FIFA 07 Sold Over 6 Million Copies In 2007

Electronic Arts' 2006 instalment of the FIFA franchise sold more than 6 million copies only a few months after release.

FIFA 07 was released by Electronic Arts under the EA Sports trademark back in September 2006 and was one of the fastest-selling games of all time from the company. The game was released for many platforms, including the Nintendo Wii and PlayStation Portable. Electronic Arts even had to develop a new game engine for the Xbox 360 version of the game, which meant better graphics and controls than ever.

Earlier today, timbog, a user on, came across a snippet from the Edmonton Journal in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada published on 3rd March 2007, which discussed the massive success of the 2006 game, FIFA 07. The newspaper mentioned that the game had sold more than 6 million copies all over the world at the time.

A snippet of the “VIDEO GAMES” section from the 3rd March 2007 issue of the Edmonton Journal Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. | Source:

“At Electronic Arts, crews at the sprawling campus are busy perfecting the look and onscreen texture of a soccer pitch in a stadium a world away. They’re responsible for one of the world’s bestselling video game titles, FIFA Soccer. ‘FIFA Soccer has sold six million copies worldwide,’ said Ron Moravek, vice-president and chief operating officer at Electronic Arts Canada,” reads the newspaper.

While FIFA instalments now aren’t as revolutionary as they once used to be, FIFA 07 is certainly one of the most memorable games that Electronic Arts has even created from the franchise. With the recent release of FIFA 22, it’s mind-blowing to see how far we’ve come now.

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