Dragon Quest XI No Longer Available on Steam and the PlayStation Store

This in latest after the Definitive Edition's release

Square Enix has recently dropped the Definite Edition of Dragon Quest X1: Echoes of an Elusive Age. In doing so, however, the Japanese developer has removed the original version of the action RPG. This has come as a not-so-pleasant surprise to many, and people are still gauging why this happened.

Apparently, you cannot find the original game on popular marketplaces like Steam anymore. It seems that Dragon Quest XI has been listed off the Steam store.

Dragon Quest XI Unlisted on Steam
Dragon Quest XI Unlisted on Steam

Moreover, if you search for the game on the PlayStation Store, you’ll be disappointed there as well. Only two editions of the game appear on the popular marketplace – Dragon Quest XI S and its Demo.

No Dragon Quest XI on the PS Store
No Dragon Quest XI on the PS Store

Fans are having none of this and are blaming the company’s unwillingness towards patching the original game. As there are fundamental graphics differences between the two versions, several are on the side of the original release.

Those who’ve already bought the game get to keep it while newcomers to the realm of Dragon Quest XI will have to purchase the Definite Edition. For now, it’s too early to say if there will be any future for the base version.

Humble is another popular storefront for digital games. Sometime after the game was removed from Steam and the PlayStation Store, Humble was still selling Dragon Quest XI and not just the revamped edition. Unfortunately, the original game has been taken off from there as too.

Dragon Quest XI Removed From Humble
Dragon Quest XI Removed From Humble

Dragon Quest XI S brings the following to the game:

  • The base game with improved visuals
  • Addition of character-oriented scenarios
  • An orchestral variant of the game’s original music
  • Switchable 2D and 3D mode
  • Japanese audio

More features such as a brand-new photo mode and the ability to speed up battles have also been added, among other changes.

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Matt Hunter is our New Releases Editor with one of the coolest Aliases ever. He loves chasing after the latest scoop in the gaming and tech industries and covers it with the utmost urgency. You’ll find him breaking some of the best news stories for his audience. He also likes to dive into interesting leaks and rumors. You can also follow Matt's gaming activity on his Steam Profile. Experience: 3+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Ghostwritten for Several Publications || Broken 300+ Articles || Mainly Covers New Game stories on eXputer

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