Remnant 2’s Secret Archetype Archon Finally Unearthed

With the right loadout, the game's hard-to-find class won't be much of a problem to obtain.

Story Highlights

  • A new YouTube video has revealed the mystery behind Remnant 2’s secret Archon class and how to obtain it.
  • By just following the process laid out by YouTuber Its Shatter, you can easily unlock this archetype in the third-person shooter game.

After days of speculation, players have finally uncovered the secret behind the Archon class in Remnant 2 and showed fans a detailed tutorial on how to obtain it. As it turns out, to unlock this hidden archetype, you only need to have a unique loadout that matches the NPC Ford and head to the backrooms via the corrupted Biome portal in Labyrinth. Hence, by following a few specific steps you can find the mysterious Archon class with ease.

Unearthing this easter egg was the community’s collective effort, with several sources including the Remnant subreddit and YouTuber Its Shatter, helping out. First up in the hunt for Archon, you need to gather a loadout filled with very specific items and become “corrupted.” To achieve this, you need to equip the entire Realmwalker set with a Void heart relic, Ford’s Scattergun, the Cube Gun, and the Labyrinth staff for melee.

YouTube video

Moving on, your player needs to equip Zania’s Malice, Anastasija’s Inspiration, Black Cat Band, and the Amber moonstone ring in addition to Leto’s Amulet to match the corrupted loadout. In addition, the skills are also very specific in this loadout and you need the level 5 invader skill, Worm Hole, and the level 10 explorer skill, Fortune, to complete this loadout, which matches that of Ford, an NPC in Remnant 2.

Now that you have the full loadout, your character will have a red aura of corruption surrounding them in the game. The next step in this process is going to the corrupted biome portal in the Labyrinth, for which you first need to go to the Shifting Portal in Remnant 2. After reaching this destination, you need to wait for the portal to face downward and pan right, and hold a few seconds after it first phases in to go inside.

If you time this right, a landing pad will form beneath you, and from here it’s just a short walk to the corrupted portal. Because of the corrupted loadout, you can easily interact and open this portal with the Biome Portal Key and get inside the Backrooms. Once here, you will have one and a half minutes to look for the three secret items Remnant 2 requires for the Archon class: The Strange Box, the Bisected Ring, and the Gunfire Security Lanyard.

Remnant 2 Backrooms
Remnant 2 Backrooms

The first item is used to craft the Archon class while the Bisected Ring grants you infinite stamina and the last piece allows you to automatically reload magazines over and over. You can come back multiple times to look for these items and also utilize the Fortune Hunter Skill in Remnant 2 to help locate these pieces. After you find all of these items, the last step of this process is very easy.

You just need to head to Wallace and purchase the Hexahedron Engram for one Strange Box, 10 Lumenite crystals, and 1000 scrap to completely unlock the Archon class. Hence, by just following these steps, you can make this mysterious class in the third-person shooter game your own. Remnant 2 from Gearbox Publishing and Gunfire Games is out now on PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S.

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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