Counterside Reroll Tier List: Best & Worst Characters [All Ranked]

A complete guide to Counterside rerolling, so you get to your perfect hero in no time!

Who doesn’t like a decent RPG? And especially when it’s the king Counterside! Following the RPG tradition, it, too, houses an overwhelming character roster that’s hard to handle. Nevertheless, reroll tier lists have always been a remedy to such situations, which is exactly why we are here with the eXputer’s official Counterside Reroll tier list. 

Key Takeaways
  • Counterside, across all its different modes and metas, offers only 18 characters that are actually available for rerolling. 
  • General potency across all Counterside modes, including the SEA, Global, PvE, and PvP, remained the base criteria behind ranking each unit. 
  • We also looked at other defining factors like special skills and potential team compositions to rank Counterside characters. 
  • Units that fit easily to our ranking criteria and are definitely worth rerolling Counterside for include Serapel, Awakened Lee Sooyeon, Gaeun, Administration Rifleman, and Evelyn Keller

All Counterside Reroll Characters And Their Stats Comparison

Let’s first compare the Counterside Character stats:

Evelyn Keller3976.0541.0136.0246.0483.0696.0
Administration Rifleman2341.0512.0126.0657.0312.0204.0
Awakened Lee Sooyeon5450.01147.0197.0754.0823.0996.0
Awakened Seo Yoon6360.0966.0328.0788.0920.0590.0
Nanahara Chifuyu8534.0721.0583.0851.0572.0651.0
Sigma 2916.0373.0255.0546.0805.078.0
Esterosa de Chevalier7353.0757.0489.0766.0484.0628.0
Kyle Wong4506.0844.085.0939.0702.0240.0
Lin Xien7587.0669.0127.0412.0333.0370.0
Nanahara Chinatsu5807.0507.0296.0540.0588.0246.0
Regina MacCready6482.0484.0335.0381.0489.0367.0
Seo Yoon4236.0881.0143.0870.0879.0240.0
Elizabeth Pendragon5309.01071.073.01005.0637.01014.0
Edel Meitner4325.0789.0172.0807.0531.0133.0
Edith Twins7065.01045.0442.0405.0264.067.0
  • These are Level 100 non-PvE stats.

On the split hand, a Counterside character that you must avoid rerolling at all costs is the Edith Twins. It is not worth even a single minute of your time.

Tier List Ranking

Here is a summarized look at our tier list:

Counterside Reroll Tier List Characters Ranking Table 
Tiers Characters
S-Tier Awakened Seo Yoon, Serapel, Awakened Lee Sooyeon, Gaeun, Administration Rifleman, and Nanahara Chifuyu
A-Tier  Lin Xien, Kyle Wong, Lyudmila, Esterosa de Chevalier, and Sigma
B-Tier Elizabeth Pendragon, Seo Yoon, Alex, Regina MacCready, Nanahara Chinatsu, and Edel Meitner
C-Tier Edith Twins


Counterside S rerolls
Counterside Reroll S-Tier

This rank of our tier list houses the most potent in-game heroes across all modes and metas, SEA or Global, PvE or PvP. The S-tier units stand so high, mainly due to their out-of-the-box skills and how well they sync in just about any team composition. 

Evelyn Keller Considered the best healer in Counterside across all metas and modes, Evelyn Keller stands out due to her impressive damage output in addition to her healing abilities. Recommended to equip the ASPD set to enhance her skill potential further.
Administration Rifleman Despite being SR rarity, Administration Rifleman is a potent DPS character capable of melting PvP Awakened Defenders. Known for rendering massive damage, especially for a ranged fighter, making him a top choice for beginners and various team compositions.
Gaeun Gaeun may not be an Awakened character, but her abilities make her perform like one. Known for her fantastic performance and design, Gaeun boasts good stats for a Ranger unit and excels in survivability thanks to her high HP and DEF, along with great CC combined damage. A desirable unit for rerolling due to her synergistic kit.
Awakened Lee Sooyeon Regarded as the best air-type unit in Counterside, Awakened Lee Sooyeon is excellent for dealing with air opponents swiftly. Her significant damage and buffing skills, particularly towards Ranger allies, elevate Ranged-oriented teams to the next level. Known for possessing the most robust ETB passive in Counterside, making her a formidable asset in battles.
Serapel An SSR-classed tank hero in Counterside, Serapel is renowned for her masochistic tanking abilities, absorbing damage and becoming more vital with each hit. She proves to be a team savior by absorbing allies’ damage effectively, making her a desirable unit to reroll for, especially due to her banner availability.
Awakened Seo Yoon One of the oldest Awakens in SEA, Awakened Seo Yoon maintains her position as one of the best damage dealers in Counterside. Her ability to summon powerful rifles to support her ranged stance and enhance her survival chances makes her a dominant presence in battles. However, increasing competition may cause her to fall off eventually.
Nanahara Chifuyu Nanahara Chifuyu is a reliable SSR unit in Counterside, suitable for use as a striker in both PvE and PvP modes. Despite her simplicity, she proves to be profitable and effective in various scenarios, making her a valuable addition to any team composition.


