
Here’s Your First Look At BioShock 4 As An In-Game Screenshot Leaks Online

The official reveal should be around the corner.

Story Highlights

  • BioShock 4 is an upcoming shooter and an extremely anticipated game by Cloud Chamber and 2K. 
  • A screenshot of the game’s early build seems to have leaked online, and it shows some UI elements.
  • An official BioShock 4 reveal seems to be around the corner, but not confirmed just yet. 

The next entry in the BioShock franchise is real and coming, but we still don’t know when that is going to be exactly. Up until that moment, feast your eyes upon what BioShock 4 is allegedly going to look like, as a screenshot procured by MP1st of an early build of the game is currently making rounds on the internet. Some of the UI elements are noticeably apparent, including the weapon bar showcasing the name of the equipped firearm and remaining bullets, and an abilities section.   

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Not a lot is known about the whereabouts of the leaked image, other than the fact that it’s from a 2021 demo reel of the project. Considering that 2K’s, the parent company of the IP, president David Ismailer made the news of the next BioShock game official in 2019, it’s obvious that a lot of work has been poured into the game by now, so the elements you observe in the photo could very well be outdated. 

BioShock 4 has long been thought to be suffering development hell, especially since the franchise creator — Ken Levine — departed working on the IP after the release of BioShock Infinite. Since then, BioShock 4 has been in the hands of 2K alone. 

When Can We Expect BioShock 4’s Official Reveal? 

If the latest word on the matter is anything to go by, we reported last week that BioShock 4 fans finally have something to look forward to soon. Cloud Chamber’s Senior Cinematic Designer, Jeff Spoonhower, development of the game is “ramping up,” so it’s probably any day now that 2K pushes out an update, detailing when we’re going to see BioShock 4 in the flesh. 

Other Content to Check Out: 

As for Ken Levine and his studio, Ghost Story Games is working on a game called Judas, which oddly resembles the BioShock IP, and is surely something to look forward to, considering the type of talent making it. Check out its reveal trailer that came out a year ago ahead.

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