the likes of VGC should give a good understanding of where Call of Duty is heading this year.
The game will introduce a new mode called the “DMZ” which is Infinity Ward’s take on an extraction-based game that is becoming increasingly popular among gamers. Call of Duty Warzone will also be getting a new title too, currently called “Warzone 2“, which will be fully revealed later this year.
Although details on Call of Duty Warzone 2 are pretty slim, it seems that the mode could release weeks after the release of Modern Warfare 2, rather than months, but I’ll have a more clear understanding on the details of Warzone 2 the closer to Modern Warfare 2’s launch.
Modern Warfare 2 is expected to release later this year in October or November.

Update: Sources have since suggested that the reveal date for Modern Warfare 2 will be June 8th. I briefly hinted at the reveal trailer date on May 15th over on Twitter.

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Having worked at various sites alongside sharing exclusive information from the Video Games Industry. Tom Henderson previously worked as an Investigate Journalist at eXputer as well. Follow him on YouTube & Twitter, to see what he is up to!

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