ONRUSH Servers Might Be Shutting Down For Good On September 30

ONRUSH servers are expected to shut down on September 30 due to the game's server hosting service being shut down.

ONRUSH is a PlayStation 4 and Xbox One game that was released back in May 2018. Codemasters developed the racing game.

ONRUSH online servers are expected to shut down because the GameSparks online services, which host the game’s servers, are also going to shut down on September 30 according to their official site.

GameSpark Online Services Become Inaccessible After September 30.
GameSparks Online Services Become Inaccessible After September 30.

ONRUSH servers will likely shut down along with the hosting.

Major Takeaways:

  • ONRUSH servers shutting down on Septemeber 30.
  • Players will not be able to grind for items and XP.
  • GameSparks online services that host ONRUSH servers are shutting down.
  • Codemasters will not opt for implementing another online system.

At this point, it is highly unlikely that Codemasters will opt for a new hosting service for their online servers, as the Redditor AlexKVideos1 pointed out. The individual also mentioned that the game was also delisted earlier in September.

The racing game hasn’t been doing well lately. ONRUSH faced a massive decrease in the player base over the years after the introduction of the first two ranked seasons and is almost a dead game at this point, with only a few dedicated players playing the game.

With the online servers shutting down, you won’t be able to play multiplayer mode. You might still be able to play campaign mode for the game. But it is covered in doubts about whether you’ll be able to grind for items and XP or not.

It also appears that the game developers have abandoned the game at this point. There haven’t been any meaningful updates recently, and the game’s official social media page has been barren for the last two to three years.

The game received a warm welcome when it was first announced. It also had a lot of players on both consoles up to two years after its release. And the fans have been patiently waiting for a new season update for years. However, there hasn’t been any news of any development since 2020.

Fans of the game who’d like to grind for items and XP can enjoy the game till September 30. After which, the game’s servers will likely shut down for good.

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Matt Hunter is our New Releases Editor with one of the coolest Aliases ever. He loves chasing after the latest scoop in the gaming and tech industries and covers it with the utmost urgency. You’ll find him breaking some of the best news stories for his audience. He also likes to dive into interesting leaks and rumors. You can also follow Matt's gaming activity on his Steam Profile. Experience: 3+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Ghostwritten for Several Publications || Broken 300+ Articles || Mainly Covers New Game stories on eXputer

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