Counterside A rerolls
Counterside Reroll A-Tier

The party of Counterside’s powerhouses is over but not completely shut forever. A-tier buddies are real competitors only if you know how to tackle them well. Even if not handled well, these characters are definitely worthy of your attention but only a slight push, and you’ll add a new member to the S-tier from here. 

All in all, A-tier characters are pretty robust units for rerolling with impressive stats to mark your start with.

Sigma Sigma is a Mech character highly recommended for rerolls, especially when S-tier units are unavailable. Her passive ability greatly boosts role advantage and helps in overcoming role disadvantages. Additionally, Sigma possesses a strong overtime battery and the ability to summon a Daddy GAP defender, contributing to prolonged team stall tactics.
Esterosa de Chevalier With her deployment cost lowered to just four and receiving a significant debuff after a recent update, Esterosa de Chevalier has become a formidable off-tank unit in Counterside. While she excels in inflicting decent damage, her effectiveness may vary in the Global meta, placing her a tier below S.
Lyudmila Lyudmila stands out as the top Counterside Sniper for rerolling, offering not only massive damage potential but also versatile utilities. She is regarded as the best choice across both PvE and PvP metas, making her a valuable addition to any team composition.
Kyle Wong Although Kyle Wong performs exceptionally well in other aspects, particularly in the Global meta, she ranks A-tier. While she may be overshadowed by other Rangers in Global, she remains extraordinary in other contexts, making her a strong choice for rerolling.
Lin Xien Lin Xien is an essential Counterside battery character suitable for all players, particularly in PvE scenarios. As a battery, she efficiently restores Deployment Resources, easing the deployment of characters for the entire team. Her utility makes her a must-have for PvE strategies and contributes to smoother gameplay progression.


Counterside B rerolls
Counterside Reroll B-Tier

Neither too strong nor very feeble, this tie introduces us to those middle of the road type of characters of Counterside. They’ve got decent stats for a start that aren’t really strong to induce a significant impact in the game but will get you past some challenging situations. Overall, B-tier units aren’t the ones you should be dying for, but they are ok. 

Nanahara Chinatsu A healer, slightly less potent than Gaeun but still valuable. Consider if higher rarity healers are not available.
Regina MacCready An anti-Mech supporter unit, specializing in debuffing Mech foes. Effective against Mech opponents, less so against other enemy types.
Alex Upgraded with Rearm, transforming from a below-average Striker to a decent defender. Consider if stronger defenders are not available.
Seo Yoon Excels as a PvE game buffer but may not be worth the effort to acquire. Offers utility in PvE scenarios but less value in other contexts.
Elizabeth Pendragon Moderately effective character, primarily utilized by SEA players. Limited impact compared to higher-tier options.
Edel Meitner Solid PvE unit lacking viability in PvP scenarios. Adequate in Story and Shadow Palace modes, less effective in other PvE modes. Consider primarily for PvE progression, as per our opinion.


Counterside C rerolls
Counterside Reroll C-Tier

Here’s where the issue starts. Refrain from choosing units that dwell here (it’s just one right now). 

Edith Twins

This unit might grab your attention with the ton of cuteness on display but don’t fall for that. Other than looks, Edith is pretty useless and definitely not worth anyone’s time (at least in case of rerolling), no matter how much it may seem to favor your style. 

Also Read: Last Of Us Part 1 Weapon Tier List

Tier List Criteria 

After investing a ton of time rerolling ourselves and collecting information from credible sources, we have put together this comprehensive Counterside Reroll tier list and guide for you all. Every character available for rerolling was passed through strict scrutiny to rank them across tiers S to C finally. 

It’s important to note here that while our tiers (S-C) are placed in order of decreasing potential, from best to worst, the character listings done in each one of them carry no specific order. Also, let it be known that our tier list only ranks heroes that are actually available for rerolling in Counterside. 

Anyways, coming back to how we collected the relevant information, we stuck to eXputer’s standard code of conduct: effective collaboration with players as well as skimming through multiple reroll hierarchies found on the internet.

Also, the gaming community feedback that was most supported was also considered to induce as much general tone to the post while eliminating any biases that may exist. All in all, just know that you are getting the best, most up-to-date reroll treat from our side.  

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Tehreem is a Tier List Writer on eXputer who loves playing, researching, comparing, and writing about games that she enjoys. She’s a Pokemon-obsessed, high-on-caffeine kind of gal. She’s got several years' worth of experience writing about the games she loves. When she’s not playing or writing about RPGs, she can be found binge-watching her favorite shows. Feel free to get in touch with Tehreem or even game with her on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Studying English Literature.

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